Updated: Sep. 17, 2021, 12:06 p.m. | Published: Sep. 16, 2021, 1:30 p.m.
Tristan (left) and Dusty (right) were known in the reseller community by the name "Alabama Pickers." The pair died of COVID less than a month from each other after saying they wouldn't be getting the vaccine.
Tandra Smith | tsmith@al.com
A married Alabama couple known for their reselling videos on YouTube under the name “Alabama Pickers” have both died of COVID.
Dusty and Tristan Graham lived in Huntsville, where they would often post videos about various tips and tricks to reselling vintage items like clothes and home decor. They sold on eBay under the username,
Dusty died Thursday, almost three weeks after his wife did,
according to the GoFundMe page set up by one of their children.
“Unfortunately, Dusty and Tristan have both passed away,” Windsor Graham posted on the page. “Thank you all for your kind words and helping us during this difficult time. We will be using the money to pay for funeral expenses.”
One of the last videos the married couple posted on their now deleted YouTube channel was about how they wouldn’t get the vaccine.
It was later reposted on Vaxx Mann’s channel, which is connected to a website titled
SORRYANTIVAXXER.COM, dedicated to sharing stories of people who have gotten COVID and died, or came close to dying after sharing their anti-vax beliefs.
“I’ve got my own passport. It’s called the ‘Bill of Rights,’” Dusty said
in the video around the 41:30 mark. “I think this will be all behind us in a couple of years.”
Dusty later spelled out the word vaccine and said that it was actually a form of immunity therapy they were giving people.
The pair then talked about everything they had survived already, including bone cancer, in Tristan’s case.
They also talked about COVID and the vaccine at length on their deleted channel.
Tristan died on Aug. 25 in her sleep, according to the GoFundMe page. Two days later, Dusty started a GoFundMe for her expenses on the 27th, while still in the ICU himself.
“Anything you can find in your heart, will be SO APPRECIATED!!” Dusty said on the page
A week ago, their daughter, Windsor, wrote in a now deleted Facebook post that Dusty was moving to a ventilator and to continue praying for the family.
“I want to thank everybody that reached out to check on my brother and I,” she said. “For now, it’s just waiting and praying his body relaxes.”
The GoFundMe goal is currently $35,000 and just over $20,000 has been raised for the couple. Anybody wishing to donate can do so