He’s holding on for dear life to his newfound fame
A good case study of how the coronavirus spreads, and does not spread, is the famous March outbreak in a mixed-use skyscraper in Seoul, South Korea. On one side of the 11th floor of the building, about half the members of a chatty call center got sick. But less than 1 percent of the remainder of the building contracted COVID-19, even though more than 1,000 workers and residents shared elevators and were surely touching the same buttons within minutes of one another. “The call-center case is a great example,” says Donald Schaffner, a food-microbiology professor who studies disease contamination at Rutgers University. “You had clear airborne transmission with many, many opportunities for mass fomite transmission in the same place. But we just didn’t see it.” Schaffner told me, “In the entire peer-reviewed COVID-19 literature, I’ve found maybe one truly plausible report, in Singapore, of fomite transmission. And even there, it is not a slam-dunk case. ”
Hygiene Theater Is a Huge Waste of Time
I've long since believed all this disinfecting stuff is bullshyt. If you're in the vicinity of someone with COVID you'll breathe it in well before you touch a surface and then touch your face and get it. People with COVID put it in the air. That's the real threat.
disinfecting surfaces is not a huge waste of time. We should continue to be persistent with keeping public places sanitary Covid or not
Woke up yesterday and felt excellent. Really was only one day of side effects for me just like you and like I said, I'd gladly have taken the "worst" of my side effects being chills, fever dreams, and tiredness the day after.That was my main symptom, I was really tired. I laid in bed most of the day. Got up around 6pm and cleaned the crib, I feel pretty much 100% now
Shouts to everyone getting vaccinated, playing your part to do what’s necessary to eventually end this pandemic
I know too many people personally who refuse to get vaccinated or continue to travel(atl,Vegas),party, go to large gatherings etc.their ignorance perpetuating this shyt