You can't effectively contain this.
Here's the thing, just to cut off too much fearmongering.
Get and keep your body's immune system running optimally. Eat your limes, lemons, oranges, etc.. Keep your diet geared towards making sure your body has the stores of energy to come out raging as soon you feel symptoms. This virus works by going from 0-1000 in a matter of days, literally trampling down your system's ability to respond. Your goddamn ass starts sneezing.. Get you a gallon of orange juice, water and some rest.
The main problem is our DIETS have compromised our bodies ability to ward off infections effectively before it's overwhelmed. As far as Chinese diets, yes.. They tend to be overall healthy but they also eat shyt they AIN'T SUPPOSED TO (Bats, rats, dogs, cats, etc..) prime carriers of diseases. Literally ingesting sources of contagions.