Covert Racism and whitewashing in Hollywood Movies


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
Old convo saved from the internet Cont'd:
Poster A said:
Poster C said:
Okay, I read it. It's bullshyt. The person seems to think the reason black youth act the way they do, ending up in prisons, is because of the music they listen to?! Okay, so personal accountability just doesn't exist with black folk, huh? We hear some gangsta shyt and just HAVE to act gangsta and rob liquor stores and smoke weed and shyt. fukk outta heah.

This argument was made about rock and roll back when Elvis was making it popular. Yes, Chuck Berry besides. Years later, the same concern was raised over hard rock and its influence over the youth. Of course, in both cases, we're talking about white youth. Nothing ever came of it because in the end it was realized that those young people who chose to do crazy shyt had little or nothing to do with the music out at the time. The music was just a reflection of things like that, not the other way around. It is no different for gangsta rap or whatever the pop-injected stuff is that the kids of today listen to a lot now.

In my summation, you don't need some Illumanati-ish secret meeting with people with guns to get any group of people to listen to a type of music or to commit crimes. I was still a kid when NWA hit the scene. I thought they were entertaining, but I never for a second thought of shooting someone. Are you kidding me? End of rant.
This is pretty short-sighted.

African people have been subjected to negative portrayals and messages from ALL FACETS OF MEDIA. I have another thread right now(400 yrs without a comb) that talks about the impact of the media that, for years before we were even born, showed Black people in every negative light imaginable and what effects said media has had on how/ what we think of our natural appearance, especially our hair.

We have a serious problem with acknowledging a simple truth in converse to the same truth that we have no problem admitting the other way around. We talk all the time about the transformative power of education(books i.e. MEDIA) because it's positive. But then we turn around and say that negative messages and images in media CAN'T affect us negatively?

Moreover you can't compare how we're responding to media to how white people respond to it. White people largely get FANTASTIC portrayals of themselves in the media. Moreover, this is THEIR CULTURE and culture is a people's social immune system. OUR CULTURE has largely been broken down and destroyed. And just as when you have a weak internal immune system, even common illnesses that are easily treatable may become life-threatening.

And it doesn't matter if it didn't affect YOU per se. This isn't about absolutes or incidences. It's about patterns.

Media/ propaganda does, in fact, change/ shape cultures of people. This is one of the oldest facts in this world. And it should be examined within its proper context which is much larger than merely hip hop music alone.

Moreover, I've already spoken on the issue of personal accountability. The issue is how does one reconcile personal accountability with the fact of social engineering being conducted by the administers of the society through their primary means of systematically relating to us i.e. their institutions e.g. economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, war etc.

Can't have it just one way. Media is a neutral tool, but a tool none the less. It has a purpose and it has always been to spread ideas to people, whether those are negative or positive ideas.

Poster A said:
Poster C said:
I can see your point of view, but true knowledge and teaching starts in the home. Granted, young people from broken homes (I wasn't such a kid) are at a disadvantage from Jump Street. However, I still contend that people have the ability to think for themselves and would not necessarily be drawn into a life of crime based on what they hear over the radio. If you are saying this may be true of SOME people, fine, because we all know not even half of all "black" people in this country are necessarily in jail or about to be there. So to that point, I give you that.

For the most part, media is entertainment. Only the truly weak-minded take it seriously. As long as people have the capacity for self-awareness and deep thought, to place blame on the media is just too easy a scapegoat. Again, I emphasize this may be more difficult for children from broken homes who may not genuinely know any damn better. Of course, you would also have to take into account that even in poor circumstances, the African-American populace isn't necessarily overrun with thugs and fools in every single corner.
This is the final post on page 2 of this thread:
Poster D said:
Whether or not this is true, someone needs to write about the private meeting to OVERSEXUALIZE the black community. With sex, killing a nikka and balling on people's minds all day, who have time to pick up a biology book?

Why is this poster mentioning picking up biology books?

Most likely because he's aware that media affects how people think and behave.

And again, we're not living in a bubble where music is the only form of media. The fact that what we're discussing in this thread is media that is of the entertainment variety actually STRENGTHENS the idea if one really thinks about it. When education is made to be entertaining, it is absorbed much more easily.

Let's be clear here. Media is communication and what all comprises of our surroundings.

Definition of Media:

1. a plural of medium.

2. ( usually used with a plural verb ) the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, that reach or influence people widely: The media are covering the speech tonight.

