Look at you being sensitive. Oh he insulted me
How did I disrespect you by saying you are a truck driver? What exactly is wrong with being a truck driver? Why not proud of what you do? I, for one, am proud of you and your accomplishments.
Now, let's see where you become an emotional gynecomastia-ridden, psycho, fragile-minded, weak-minded fool
You hope my son gets Kawasaki and my wife get sick
The day I would be offended by the words of a musty ass truck driver with man t*ts and a fragile psyche would be the end of me.
Look at you sitting sideways to hide some titties.
I won't even waste time insulting you, because that is not how we handle business.
Oh btw, look at @Barnett114 coming in to dap you
Great team, guys. Keep it up
I guess it is the end of you then. Now whip up a cure witch doctor. Before I go, let me ask you this; how many of your dirt hut living relatives died in the Haiti earthquake? Do you think they would have rather had COVID deaths choking on their own fluids or being crushed under the weight of tons of mud? I was going to say rubble but we all know how backwards Haiti is. Ponder that question and get back to me. In the meantime go push the meal cart around the hospital, doctor, people are hungry.