COVID-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus)

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
Woman you haven't been vaccinated yet? :gucci:

:yeshrug:Hey, I have been adamant since the start I wouldn't get vaxxed and just take my chances. I've always been more concerned with doing something I can't undo (getting vaxxed) versus working thru a problem when it comes (getting Covid).

However, I went ahead and did it. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it, to be honest. I don't want to risk leaving my babies without a mama though...they are honestly the only reason I went ahead and bit the bullet.

:snoop:I haven't been able to find any comfort/security in listening to folk's experiences since this all started because, as we keep seeing, the illness and the vaccines affect everyone differently...ain't no way to predict how either will affect you.

Got my second jab today and I've been waiting since then for the hellish side effects to drop. It's been close to 12 hours.
Apr 3, 2014
:yeshrug:Hey, I have been adamant since the start I wouldn't get vaxxed and just take my chances. I've always been more concerned with doing something I can't undo (getting vaxxed) versus working thru a problem when it comes (getting Covid).

However, I went ahead and did it. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it, to be honest. I don't want to risk leaving my babies without a mama though...they are honestly the only reason I went ahead and bit the bullet.

:snoop:I haven't been able to find any comfort/security in listening to folk's experiences since this all started because, as we keep seeing, the illness and the vaccines affect everyone differently...ain't no way to predict how either will affect you.

Got my second jab today and I've been waiting since then for the hellish side effects to drop. It's been close to 12 hours.

But babe you can't undo getting covid either :dwillhuh:

And regarding the illness and vaccines affecting everybody differently...

How many folks you know who died from the vaccine?



52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
A $100 vaccine incentive may have spurred 29,000 people in Harris County to get their first shot | Houston Public Media

A $100 vaccine incentive may have spurred 29,000 people in Harris County to get their first shot

A county public heath data analysis found roughly 28,700 people getting vaccinated who otherwise wouldn’t do so as of Sept. 18, the last day of available data.



Lucio Vasquez / Houston Public Media
Lina Hidalgo at a vaccination site in Spring Branch, on April 1, 2021.

About 29,000 Harris County residents who would otherwise go unvaccinated received their first shot in the last month and a half thanks to a $100 incentive, according to Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo.

A public heath data analysis shared with Houston Public Media found an uptick in vaccinations after Aug. 17, when Hidalgo announced that anyone getting a first shot at a Harris County Public Health vaccination site would receive a $100 cash card. That was followed by a second surge after the program was expanded on Aug. 26 to include any provider in the county.

The result, according to the county, was roughly 28,700 people getting vaccinated who otherwise wouldn’t do so as of Sept. 18 — the last day of available data. Hidalgo said she expected that number to be above 30,000 through Thursday, the last day of the incentive program.

“Thirty-thousand people would not have gotten the vaccine were it not for the program,” Hidalgo said. “That’s 30,000 people who almost have a 0% chance of dying from COVID, who have an extremely low chance of being hospitalized by it, and who have a much, much lower chance of transmitting COVID to their loved ones. So, I would say that’s a victory.”

The analysis looked at the seven-day average of first doses in Harris County and compared it to the collective average in Galveston, Brazoria, Montgomery and Fort Bend counties. Harris and the combined counties followed a similar pattern from July through mid-August, beginning to see a decline around Aug. 11.

But while those four counties saw their rates continue to decline, Harris County saw a noticeable increase from the beginning of the program through early September. Researchers then looked at the raw number totals in that gap between Harris and those surrounding counties to estimate the number of additional people who received their first shot.


Data Provided By Harris County
*Chart data scaled to peak value for comparison.
What’s more, the analysis only counted Harris County residents, not those who traveled to Harris County from other areas, leading researchers to believe the analysis could be an undercount.

Getting a first shot doesn’t guarantee those people who participated will return for a second dose, though the county says its rate of follow-up is more than 96%. There is no incentive for a second shot.

