Lord Dumbass

Did you see the article on how next gen will be the last because everything is moving to the cloud

You think Gaikai was just to stream old sony games at jacked up prices? Well, yeah but they'll also sell new titles on it as well!!!
ITs currently called PS Now, so it'll be the only way HOW to play playstation. When they was allowing ppl to try to stream to their vita's you was all
The cloud is just a much deeper evolution into that concept, but since its not lead by sony you sound all dumb n shyt. Don't feel bad, you was just being a sheep amongst the majority
But, you should have learned by now that smart people stand out from the pack
Sony Gaymers are very much like the trump administration, so I'll call you Sarah fukkaby.... Sasha fukkboy, you do have a PSN addy under your name but no xbox one
So it wasn't even work exposing you as the funboy fagggot you clearly appear to be. So thanks for cementing my original point for me
And now the 3rd consecutive sony only gamer speaking on xbox titles, what is expected, what tier, all this broke nikka shyt.
Now let me point out why the entire gaming industry has high expectations for Crackdown 3. The world was created by the man who invented Grand Theft Auto, I'm talking the people who designed the world/levels. Whoever was in charge of that was used for Crackdown 1 (not 2) and is back for Crackdown 3.
Crackdown is very much GTA except you play as the police and you have super powers.
The first Crackdown as an excellent game, and now can be played in 4K if you wanna finally see what its all about.
C3 while returning to its roots is also the first game ever to attempt to make the type of use of the cloud that all games in the future will use. You talking shyt because xbox is the only place you'll see it FIRST. That's why you sound so dumb, and its why you say insane shyt like this game isn't anticipated. Yet here you are

I know for a fact Bloodborne 2 will be epic to those who loved the original. But that the original wasn't popular with the rest of the sheep. So expectations should be muted
Not Crackdown tho, you just have fanboy googles on so any delay/cancellation is celebrated by you guys. But you exposed yourselves when this happens. Still enjoying GOW or you back to twiddling your thumbs again? Yall should cop Super Mega Baseball 2 and be happy with gaming again