So hold on

. Just to make it clear I think that this disease progression is not a fait-acompli and that as Fauci says we need to "follow the data".

As the data changes we have to change too. We also need to be aware of possible skews and alternative explanations for where the data is taking us.
The coli was ahead of the curve

to some extent (thread in HL too) when it comes to this BUT what we do not want to do is to become blind followers of narratives.
I am not saying that this is not serious. I have been feeling less than 100% myself these last few days which in and of itself is very worrying.
I am saying that we do not want to fall into the trap of not being critical about the data we are seeing and of our own conclusions.
On another note Sam Vaknin says that CV case-growth is not exponential. Basically he says if 1 person infects 2 we should have millions of cases by now. He also says that movement restrictions are pretty recent and would not have kept the numbers as low as they are.
Watch the first 5 mins of this.
Does anyone agree with him?
EDIT: update 2020 - I think Vaknin is a fraud. See his coronavirus discussions.
1. He is against masks.
2. He doesn't understand exponents.
3. He thinks flattening the curve (by stay-in-place orders) is excessive even after the late starts in many countries - esp in the West.
4. He thinks co-morbidities are not CV deaths.
And yet he paints himself as a scientist. He is not.
Right or wrong his approach is such that I cannot recommend him anymore.