Rev Leon Lonnie Love
damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Has he done anything since? whats he up to these days?Looking back Kubo wasn't ready for the success of bleach. I think Bleach would have benefitted more from a monthly format. Kubo isn't Oda. Oda is a detail oriented architect that he's fine tweaking a finished product. Oda is a production machine, because he already has everything mapped out in advance, you could tell Kubo didn't expect Bleach to be so successful and to be as prolonged, so he scrambled at some points. If Kubo had a partner like AOT author doing the story it would be GOAT. I don't think Kubo is a terrible writer, I just think he's a different kind of writer, whenever he took a haitius and when he started, his ideas were pretty good, the beginning of the thousand year blood arc was amazing. Soul society was amazing. Karakura town arc was underrated as hell. He writes good moments, but he has weaknesses doing a long term, weekly format. The man was burned out I think.
That Aizen/aranca arc was