Brothers have already broken it down.
If Black American Women on the whole were graduating from HBCUs or State Us with more debt but opening profitable business, collaborating with other sisters instead of competing and stunting, working in high paying specialists roles or rising through the ranks of government en masse (education/police administration/politics/infrastructure planning) this article would be a non-starter. Or framed completely different.
Did it ever occur to you that the single mother rate in our community is so high because the average Black American Woman isn't graduating from Spellman or Moorhouse well connected with a job lined up in corporate America working under a Black supervisor in a city with a major upwardly mobile or middle class Black representation?
No they are graduating from ITT university with 25k in debt to become a "marine technician" AKA pet Shamu for 40 hours a week in South Florida which pays 25k max. No opportunities for growth working under inbred South Florida hicks. Then going back to get a real fukking degree because they realize at age 25 that they aren't making it anywhere in the region or anywhere else with that degree. In the meantime they already had a baby with some local underemployed uneducated bumper burger flipping ass negro so those loans aren't going anywhere with the cost of pampers and medical bills. In the state of Florida, Louisiana and many other southern states there's tons of "college grads" on fukking medicaid and TANF shyt. Obviously most of these are White and Black single mothers with Latinas catching up quick. The difference is Pablo isn't on child support and he typically can find at least menial work.
And lastly to
@Booksnrain point most of these Black Women graduating from prestigious Universities and getting paid six figure salaries ARE NOT HAVING KIDS meanwhile Shaquila with the CNA cert and 25 college credits earning 25k and struggling to pay back 5k from an incomplete general core studies semester at freaking community college or Corinthian/Phoenix/DeVry University. Shaquila having at least 2 or 3. Which skews the Black single mother rate. Successful Black Women need to tone down their expectations to produce more quality Black children because Ghetto Black Women are reproducing at 10x the rate.
As a prior poster mentioned it is about debt-to-income ratio. That's what it boils down to but if you can't even make 45k then what's the point?