Flatten the curve - Wikipedia
This is why we closed down to flatten the curve. Not to overwhelm hospital resources because there was an argument that you should let a lot of people get infected at once to get over it since the area under the curve does not change, which is false. Flattening the curve saves lives period.
But does mass quarantine mean flattening the curve? Hand washing, wearing masks, being spaced further from other humans flattens the curve. Washing your hands and frequently using disinfectant flattens the curve. Killing the economy can rapidly flatten the curve but you don't have to shut down if your health system isn't overwhelmed and it should be overwhelmed less due to masks and people not hand shaking and not being together.
We should also be raising the line which is not what were are doing.
Why are we needing to wait till testing becomes mass produced even when it doesn't make much of a difference in outcomes? Might as well just have
everyone recording their pulse ox and go to an ER when it gets below 94.
Wouldn't mass testing freak people out and make them more eager to go to the ED which would not flatten to curve? We are going to contact trace so more people will go to the ER?
No one also talks about how we are lowering the line across the country.