Creepy A$$ Short Documentary That Drops Once A Month! 'Prophetic End Time Signs'


Apr 30, 2012


Electricity can move any damn way it pleases for the most part. Do you really believe that's a recent phenomenon?

And we have evidence that the poles have switched numerous times during the Earth's history.

I'm not going to get into these threads because they are always hilarity. I'll just sit back and watch.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City

Electricity can move any damn way it pleases for the most part. Do you really believe that's a recent phenomenon?

I'm not going to get into these threads because they are always hilarity. I'll just sit back and watch.

well you learn something new everyday. when you say electricity, you mean lightning, right?



Aug 24, 2012
On The Muthafukking Prowl!
Fascinating. Post more info (if you feel like it), I'd like to read more about this.

I just pulled this article from off google just now. You can start your search for information anywhere credible. I suggest always seeking multiple sources for confirmation on a topic.

Methane and massive animal die-offs for March: More

In my opinion and through what I know. All of space and Earth is made up of particles and molecules that are crucial. Whether to our survival or our detriment. Oxygen gives us life and makes us breathe. Carbon monoxide or helium would kill us in minutes........ Slight changes make big differences!

Cooking is a chemistry for example! Add a little heat to something and you can change all of it's compounds! That's why dopeboys cook coke and turn it into crack! Not only does cooking it release new compounds creating something new and stronger! It also changes the entire composition of it! Turning it from a powder to a solid.

This shyt is real out here and Earth changes aren't a joke! All it takes is one calamity or fluke and the entire metabolic structure of our world could change.....

The sun get too hot over a pond in the wrong season and a red algae grows in the shallow waters. The fish in that pond are allergic to the algae and die off....

Introduce an animal into a new environment and it may change the entire ecology of a place! Did you know Iran has 11 pound rats running around now! 11 POUND RATS! It's an epidemic..... shyt crazy! :damn:

Here is a list contained on that article of the animal deaths in March alone.

Mar 26 – Many fish kills reported along the Mississippi River, USA
Mar 25 – Thousands of dead and dying fish float down Niagara River, Canada
Mar 24 – 40,000 lbs. of fish found dead in ponds in Jiangsu, China
Mar 24 – 200 manatees died so far this year in Florida, USA
Mar 24 – 19 pilot whales dead in Cape Town, South Africa
Mar 24 – Fish kill reported in Albuquerque, Philippines
Mar 22 – 1000+ dead ducks found in river in Pengshan, China
Mar 22 – Thousands of fish dead on beaches in Adelaide, Australia
Mar 22 – Hundreds of fish killed due to slurry spill in Kerry, Ireland
Mar 21 – Millions of prawns and hundreds of crabs dead on Chile beach
Mar 21 – 24,000 hens killed due to bird flu in Zeewolde, Netherlands
Mar 21 – Hundreds of fish killed after bleach spill in Rocky Creek, Augusta, USA
Mar 20 – Hundreds of dead fish washed up in Yunderup, Australia
Mar 19 – 15 tons of dead fish at Milnerton, Cape Town, South Africa
Mar 19 – Dozens of cattle dead due to Anthrax outbreak in NSW, Australia
Mar 18 – 16,000 dead pigs found in Huangpu River, Shanghai, China
Mar 18 – 80,152 chickens killed due to bird flu in Netherlands
Mar 17 – 16,500 tons of oysters die in Tien Giang, Vietnam
Mar 15 – 100 pelicans found dead in Brevard County, Florida, USA
Mar 14 – Large number of dead fish found in Haikou, China
Mar 14 – Large fish kill in a moat in Xian, China
Mar 14 – Thousands of dead fish (12 tons) wash up in Rio, Brazil
Mar 14 – 800 chickens die of bird flu in Madhepura, India
Mar 13 – Hundreds of dead fish in Stansbury Park Lake, Utah, USA
Mar 13 – Tens of thousands of fish dead in Hunter River, NSW, Australia
Mar 12 – Thousands of dead fish floating in Lake Titicaca, Peru
Mar 12 – Fish kill including dead ducks along Union Ship Canal, New York, USA
Mar 11 – Fish kill at Walborn Reservoir in Ohio, USA
Mar 11 – Hundreds of dead fish floating in lake in Ganjingzi, China
Mar 11 – 174 manatees dead in Florida, USA
Mar 9 – Thousands of dead fish floating in Terry Baldwin Lake, Darwin, Australia
Mar 9 – More than 2,800 dead pigs in Huangpu River, Shanghai, China
Mar 9 – Hundreds of chickens killed due to avian flu in Bihar, India
Mar 8 – Large fish kill in Chang Feng Park in Shanghai, China
Mar 8 – Thousands of chickens die of unknown disease in Dumuria, Bangladesh
Mar 6 – Thousands of fish dead in Congo Creek, Australia
Mar 6 – Fish kill in Baffin Bay has scientists concerned, Texas, USA
Mar 6 – 60,000 dead fish in ponds in China
Mar 6 – Dead fish litter Payette River in Idaho, USA
Mar 6 – 1,000 lbs. of dead fish in Kowloon Bay, China
Mar 5 – 18,000 goats killed by “extreme weather” in Ladakh, India
Mar 4 – Thousands of dead fish wash up on Eyre Peninsula, Australia
Mar 3 – Salmon die-off at aquaculture facility in Nova Scotia, Canada
Mar 3 – Thousands of dead fish in Chan’an Village, Xian, China
Mar 2 – Thousands of dead fish in Lake Keepit, Australia
Mar 2 – Significant fish kill on River Dodder in Ireland
Mar 1 – Thousands of dead fish in river in Victoria, Australia
Mar 1 – 1 million fish dead so far this year in Lake Erie, USA