Definition of Medium:

1. a middle state or condition; mean.

2. something intermediate in nature or degree.

3. an intervening substance, as air, through which a force acts or an effect is produced.

4. the element that is the natural habitat of an organism.

5. surrounding objects, conditions, or influences; environment.

It is in the very definition of the word media that it influences people. In media, we're talking about everything from books, magazines, billboard ads, symbols all around us in murals, statues, on money, on road signs, television, radio, internet as well as person to person communication in its various forms. Media matters in shaping the thinking and behavior patterns of individuals and whole groups of people for the entirety of their lives. The issue is HOW MUCH it matters as we attempt to reconcile it with issues such as free will, personal accountability and the like. And for me personally, the degree to which it matters is a question of the development of the involved parties in relation to each other.

Even on a person to person basis, this is what we consider the most. It's why we have not only laws but just basic morality and sensibility that tells us that human beings who are at a certain level of development are more or less capable of affecting one another at varying levels i.e. it's more so the more developed party that has more of an affect on the lesser developed than the other way around.

What do we see when we examine Black People's development as a group as it concerns media as well as any other institution in relation to other groups of people, most notably white people? Are we on the same level? Are we superior to them in development in ANY institution at all? Is our economic development more advanced than whites? Do we control THEIR economics or is it the other way around? Do we mostly employ them or do they mostly employ us? Do we control mass media and its means of dissemination in this society or do they? Is it more so OUR IDEAS/ PERSPECTIVES/ POINT OF VIEWS that are equally communicated via mass media in this country or is it white people systematically picking what they want people to see and excluding what they don't want people to see?

Look at what you said about the reality of our social landscape as it concerns thugs and fools in every single corner. Is rap music as a whole an accurate portrayal of all that encompasses African people here in America?

In a society where we stress how important it is to learn or even master the institutions that are critical to advancement, such as the ability to read for instance, we cannot overemphasize that there are positives AND negatives. If someone is positively affected by that biology book that Inclined mentioned, that doesn't mean that they are weak-minded. We would never say that of results that we felt were positive. But we readily acknowledge the EFFECT of media when we approve of the results. Then we turn right around and DENY its effect if the results are undesired.

Like I said, we can't have it both ways. It's not a matter of being weak-minded. We're affected by media, in positive and negative ways, because we're human. The degree to which we're affected by it, whether negatively or positively, has to do with any number of factors including our rate/ level of development as individuals and as a collective.


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
Old convo saved from the internet Cont'd:
Poster A said:
Poster E said:
Poster F said:
Poster E said:
nikkas LOVE a good conspiracy theory.
Offer your explanation for the decline in black music.
Fam I have no idea, but I highly doubt it was what happened in that story. That seriously reads like a scene out of a movie. Sounds way too fake.
You know that's what they did as it concerns the Berlin Conference right?

You know that's what they did as it concerns Cointelpro right?

You know that's what they did with the Tuskegee Experiment right?

Get the book "Medical Apartheid" if you don't have it. It's FILLED with ACTUAL conspiracies against Black People.

And call me crazy, but I think this:
"...the whole problem is really the blacks. The key is to devise a system that recognizes this while not appearing to."

~United States Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman quoting President Richard M. Nixon
...may be a good indicator that a conspiracy went down.

With the amount of actual, acknowledged conspiracies that we have on the record against Black People, I always find it shocking how we beat that drum of "conspiracy theory" so consistently.

And that doesn't mean that you're being asked to believe anything at all. But you are being asked to not approach life as though you were born yesterday.

I say all the time that I don't believe anything at all, including the first post in this thread. I live by what I know and if I don't know something and I need to know it then I make it my business to find out the truth.

The fact of the matter is that history shows more so that we're not gonna find out about any conspiracies until well after they've been implemented. That coupled with the fact that we're actively encouraged to devalue our past means that by the time they confess, we won't give a fukk anyway. But since we DO KNOW that there have been actual conspiracies against us, is it not incumbent upon us to recognize phenomena(social, medical, economic or otherwise) that affects us more so than other people when there's no natural reason why it should?

I mean after all this time and experience, Black People should have a scientific outline of how to recognize and analyze circumstances that are inexplicably peculiar or seemingly so to us instead of always just brushing shyt off our shoulders as theories rooted in paranoia. We live in an age where admittedly more now than ever, they want to be able to practice racism without being detected.

