Or Zimbabwe
Or Iran
Or Venezuela
Or N Korea
Or Russia
Or Uganda
"Bbbbbbbbbbbut why don't you move to North Korea "

Or Zimbabwe
Or Iran
Or Venezuela
Or N Korea
Or Russia
Or Uganda
Dumb cacWhy do you think Cuba is in the state that it's now?? , it's because of the country your sitting here defending so furiously, it's because fidel and che liberated the poor and oppressed and your great old USA wasn't having that and after a unsuccessful invasion attempt decided to cripple them economically, the same way that the French have devastated another country who wouldn't bow to there WASP oppressors (Haiti)
Expand on that. I had no ideayall do realize the reason white cubans fled cuba was because castro was making things easier for his minorities right
but this is the coli where every country hates black people. weird tho, cause yall sound scared, but live in the most racist country of them all.
what makes an american education better? because its america? or because its cost anywhere from tens of thousand to hundreds of thousands of dollar for the average person to obtain?
as far as the rest of this threadwas tryin to stay from it but yea i bet all these "cubans" that ppl know that say that cuba is racist are white as rice and there familes all benefited from the old bautista regime where ppl of color where sex workers and maids, while the whites raped cuba
Cuba like haiti never bowed to the american imperialist machine and its no coincidence that today both are some the poorest in the western hemisphere
@ talkin about racist countries when you live on a place that was found on racism , cottdam some yall militants kill me
Viva la revolucion
Expand on that. I had no idea
Juan Almeida Bosque (February 17, 1927 – September 11, 2009[1]) was a Cuban politician and one of the original commanders of the Cuban Revolution. After the 1959 revolution, he was a prominent figure in the Communist Party of Cuba; at the time of his death in 2009, he was a Vice-President of the Cuban Council of State and was its third ranking member. He received several decorations, and both national and international awards, including the title of "Hero of the Republic of Cuba" and the Order of Máximo Gómez.[2]
Almeida returned to Cuba with the Castro brothers, Che Guevara and 78 other revolutionaries on the Granma expedition, and was one of just 12 who survived the initial landing, during which Cuban government forces killed most of the rebels.[1] During the battle, Almeida shouted "No one here gives up!" (alternatively "here, nobody surrenders") to Guevara, which would become a long-lived slogan of the Cuban revolution.[1][3]
In 1958, he was promoted to Commander and head of the Santiago Column of the Revolutionary Army.[4] During the revolution, as a black man in a prominent position, he served as a symbol to Afro-Cubansof change from Cuba's discriminatory past.[5]
He was honoured with the title of Commander of the Revolution, and at the time of his death was one of just three living holders of that title, the others being Guillermo Garcíaand Ramiro Valdés.[1]
pre castro like in most south american, shyt even in African countries the major land holder were white oligarchs . Black cubans were treated the way many others were treated around the world and when they tried to rebel ( Negro Rebellion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The white Cubans controlled all the agriculture in the country, then you had the casinos/hotel again owned by white Cubans and the american mafia (you know those Italians who are know for there love of blacks ) . Castro/che come in and redistribute the farm land and give it to those who were working it in the first place for pennies (the black and poor). Education became free and avaible to EVERYONE again not just the children of the rich and the white ( btw to this date cuba has one the highest literacy rates IN THE WORLD, higher than the U.S) They closed down the hotels and casinos where drugs and prostitution were rampant.
Again these cats here are getting there narratives from the families of short sighted white cubans who got expelled from the country and ran like rats down to Miami
Bonus 1: Black cubans been putting in work
Mambises - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bonus 2: Look at this cac here
Juan Almeida Bosque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just one of many blacks who played a major role in the revolution .
Kim Jong-il is no more crazy than Tony Blair, George Bush or Stephen Harper.
Neither of those people had concentration camps or force their citizens to have the same haircut.