Aug 24, 2012
On The Muthafukking Prowl!
I like that. I see where your head is at. I watch these flicks for the same reason you do.

but about the lighting bolts shooting out up towards the sky? :ohhh:

I aint even know about that. that most definitely would make a interesting tool if thats what its meant to do. maybe as a type of air defense or localized armament.

I feel like a lot of whats been going on is a mixture of idealogoies attaching themselves to natural events, and a little bit of ingorance (because we dont know whats fully behind the curtain) thrown in as well. man has a history (even today) of using beliefs as reason to kill another. to build nations, build strength, and to wage wars. so what I saying is really what youre saying, but I also feel as though throughout history there have been natural disasters, man killing man, and epidemic sickenesses correlated to religious beliefs, when in actuality you can attribute them to nature and not so much the supernatural.

miami is definietly a little bit colder than use to be this past year. if the poles were messed with and out of order, I tend to think that earth would have days that are not as long as they were supposed, and the nights would be lasting for irregular hours. its possible, but I want to believe that something of that magnitude of a magnetic pole shift to be highly noticeable.

right now, its getting a passing notice. the seaons are different down here though, you are right on that.

the military has been working on microwave beams (lol), weaponized animals, and robots for awhile. it sounds laughable but it true. I wouldnt put it passed them to be digging under the ground either. we have FEMA camps across the country, and they might have been made in case of a biological outbreak where surviviors would need to stay somewhere "clean."

so if they were diggin for underground bases, it would make a lot of sense. it also makes sense if they were in fear of a nuclear fallout. :wow:

no, go ahead. its your thread, right? haarp has been tampering with making natural events occur through unnatural devices. you would THINK that a few eggs would break with that omelett, huh. I hear about all that stuff. who knows how much is true.

Love your threads, lady!

To the Smarty pants dude who posted after this.... :comeon: Reversed lightning may have always existed but we have DRAMATICALLY INCREASED instances of it now with the high rises and antenna towers. The advances in technology. It is a clear and present danger! I'm level headed and logical as fukk! My 'theories' are always based in research and what feels true to me and not 'conspiracy'

@CrossBones the pole shift is the cause for the shift in weather and increased storm activity. All of that has to do with magnetism!

Far as DUMBS. They've been being built from the beginning of time by even the first civilizations but I'm saying now everyone is basically 'looting' the Earth!

We dig to create underground buildings, to suck out oil, coal, gold, diamonds, quartz for cellphones and laptops etc..... We are robbing the earth of materials that are here for a reason. For a balance!

It's makes tons of sense to me that the Earth would wobble on it's axis if it's being hollowed out at the speed we are hollowing it of minerals and water. If somebody sucked all the water and minerals from out of your body rapidly you'd die an agonizing rapid death!
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All Star
May 1, 2012
Whether or not we are approaching Armageddon I still find these short docs on world news riveting!

