Ain't nobody mad, they can report whatever...but why isn't it balanced?Every news site is reporting this tho. Why do yall be so mad at people reporting the news I dont get that shyt at all. You dont think that some shyt people wanna know?
- Are they reporting the various ways you can improve your immune system to prevent you from getting Corona at all, or greatly minimizing the effects?
- Are they reporting the massive numbers of people who got the virus already and have recovered?
- Are they reporting on natural anti-viral remedies you can use if you get it?
- Are they telling the truth about the reported numbers of deaths and how over 95% of them had multiple pre-existing conditions, the cause of death could have been any of them but they report it as COVID-19, and explain it to you in a way you can understand your actual risk?

I'm not going to go back and forth forever.
My point still remains, the TV news uses clickbait, bannerbait, and exaggeration to create FEAR to capture your attention and pocket advertising dollars. It's not the best source of news and information.
Then elites use FEAR via the media to control you and shove dikk down your throat.