The county originally spent $2.3 million to run the program through Aug. 31, pulling from $900 million in federal American Rescue Plan funds. Within its first week, county officials said the number of people looking to get vaccinated at county sites increased by more than 500%.

Nearly 76% of all eligible Harris County residents had received at least one dose of the vaccine as of Friday morning. That’s higher than the state of Texas as a whole, of which 71% of the eligible population has received at least a first shot. The total vaccination rate in Harris County is about 65%.

Hidalgo said she expected the fully vaccinated number to “catch up” in a matter of weeks.

“Very soon, 75% of our population will be fully vaccinated, and we’re seeing those hospital numbers drop at an accelerating rate,” Hidalgo said. “Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve had to recalibrate our projections on the kind of positive side, progress side. I think some of that, undoubtedly, we can attribute to vaccines.”

El Paso County announced on Sept. 20 that the city of El Paso was the largest in the state to reach what it called “herd immunity” — a 75% vaccination rate. Scientists have disputed that number, claiming the vaccination rate needed to naturally control the virus in a given area is closer to 85%.

That number also doesn’t account for unknown variants, which could continue to emerge without higher levels of vaccination, according to medical experts.

In a video released by the U.S. Department of State on Thursday, the president’s chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci stressed that an increase in the vaccination rate is an effective way of keeping those variants at bay.

“If you suppress the free distribution, spreading and transmission, the virus will absolutely do a very good job to prevent the emergence of mutations, which ultimately lead to the emergence of variants,” Fauci said.
These people crazy as hell if they are gonna throw their life away for $100. Won't get vaccinated to save their own life but offer to pay them a small amount and they're doing it. If I truly believe the vaccine was damaging I'm not doing it for $100.

Elle Seven

Mar 31, 2017
But babe you can't undo getting covid either :dwillhuh:

And regarding the illness and vaccines affecting everybody differently...

How many folks you know who died from the vaccine?


I personally don't know anyone who has died from the vaccine. If I'm honest, experiencing an immediate death from getting the vaccine was never a concern though. It was the effects later down the line which made me back off, and if I didn't think I could get it and die or give it to my kids and get them sick, I still would have played the odds and fully accepted the consequences.

Here is the thing. There have been many stories of people who have had side effects. As this is a predominantly men's board, I know it would not be of particular interest of men to know this, but getting this vaccine has been affecting the menstrual cycles of women as well. There have been people who have been injured from of these vaccines. I'm not sure why people won't give credence to this fact.

When I hear of these people getting these injuries, I never look at it in terms of a statistical finding...that's too abstract and leads people, I think, to forget these things are happening to actual human beings, like them. I never look at someone and think, That may happen to them but it won't happen to me. Even before getting vaxxed, I was more of the mindset of when, not if, and was ready to deal with the consequences that came along with getting the virus. I got my affairs in order, so to speak, and just took it day by day.

I sincerely think many people never think it will happen to them - "it" being them getting injured from the vaccine or them getting the virus and dying, or even them getting the virus but experiencing long-term damage to the organs and the like...they really think it will just be someone else. I think that is why some vaccinated people are so callous to those who are not vaccinated, and why those who are not vaccinated think those who got it were dumb and should have relied on their own support systems to beat the virus. However, we have had people, even on this board, talk about the things that have happened to their loved ones once they got vaxxed...I'm almost certain those people would not have submitted to getting vaxxed if they had an inkling of what it might do to them. Again, we never think it will be us though.

I know if it can be anyone else, though, it could be me and mine, too, though. And, as I've said, because there are no guarantees in any of this - no one can ever predict how either the virus or vaccine will affect him/her as an individual - it is a crap shoot either way. In the end, I had to realize there are no assurances either way and ask myself which consequences I'm more willing to live with...I don't want to leave my kids without a mama, and it could easily be me succumbing. I know of a black woman my own age with 2 young kids, just like me, who died a year ago from COVID, so it is not abstract to me. Truthfully, a friend reminded me that even if I do or don't get vaxxed, get the virus or never do, by some way, I will still make my exit from this place at some point in time.

