Well folks got to eat too and pay bills. I get both sides here, as it relates to people who will truly struggle if they don't work and bring in a paycheck, not those who just want to get their haircut or some unimportant bull shyt that can wait.
Unemployment systems, sometimes purposefully like in Florida, are logistically lacking and not providing as they should. Small businesses unless they are a favorite with the local bank or have a good relationship with their bank are finding it almost impossible to get even get in line to get some of the loans required for them. A lot of people are also not able to take advantage of both the stimulus check and unemployment programs such as working college students or even if they aren't working.
Its just a shyt show all around and again its highlighting why USA may not actually be number 1.
Personally, I think you're retarded if you go and sit in a crowded restaurant like that right now, but I personally can't in good conscious tell someone who is legit struggling financially and facing a desperate situation to shut up and tough shyt.