Here you go. Their white community needs to do better and make better decisions.I need more of this content ngl, just upped my mood something serious. Let's replace some (if not all) of these threads with nikkas killing each other with these looks
Then why tf click on the thread??you and @Ohene can take your white tears and leave. You know what was going to happen - you had minutes to click off before the shot was left off and y’all still looked. Fake outrage is annoying.
Thanks for sharing your cac angst and agitation like I give a fuk, Chad. The title literally said “creh gets smoked” , you and @Ohene’s dumbass still clicked on it not expecting it to be violent and/or gory. Then don’t come in the thread complaining instead of controlling your own actions, stupid. I don’t ever see either of you complain or ask for this moral censorship, when it’s a black man or woman getting murdered live on cctv. Gtfoh.I’m no CAC and idgaf about people killing each other, especially these trash crackers.
The poster said this killing wasn't gory so it shouldn't bother people, like seeing someone die is a normal everyday thing. not sure how your dumb ass got some fake outrage from me telling a poster some people are just softer than others when it comes to death. nowhere did i say this death was a tragedy and i even called everyone involved retards.
No longer an invitee after the shooter told him to leave and the deceased stepped to him and threw his hands up like “the fukk you gonna do about it”. Now he’s a trespasser.Not how that works, guy was an invitee - from the sound of it he was performing a custodial pick-up of his son
If he really was told to pick him up at 3:15 and was shot on the property in that time frame, it'll be mighty hard to claim he was trespassing![]()
Thanks for sharing your cac angst and agitation like I give a fuk, Chad.
I definitely earned a +20k rep too knowing a digital face cac when I see one. And guess what, I’ll be WOAT again for 2021 and still calling out you bytch ass cac faggits. What else you got?? You definitely earned my attention being a 2012er going hard for murked cacs doing dumb shyt like the cac pack from the OP - sign of the definitely earned that WOAT banner
I definitely earned a +20k rep too knowing a digital face cac when I see one. And guess what, I’ll be WOAT again for 2021 and still calling out you bytch ass cac faggits. What else you got??
Nah Texas different a black dude shot a qhite repo man got away with it criminally and had to pay the civil suit.The repo man was on his property at night.Now as much as I remember you can kill someone trespassing inside your home day or night ,but not someone outside your home during the day.The law in this situation is on kyles side unfortunately because Rambo charged him multiple times.How much of a hoe do you have to be to sit here and act like that white boy ain’t a bytch for doing what he did
Some of you really think you can escalate the situation by Going inside and getting a gun in a situation that’s not violent ,escalate it again by Letting off a warning shot then claim self defense because he tried to wrestle the gun away
And the excuse y’all think that’ll work is “he was in my yard”
To wrap it up….why was he in the yard ? To fulfill a legal agreement agreed upon by the two parties
If y’all black asses try that watch how quick you’ll be locked up.. like I always say in these threads I understand how nikkas get jammed up with gun cases ..Y’all dumb as hell.
Like I still can’t see your're one miserable grumpy bytch. on the ignore list you go.
Ok ConorI’m no CAC and idgaf about people killing each other, especially these trash crackers.
The poster said this killing wasn't gory so it shouldn't bother people, like seeing someone die is a normal everyday thing. not sure how your dumb ass got some fake outrage from me telling a poster some people are just softer than others when it comes to death. nowhere did i say this death was a tragedy and i even called everyone involved retards.
Thread doing more numbers than Ahmaud Arbery.
Note whose doing the most to defend white men.
@Field Marshall Bradley @mobbinfms (who we know is white) @EndDomination @ahomeplateslugger None of these posters have posted commentary in Ahmaud Arbery threads either from what I can tell. Interesting:
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