look at that chart on the right. If you are vaccinated and under 60, there is virtually zero risk. If you’re under 40 and unvaccinated, you have less risk than elderly vaccinated folks. Assuming your risk goes up tenfold if you are fat, which most of the young dead are
Israel just released a story that said “nearly half” of all the covid deaths last month were from the unvaxxed, which was a pretty little play on words that most stupid people won’t catch.
“The death toll has reached 7,465, with 703 people dying in the past month, 322 of them unvaccinated.”
COVID in Israel: unvaccinated account for nearly 50% of deaths
So in the past month the majority of deaths - 381 - have been among the vaxxed. I don’t know their population numbers but the article says over 3 million there have gotten the booster.
Im sure y’all will go thru that article and find what you need - old and fat people suffering the most, etc etc, - but the fact remains. When you combine this with the doctors out there saying the vaccines themselves are responsible for these variants I’m not surprised the FDA is switching up. We’ll see how the story continues to evolve as we head into the colder months.