The argument about paranoia is an aid to them in that effort. It behooves us, therefore, to create a system of detection based upon the effects and ruling out possible causes. We put ourselves into this particular situation by forcing them to stop practicing racism overtly.

What I know, however, is that I don't need for racism or any particular fruit of it to be a conspiracy any more than I need white people to admit it. If one has all of their facts together with even just a rudimentary level of knowledge of what one speaks, at the very least the only or most convincing rationale that is left will be the one most troubling to the naysayers whether they want to admit it or not.

Poster B said:
I have a family member that was in the music industry in the 80s and 90s. He said that he has been in meetings where a record executive has told an artist, "Go back and put some more cursing in this rhyme."

Poster A said:
Poster C said:
I hear what you're saying, but I respectfully disagree. As long as people are able to switch channels or stations, it just doesn't make sense to me for music to be some major woe for African-Americans or any American minority. Anyway, we pretty much agree with the last thing you said after "weak-minded".
I hear what you're saying as well and I disagree with the utmost respect as usual. Like I said, it's a bigger issue to me than just the music. Media is all around us and when it comes to Black People, the preponderance of the messages are negative and destructive to us. There are no other examples anywhere in the world of a people having this exact experience we're having. If jews were being raised in a society by nazis and being taught in school in books(media) to look up to nazis as heroes and such and they still came out the same way they do currently then I'd rethink my position.

It's like when folks tried to compare the responses between the Japanese and the Haitian people in the wake of their respective earthquakes in order to simply say that the japanese are a better people than the Haitians. All they say is that the Haitians don't have to act that way and they think the Japanese people prove that.

People always overlook context.

Poster A said:
Poster G said:
I don't doubt for a second that this meeting could have easily happened, but it didn't work. Have faith in the intelligence of humans, I love 90's rap but it doesn't make me want to go commit crimes...

Also crime rates from 1991 been steadily on the decline.

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2013

Anyone who has studied anthropology at an intro level knows that the issues behind violent crime is far deeper than rap music...

People don't commit crimes because Ice T told them to, they do it because they are living in impoverished environments.
It's not so much that it makes people commit crimes. It's the TYPE of thinking and atmosphere it creates. Note that in the same time period where we see crime rates going down, incarceration rates of Black People have went up. This is discussed in the book "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander. They "justify" this by the tolerance/ intolerance they create by way of media for the false idea that criminality, especially illegal drug activity, is what Black People are all about.

Tolerance for their inexplicable incarceration rate of Black People for crimes that we're not committing at a greater rate than whites and intolerance among ourselves just for existing.

Media normalizes these images in people's minds. And I'm not talking about white folk so much because they're going to have their view of us regardless. I'm speaking to the fact that there has been a noticeable change(deterioration), a hastening if you will, in the last generation as it concerns Black People's relationship to each other.

Like I said, it's not just rap music. I've seen young 21 yr old Black men and Black women who are in interracial relationships and their reasons are all about how they can't stand Black men/ Black women. They talk like 40 yr olds that have been in multiple relationships that they finally got tired of. And when you ask them about their past relationships, some of them have never even been in one with a Black person. Some of them it was just one experience and they're talking like this. But they see/ hear what goes on around them(media). Whether it's older people they know or the fact that on television, they promote interracial relationships heavily and market them basically as a way out of misery with each other i.e. always this theme of how we can't get along with any Black mates, but the first white one is the right one.

Media, in all of its aspects, terraforms people's minds for whatever agenda the owners & controllers of media have in mind.

Poster A said:
Poster H said:
This is a double edged sword. If we are to believe their is a conspiracy to corrupt Black minds, then we need to also believe that Black people lack the common sense to turn off the radio or stop buying music that leads to our destruction. And if it is rap music that is influencing people, why is it not having the same effect on white or latino people who listen to rap?

It's really amazing: Black people can get on the internet and find somebody to lay up with, but they can't find any music other than what's on the radio.
People contend that it's entertainment and nothing any deeper than that. So if most people don't actually suspect anything sinister(trojan horse), they're not going to respond appropriately.

Happens everyday. We allow dangerous and destructive things access to our inner being because they're appealing to us on the outside in some sort of way and they slowly destroy us from the inside out. And once we've become addicted to them and even got diabetes and what not, we don't even want to stop. We just look for something to take to suppress the problematic symptoms while we still indulge.

Like I said, I don't care if it's a conspiracy or if it's just natural behavior for the people in power. Whether they sat down and decided to put all this bullshyt in the food or not, the results are the same.

