Never said anything like that.
It is a big deal
But we are slowly learning that it is a manageable one and that warrants optimism, not panic.
Not these ... again...
What "panic" ?
Stop thinking that the rest of the world "taking action" is "panic".
Scientist says "
wear condoms to help prevent HIV transmission". Non-scientist calls it "panic".

Nope that's how science works.
Doctor says "
Mr. Smith you have to stop smoking now". Non-doctor calls it panic.

Nope that's how science works.
Psychiatrists "
sections an individual as they are a potential risk to themselves". Non-Psychiatrists calls it panic.

Nope that's how science works.
Epidemiologist says "
This looks very very dangerous. it's killing thousands. Let's reduce social contact until we discover more.". He then discovers more. Non-epidemiologist calls it panic.

Nope that's how science works.
As a scientist you follow the data using risk weighted choices. If the data is proven to have changed then you change with it.
When you don't understand the scientific process you throw emotional words around based on the flawed assumption that the rest of the world is operating in the same low-logic, high-emotion manner.