Remembering that actually gave me peace to move forward.

And if I happen to experience crazy side effects, I will make them known in order to help someone else make an informed decision as well.


Nov 1, 2015
I personally don't know anyone who has died from the vaccine. If I'm honest, experiencing an immediate death from getting the vaccine was never a concern though. It was the effects later down the line which made me back off, and if I didn't think I could get it and die or give it to my kids and get them sick, I still would have played the odds and fully accepted the consequences.

Here is the thing. There have been many stories of people who have had side effects. As this is a predominantly men's board, I know it would not be of particular interest of men to know this, but getting this vaccine has been affecting the menstrual cycles of women as well. There have been people who have been injured from of these vaccines. I'm not sure why people won't give credence to this fact.

When I hear of these people getting these injuries, I never look at it in terms of a statistical finding...that's too abstract and leads people, I think, to forget these things are happening to actual human beings, like them. I never look at someone and think, That may happen to them but it won't happen to me. Even before getting vaxxed, I was more of the mindset of when, not if, and was ready to deal with the consequences that came along with getting the virus. I got my affairs in order, so to speak, and just took it day by day.

I sincerely think many people never think it will happen to them - "it" being them getting injured from the vaccine or them getting the virus and dying, or even them getting the virus but experiencing long-term damage to the organs and the like...they really think it will just be someone else. I think that is why some vaccinated people are so callous to those who are not vaccinated, and why those who are not vaccinated think those who got it were dumb and should have relied on their own support systems to beat the virus. However, we have had people, even on this board, talk about the things that have happened to their loved ones once they got vaxxed...I'm almost certain those people would not have submitted to getting vaxxed if they had an inkling of what it might do to them. Again, we never think it will be us though.

I know if it can be anyone else, though, it could be me and mine, too, though. And, as I've said, because there are no guarantees in any of this - no one can ever predict how either the virus or vaccine will affect him/her as an individual - it is a crap shoot either way. In the end, I had to realize there are no assurances either way and ask myself which consequences I'm more willing to live with...I don't want to leave my kids without a mama, and it could easily be me succumbing. I know of a black woman my own age with 2 young kids, just like me, who died a year ago from COVID, so it is not abstract to me. Truthfully, a friend reminded me that even if I do or don't get vaxxed, get the virus or never do, by some way, I will still make my exit from this place at some point in time.

Remembering that actually gave me peace to move forward.

And if I happen to experience crazy side effects, I will make them known in order to help someone else make an informed decision as well.

how though? :jbhmm:

mRNA vaccine disintegrates and theres no trace of it in your body within 2 weeks of getting the vaccine.

anti-bodies destroys the spike proteins that were created.

memory cells recall how to make the anti-bodies.

how and where does the adverse effects appear years down the road?

p.s you know why theres a booster shot? because your body doesn't know how to create more spike proteins. :comeon:

the MRNA vaccine is just instructions to create the same spike protein found on the outside of covid, it's not covid. MRNA infused cells breakdowns within 2 weeks. It's like spy craft, burn after reading and execute instructions.
the immune system then creates antibodies when the spike proteins are detected. your immune system will recall how to create those antibodies forever.
I don't see how there'd be any effects from the vaccine 20 years from now. :manny:

Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

if you took the mRNA vaccine, the mrna isn't present in your system after two weeks and the spike proteins that were created were destroyed by the anti-bodies your immune system developed. no trace of the vaccine mRNA or spike proteins.. how could long-term effects manifest? if anything was going to happen, it would have happened while your immune system was responding to the vaccine. I'm not worried at all! :manny:

glad you made the logical choice though and didn't give in to propaganda.:obama:


Nov 1, 2015
‘He was a loving little boy’: Mother wants her 6-year-old son who died of COVID-19 to be remembered

By Caroline Hicks
Published: Oct. 1, 2021 at 5:24 PM EDT

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WBTV) - The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools community is reeling after a first-grade student died from COVID-19.

