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I would put god money that that shooter was an atheists.
nice slip
I would put god money that that shooter was an atheists.
Yeah, because no violent or disgustin acts have ever been committed in da name of God or any other religious dogma.
It's amazing how Christians like to forget the Crusades ever happened.
Use one account you simple fakkit
That's not a meaningful statement. Calling everyone in a nation of over 300 million people dirtbags does nothing when it comes to determining how something like this happened and how it can be prevented from happening again. It's no different than old people with holier-than-thou attitudes who blame every problem in the world on the generation that came after them. No more useful than Huckabee blaming this on not-enough-Christianity.
I think we should be thinking about why something like this happened.
- What would motivate a man want to walk into a school and start shooting people? Did he have a history of mental illness? Was there anything in his past that indicated he might be prone to committing violent acts? Should he have been under some sort of confinement or supervision? What had he been doing in the days and weeks leading up to this?
- How did he get the guns? Are they too easy to obtain? Do we need to take another look at our gun laws?
- How the hell did he get inside the school, especially with weapons? Why did no one stop him? Were there metal detectors? Seems weird that an armed man could just walk inside a school with guns and not be detained by anyone.
This culture is too desensitized that's the problem. Nobody has a sense of right or wrong anymore, everything is encouraged, everything is accepted, and then when the extreme outcomes come to pass we all act shocked and appalled....rinse, repeat. And deep down we may be enjoying this because it gives us something to "talk about." It's sickening man. I usually try to ignore shyt like this and keep it moving but 20 kids? There is something seriously wrong with the makeup of this country if this kind of thing is becoming the norm. At least other countries that are war torn/poverty stricken have an excuse when violence erupts, but what excuse do we have? This society is headed down the tubes and this country will destroy itself, eventually. I just hope the knicks win a title before it all goes down
they should have went to a religious school where all they have to worry about is getting molested
It wasn't violence, it was God's Plan