Won't even get into the mindset of supposedly healthy foods that are actually also void of any nutrition, which of course is meant for those who DO attempt to use their common sense and intelligence in order to exercise a supposedly better option.

Poster I said:
Poster G said:
I don't doubt for a second that this meeting could have easily happened, but it didn't work. Have faith in the intelligence of humans, I love 90's rap but it doesn't make me want to go commit crimes...

Also crime rates from 1991 been steadily on the decline.

United States Crime Rates 1960 - 2013

Anyone who has studied anthropology at an intro level knows that the issues behind violent crime is far deeper than rap music...

People don't commit crimes because Ice T told them to, they do it because they are living in impoverished environments.

Morons like you think very very small. You think that these people would ONLY use rap music. It's the music, the music videos, the magazines, the drugs being pumped into the communities, the guns being pumped into the communities, THE RESOURCES BEING TAKEN OUT OF THE COMMUNITY, the street literature. They don't say "we must have a 100% success rate amongst all black people." Their machine could simply create the monster that robs you at gunpoint or robs then rapes a woman or "bytch" (as the rappers say) in your family. You could step on someone's sneaker and they could shoot you. That wasn't the case in the 1970's at all. Senseless killings like that came when crack came on the scene, and yes crack comes form THE SAME PEOPLE who want crack in the musical content of hip hop.

---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 PM ----------

Poster H said:
This is a double edged sword. If we are to believe their is a conspiracy to corrupt Black minds, then we need to also believe that Black people lack the common sense to turn off the radio or stop buying music that leads to our destruction. And if it is rap music that is influencing people, why is it not having the same effect on white or latino people who listen to rap?

It's really amazing: Black people can get on the internet and find somebody to lay up with, but they can't find any music other than what's on the radio.

I can make this very basic for you so that you can understand. If a 30 year old father molests his daughter from infancy to about age 15, and home schools her, how do you think she would feel about molestation? Would she even know what molestation is?

This same concept exists with psychological warfare. This is why there are people in this thread acting as if psychological warfare doesn't exist and it's simply about choice. If you don't know that psychological warfare exists, how could you logically make a choice against it for the reason of self preservation? How could that daughter make a choice against molestation? Hip Hop was always about the you and still is till this day. You just have a bunch of grown ass weirdos that live in denial of the shyt and still communicate about hip hop in ways as if they have been left out. Nas for instance made "Hip Hop is dead." yeah it is for old people, but young people still like Trap Music and so forth... The youth have fertile minds for garbage just like the molested daughter. 15-20 to educate a population... THAT WAS BEFORE THE INTERNET!

Poster I said:
Nothing moves without distribution. So you guys are fools if you are only thinking about record labels that existed and not about which projects got okayed for distribution and which didn't. Try to get your album distributed nationally tomorrow by traditional means (80's and 90's) and see what happens to you...


Feb 20, 2013
yeah but that post makes it seem as if it's been light skinned storm's galore, when it has only been 1. that girl is supposed to grow into Halle Berry, why would they choose a dark person for that?
This is who they had as little storm in x-men origins:wolverine. They cut that scene out the movie though.

So yea, if they wanted her to be dark skinned, she would have been.

King Poetic

Grandfather of….
Feb 15, 2013
Black Sea
here we go again... nikkas crying over not being accepted in hollywood... this has been going on since u was born and it's going to go on till u dead..

blacks problem and u see it in the music industry. is that we sell our products and ideas to these corporations for a small piece of a pie... but hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we got a new car, a new house, we can lay up in the glamours hotels and have the finest hoes and bytches on our dikks, while the company gets 90% of your work while u get less than 10%

do your shyt independently ( YES.. THAT MEAN HARD WORK AND MORE TIME ), but you'll end up with a bigger piece of the profit..

I'm tired of black people constantly complaining over shyt like this knowing damn well hollywood don't give a fukk about what? the 13% of the population opinion

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
This is who they had as little storm in x-men origins:wolverine. They cut that seen out the movie though.

So yea, if they wanted her to be dark skinned, she would have been.

Hollywood never will show good looking dark skin women and if they do she is with a white man


AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015
here we go again... nikkas crying over not being accepted in hollywood... this has been going on since u was born and it's going to go on till u dead..

blacks problem and u see it in the music industry. is that we sell our products and ideas to these corporations for a small piece of a pie... but hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we got a new car, a new house, we can lay up in the glamours hotels and have the finest hoes and bytches on our dikks, while the company gets 90% of your work while u get less than 10%

do your shyt independently ( YES.. THAT MEAN HARD WORK AND MORE TIME ), but you'll end up with a bigger piece of the profit..