6-year-old Ethan Govan, of Stoney Creek Elementary School, lost his battle with COVID-19 on September 19.

According to Mecklenburg County Public Health, there have been two pediatric deaths from the virus reported this year.

The first death was reported this past spring.

Public Health Director Gibbie Harris tells WBTV they have information indicating that underlying conditions were factors in both deaths.

Sharon Huff, the mother of Ethan Govan, says she will never forget her son’s smile.

“He loved to have fun,” Huff said. “He didn’t let anything stop him or slow him down. He was just all around a very loving and sweet boy.”

She says he lived life to the fullest.

“He loved music, he loved to wrestle, he loved school, he loved superheroes,” she said. “He was just all around a very loving and sweet boy.”

Ethan’s Stoney Creek Elementary School principal sent a letter to parents, letting them know a student lost his life.

“There are situations where children are being exposed that don’t have the ability to fight this off, and we can see from last week how dangerous this virus can be,” Mecklenburg County Public Health Director Gibbie Harris told WBTV.

Harris says right now 30 percent of all COVID-19 cases in the United States are among children.

She still recommends in-person learning but says this highlights the importance of wearing a mask and getting children vaccinated once they become eligible.

“It is incredibly unfortunate in our community, and we all need to be part of the solution to keep things from happening like this in the future,” Harris said.

As Ethan’s mother prepares to lay her child to rest, she hopes his classmates will help to keep his precious memory alive.

“Just remember how much fun, and how much he enjoyed life, and let it live through them,” Huff said.

Harris says school staff is working with the elementary school children and parents to provide emotional support.

She also says parents with any concerns can call the health department.

A funeral will be held for Govan on Saturday.

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States - European Journal of Epidemiology

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States - European Journal of Epidemiology

That paper was kinda light :ld:

The comparison between different countries was kinda cursory tbh. The first author seems to be a geologist (education wise) and that sort of analysis is best left to an epidemiologist.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
That paper was kinda light :ld:

The comparison between different countries was kinda cursory tbh. The first author seems to be a geologist (education wise) and that sort of analysis is best left to an epidemiologist.

Not to mention 3 of the references in the article are from non-peer reviewed sources. :francis:

These fools never research anything they post on here.


Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
Not to mention 3 of the references in the article are from non-peer reviewed sources. :francis:

These fools never research anything they post on here.


I just realized that the second author is a high school student


Turner Fenton Secondary School, Brampton, ON, Canada

So a geologist and a high school intern linked up to dump this thing :mjlol:

This paper isn't just light, it's actually pretty bad.

He directly compared Portugal with Thier crazy high vaccination rates with the lowly vaccinated Vietnam in a single sentence and pretty much concluded that they have the same transmission rate over a 7 day period because, you know, vaccines ain't a big deal :ld:. What he didn't mention at all was that Vietnam was SERIOUS with Thier lockdowns! I'm talking deploying their army and only letting people out of their homes for 2 hours a day :damn: .

I'm on my cell so typing out the rest of the things I saw wrong will be a pain in the ass but I might come back to it later.

Peter Popoff

Baba Yega in black uptowns
Dec 25, 2012
The US is in a league of it's own with this Covid shyt, that's why I feel like this ain't ever going away.:francis:

To put it into perspective there's roughly 10 million people with Covid actively in the US, the next closest nation is the UK at approximately 1 million active cases :usure:

Everyone else after that, including third world countries with no vaccines are well under 1 million active cases. It's this bad here and it ain't even Winter yet :merchant:

nikkas traveling and going to concerts and mass gatherings (Vaccinated or not) which is only spreading the virus more, this country is really finished. I see this impacting us for a great portion of if not the entire decade, imagine how many people will have died by then:yeshrug:This country just can't slow down enough to get the virus under control so I don't see it changing anytime soon
It's a biological warfare.