Bro, That's why I don't wish hell On nobody, not even my worst enemy. Life is just so fragile and short. Is like they say soon that shall pass as well. I mean we all have something we all have to go threw right? a darkness or death, however we die or once upon a time we live threw something. But eventually all darkness passes. That's why i say there's no hell below. Cus these people say you going to hell with all kinds of unmeasurable pain for eternality. How so?? How is it that it can even be seen like that? How heartless can one be and not understand it's because they don't wanna go there themselves so they project it outwards. but it's moments like these that let us see. when they create people who are waiting in their minds to want to line up to torture people in the afterlife? Their minds are corrupt. They look at people like slaves and have all kinds of sick thoughts about us. But i showed you how sick even this earth is in time of darkness. If I could save them from hell and save all of us from hell i would do it right now 100 percent. But they are the first initiative to come up with the evil concept of a real hell infecting the minds of people and if they don't beat me over the head or have their way with me or project at me they say to hell you go. So how am I suppose to help them?? If they are the true ones who want sympathy but are unsympathetic. You know what I'm sayin? it creates the dissonance that you see now. it's late maybe I'll chime in again. peace