I don’t know barrack handled everything with a degree of professionalism I highly doubt trump would ever master...But for me to sit here and act like I would of made all of the correct decisions I’d be lying... I was in Germany for H1N1 and it was always referred to as Swine Flu. And Ebola didn’t really have a rampant impact on North America...Compared to Covid for example..I have no doubt that Barrack would of handled this better based on how he dealt with most other things.
and even if it didn’t go well he still would of been professional enough to listen to the experts and than make an informed unemotional decision.
I have no doubt Obama in office, we're watching baseball, football and hockey right now. Lets say Obama had to take over April 1st. I have no doubt we'd see less deaths and we'd see less civil unrest. Leadership in times like this goes a long way.