I have my own personal theories on what's happening but I watch and read EVERY view point! All religions and all geo-political views

My allegies are bad do you think it gonna get badder?


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
To the Smarty pants dude who posted after this.... :comeon: Reversed lightning may have always existed but we have DRAMATICALLY INCREASED instances of it now with the high rises and antenna towers. The advances in technology. It is a clear and present danger! I'm level headed and logical as fukk! My 'theories' are always based in research and what feels true to me and not 'conspiracy'

@CrossBones the pole shift is the cause for the shift in weather and increased storm activity. All of that has to do with magnetism!

Far as DUMBS. They've been being built from the beginning of time by even the first civilizations but I'm saying now everyone is basically 'looting' the Earth!

We dig to create underground buildings, to suck out oil, coal, gold, diamonds, quartz for cellphones and laptops etc..... We are robbing the earth of materials that are here for a reason. For a balance!

It's makes tons of sense to me that the Earth would wobble on it's axis if it's being hollowed out at the speed we are hollowing it of minerals and water. If somebody sucked all the water and minerals from out of your body rapidly you'd die an agonizing rapid death!

its funny, because the more advanced in technology we get, the more we end up sacrificing a bit of our environment. the more we need copper wires and silver for our tech, the more we take from this earth. I believe that theres no real check in place for mining out earths resources, as if its on your property youre free to do what you want with it.

back in the days, man did dig into the earth and use it as a natural cover/protector from the weather and possible predators. now that we've conquered a lot of that and made our own turf, it looks like we're taking a huge tax on the land we live on. I dont think its going to end the world, but the effects have to show sooner or later. Im not even sure if I like how major cities have are broadcasting a lot of frequencies and signals for televisions, internet, phones, and transmissions to everywhere we go. I dont know the long term effects of that, but there are cases where people have gotten ill for that very reason.

its also why they say when youre out in the wilderness its a lot more "peaceful." I mean, yeah theres a lack of cars, buildings, and noise as well as no electronic signals around, thats true. and you might not have a strong phone signal, but you do get some clear, fresh air thats good for the lungs.
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Aug 24, 2012
On The Muthafukking Prowl!
My allegies are bad do you think it gonna get badder?

Quite possibly Yes! :leostare:

Pure conspira-tainment. Nothing in this video but half truths and false claims.

95% of the video is documented news footage and headlines from last month :ufdup:

Nothing wrong with a good ass propaganda film tho... :manny: I watched a FANTASTIC one last night on North Korea!


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Quite possibly Yes! :leostare:

95% of the video is documented news footage and headlines from last month :ufdup:

Nothing wrong with a good ass propaganda film tho... :manny: I watched a FANTASTIC one last night on North Korea!

you watched the one with the "north korean" psychologist or whatever? I saw one like that on youtube not long ago. its wild.

when they go into the materialism, the mindless patriotism, and the united states banking situation, well, those are my favorite parts. that whole flick is



Aug 24, 2012
On The Muthafukking Prowl!
its funny, because the more advanced in technology we get, the more we end up sacrificing a bit of our environment. the more we need copper wires and silver for our tech, the more we take from this earth. I believe that theres no real check in place for mining out earths resources, as if its on your property youre free to do what you want with it.

back in the days, man did dig into the earth and use it as a natural cover/protector from the weather and possible predators. now that we've conquered a lot of that and made our own turf, it looks like we're taking a huge tax on the land we live on. I dont think its going to end the world, but the effects have to show sooner or later. Im not even sure if I like how major cities have are broadcasting a lot of frequencies and signals for televisions, internet, phones, and transmissions to everywhere we go. I dont know the long term effects of that, but there are cases where people have gotten ill for that very reason.

its also why they say when youre out in the wilderness its a lot more "peaceful." I mean, yeah theres a lack of cars, buildings, and noise as well as no electronic signals around, thats true. now you might not have a strong phone signal, but you do get some clear, fresh air thats good for the lungs.

Cellphones, microwaves, tablets & laptops, etc.... all giving off emissions that cause cancer and God knows what else. Light, sound, waves, electricity, energy, all play a part in our world and everything has a cause and effect!

They have the technology to remedy the world of taxing the Earth and it's resources like that, but they won't release it because it would make us all self sustaining and immune to the financial infrastructure!