I'm tired of black people constantly complaining over shyt like this knowing damn well hollywood don't give a fukk about what? the 13% of the population opinion

You are correct, I have the feeling that a lot of black people are ok with living in white supremacy as long as they are not being lynched or facing the racism head on. I truly believe that black people have become too attached to this world to try and say screw you and go our own way. I remember talking to a former supervisor about her niece coming to America from the Bahamas to become a Physician Assistant or Doctor. i asked her if she will go back to the Bahamas and set up her own practice. She looked at me crazy like :dahell::dahell::scust: then said, "Why would she do that? They have nothing in the Bahamas. She's better of staying in America". I understand that infrastructure and wages are different but her perspective just made me go hmmmm conidering how much she talked about how disadvantaged we are in America...


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
The Finn from Star Wars thread brought me here. The Coli has threads that are informative to young brothers that should be easier to find. I'm learning a lot. Thanks for sharing.

I view AA portraying roles written for and by white people as hard to do. Yes, you can view the role as colorless, but race matters.

The AA community should consider when a white person designs a character that character is usually white. I'm unaware if artists are aware of this sunbconscious ethnic application. I assume it works that way for every race and gender.

With that being said, when an AA is cast for a role in a series as iconic as Star Wars artists have a responsibility to consider the social impact of the character.

I work with elementary age children. One loves Stars Wars. He asked me "why there aren't more black jedis?" I replied "Star Wars probably has more white people writing it's stories. Or the writers probably didn't grow up in areas as ethnically diverse as ours."

My question is: Should we expect non AA artists to consider the subtle messages sent from the characters AA portray in film on stage?

Suleiman Bey

Nov 2, 2015
Isn't wanting ever black actor to be Wesley Snipes complected discriminatory too? Like it or not black people come in a multitude of complexions. To nitpick is just silly. Be happy black people are working.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
Isn't wanting ever black actor to be Wesley Snipes complected discriminatory too? Like it or not black people come in a multitude of complexions. To nitpick is just silly. Be happy black people are working.
Wesley Snipes played Noxema Jackson in Too Wong Foo. I'm a black person who has a wide range of thoughts, interests, and feelings. I'd like to see AA characters that inspire and are relatable to me.

For example in Harry Potter students from all around the world are invited to attend school. There are hundreds of students. Few of them are AA. And even fewer of the AA characters get the character development the white ones do. I don't recall seeing one black professor. The headmaster was gay. But he couldn't be AA. In the Wizarding world I'm either a smiley goofy side kick like Lee Jordan.

Or the quiet servant. Shacklebolt looked ridiculous in the movie. He has an ear ring too.


May 25, 2022
Saw Hancock and it was blatant.

A Black superhero played by Will Smith is a constant screwup causing lots of collateral damage in the course of saving people.

And some cac suggests that he needs to go to jail to pay the city back for the damage he caused and to show that he's sorry. :mjpls:

Not meditate.

Not go on a spiritual retreat.

Not go to therapy.

Go to jail. A Black superhero who can't even be held by a prison needs to choose to allow himself to go to prison to get right:mjpls:

So he does, leaves, then runs into Charlize Theron who has superpowers as well, and he's interested in her, but he can't be with her because if he tries to be they'll both lose their powers and the earth will be destroyed :mjlol:


Another one involves the cacette of the hour Sydney Sweeney who's in that show Euphoria with a Black boyfriend.

Well in the first episode he's with her and inside of 10 seconds whiles they're in bed, a group of cacs barge into their room, drag him off, and beat him up. As if to say to the audience. This is what happens when you try this :mjpls:

On the other hand when she's with her cac bf they're together and they get to do their thing without interruption.

And another one. Z for Zachariah.

Chiwetel Ejiofor and Margot Robbie are apparently the only people left on earth supposedly.

And they don't smash. Which makes zero sense. And then a cac played by Chris Pine shows up and Ejiofor says it's ok if she wants to smash him and even she looks at him like :gucci:

But time passes and she gives in and they do. But then Ejiofor realizes that he's a man and decides to bush the cac so he can go back to his friendzone relationship with Margot. And that's how the film ends.

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