How much that cost?Why can't they do a RT-PCR + antibody test?
How much that cost?Why can't they do a RT-PCR + antibody test?
That's not what he's saying. He's talkin bout consumer confidence bruh. Muthafukkas are not going to want to go out due to panic and no vaccine in sight.
time, effort, resources
not to mention, I don't think theres a confirmed widely available antibody test
I don’t know. Went to Walmart today. The line was around to the rear of the store to get in. Everyone was masked up, but there were still a lot of people outside and in the store.
How much that cost?
not to mention, I don't think theres a confirmed widely available antibody test
these michigan "protestors" either need to be shot or beaten
they're not listening to anything else
Why can't they do a RT-PCR + antibody test?
I don’t know. Went to Walmart today. The line was around to the rear of the store to get in. Everyone was masked up, but there were still a lot of people outside and in the store.
The FDA approved over 70 different antibody tests without actually requiring proof they work. It's a major problem. So people are getting these antibody tests and getting wildly incorrect results. Nobody trusts them.
Furthermore there is a substantial delta in unaccounted for deaths donuts more likely that Covid numbers are being underreported. There are thousands of deaths above the normal number that haven't been coded as Covid. They are just out there in limbo.
Appreciate it breh. My uncle was up there in years and it was going to happen sooner than later, but I feel like he still had time left here. He was in a nursing home, and as we all know, those places are breeding grounds for this shyt. I'm more sad because he was my great grandfather's last surviving brother and that's one less link to past and a lot of history that's no longer hereBro I'm so sorry for your loss. Man I'm so angry right now
Trump did this. I'm placing blame squarely at the White House, no ifs and or buts about it
I see folks coming in here with their what-about-ism saying a Democrat wouldn't have done better.
What these idiots are forgetting is that we have had other Democratic presidents who have faced pandemics and NONE OF THEM HAD 60,000 DEAD PEOPLE IN A LITTLE OVER A MONTH.
and really this isnt even a dem vs repub issue!!! George Bush, Reagan and other Republican presidents faced pandemics and didnt kill 60,000 people in a month!!!
This is a TRUMP ISSUE. He's the reason why our loved ones are DEAD.
Man my cousin didn't have to die. She didnt have to go out like this, in the hospital for over a month, her children not being able to see her.
Nobody could be there for her. And I blame Trump.