Assuming this episode was in Miami cause it happened around some beach...
Find a dude dead in a car on a beach...trace it back to some girl he dated...girl still in high school...grill girl and she says she knows nothing...keeps grilling girl and she says her ex boyfriend, also in high jealous and he and his friends jump the dude...she had no idea the dude was dead...
Track down ex boyfriends friends, bring them in, ask them about it, they know nothing and are super shook, they have alibi's and get let go...
Track down boyfriend, he instantly confesses to killing the dude dolo...caught him coming out his place...stomped him out. pushed him into the back of his car, beat him with a crowbar or something...then drove his car to the beach...had planned to drive the car into the water with the dude in it but the car stalled so the dude just got out and left the car and the dude dead body in the car cause he didn't know what else to do...
Says he did it cause the chick...his ex...said the dude was beating her and that if she tried to leave he would kill her...
Cops take his phone...pull records...all these calls from the chick saying exactly what the boyfriend said...he was beating her he was going to kill her blah blah blah
Call the chick back in and she throws on the fake tears and says not of that is true and they show her the phone records and she is just like

"alright fukk it yeah i wanted him killed but i didn't kill him so I can't go to jail"
Ends with the cops yolking her ass up and slapping the cuffs on her