Kill Dat Noize
well the praise for TDK is so great that you cannot even suggest another movie is better. look at this thread. look how many ppl won't even consider another movie in that spot.I love both TWS and TDK, I prefer TDK to it, if you think the other way around, cool. To me it seems that you have more of a problem with the praise TDK gets, because in your opinion it is not justified.
I think it has way more to do with the hype and the Heath ledger performance than the actual quality of the film. yes it was an ambitious take on the genre but the overall execution just doesn't measure up imo. the characters sans joker are all stiff and boring, the plot is insanely bloated, the pacing is is a chore to sit through.
cap 2 has things going on beneath the surface too and is a smart action movie but it is also fun and enjoyable all the way through with much better characters and a much tighter plot.