It's the same reason why instead of drugs to cure diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.... they create drugs to stabilize it and make you a dependent consumer for life! Why teach you how to harvest free energy when you buy this oil and electricity every month! And give us the money to control it all


Aug 24, 2012
On The Muthafukking Prowl!
you watched the one with the "north korean" psychologist or whatever? I saw one like that on youtube not long ago. its wild.

when they go into the materialism, the mindless patriotism, and the united states banking situation, well, those are my favorite parts. that whole flick is


This the one I watched last night!! North Korea Secret Filming! Country In Ruins!! This shyt showed the real!! It was so good I stopped playing candy crush and listening and backed that shyt up and started watching! :ohlawd:

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Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Cellphones, microwaves, tablets & laptops, etc.... all giving off emissions that cause cancer and God knows what else. Light, sound, waves, electricity, energy, all play a part in our world and everything has a cause and effect!

They have the technology to remedy the world of taxing the Earth and it's resources like that, but they won't release it because it would make us all self sustaining and immune to the financial infrastructure!

It's the same reason why instead of drugs to cure diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.... they create drugs to stabilize it and make you a dependent consumer for live! Why teach you how to harvest free energy when you buy this oil and electricity and gives us the money to control it all

I even heard about modified seeds that die after one use. if that went into effect worldwide you could only imagine what that would lead to. its more needless changes, and charges to the everyday man. if they can control something thats natural, then they can exert even more power for themselves.

if it can be monetized, then more than likely corporations will do what they can to draw it out and have you dependent on their newly manufactured items. I dont trust these doctors handing out pills, or this sudden appearance of prescribed medicines that are out today. its unfortunate, but people are taking a lot of things that they dont need, while weed and clean foods are either illegal, or very expensive.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
This the one I watched last night!! North Korea Secret Filming! Country In Ruins!! This shyt showed the real!! It was so good I stopped playing candy crush and listening and backed that shyt up and started watching! :ohlawd:

North Korea Documentary: Secret Filming, Country In Ruins - YouTube

I personally dont believe thats an actual north korean documentary. I think that the creators knew they could get away with saying so much slick stuff about the U.S. if they presented it in this way. its also provocative to hear what an enemy nation might have to say about us. it gives you a good alternative frame of reference to look at things from.

all the same, I feel like its a "hoax" in so much that these actors are playing a role, just to present a lot of heavy stuff without direct criticism. I actually feel like watching it again. :lolbron:

you seen all wars are banker wars? its on youtube. its also really good. plenty of historical references throughout as well.


Aug 24, 2012
On The Muthafukking Prowl!
I even heard about modified seeds that die after one use. if that went into effect worldwide you could only imagine what that would lead to. its more needless changes, and charges to the everyday man. if they can control something thats natural, then they can exert even more power for themselves.

if it can be monetized, then more than likely corporations will do what they can to draw it out and have you dependent on their newly manufactured items. I dont trust these doctors handing out pills, or this sudden appearance of prescribed medicines that are out today. its unfortunate, but people are taking a lot of things that they dont need, while weed and clean foods are either illegal, or very expensive.

You should watch a documentary called 'The Truth About Monsanto'. Start there when you can! Monsanto is a multi-national conglomerate that has bought up almost every seed company in THE WORLD!

They started out as a different company that dealt in pesticides and poisons. They got sued after polluting a rural town and til' this day the people still die in that town prematurely from the effects of the pollution. They also have some affiliation with the chemical 'agent orange' and the vietnam war.

Anyway, this company disappeared after the suit and re-emerged as Round-up pesticide company. They started creating new pesticides then they started experimenting with modifying seeds to be resilient to weeds or insect pests. Because they created a new seed technology they patented it! They own the technology for a time and they bought up all the seed companies to implement their seeds in to the world system. The seeds do not yield other seeds because farmers are contracted to buy from them only and you can be jailed or your farm seized for seed theft!

They can sue anyone who is using their seed 'illegally'. Their seed also can only be used in conjunction with their pesticide products. It won't grow with anything else.

Because they bought out all the competition rural farmers in 3rd world countries and America are enslaved to this company now and can almost no longer afford the seed. Monsanto is said to own 70% of the WORLD'S food supply!

Cotton farmers in India are at their highest peak in suicide rates because of the price of seed and inability to support themselves or family....... That's just the tip of the iceberg....