Corporate brehs how do you deal with the bigotry from non-blacks?


May 11, 2012
Know your value in terms of revenue and how much money you bring in and make sure everyone knows in the most professional manner.

Like others said keep your cool at all times and keep things in writing. Keep everything factual and even if there are disagreements it's all based on facts.

Be humble, dont over exert your personal beliefs because it then becomes unprofessional, even if others are. Its akin to gossip in that it doesn't drive any business results nor does it promote the right behavior. For me, I get my job done, get it done well, and I know I'm better than everyone at it, but I still am humble enough to not have people hate me for it. Also you still have to succumb to being a different version of yourself in the office since you have to work with others and everyone keeps up the same jig.


Jul 8, 2014
Make steps venturing into entrepreneurship or continue dealing with puss ass envious cacs and other non blacks.


All Star
Aug 1, 2014
i go in and do my job. how some body gonna criticize me when im doing everything right lol

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
Make steps venturing into entrepreneurship or continue dealing with puss ass envious cacs and other non blacks.

You’re always gonna have to deal white people and other non black in business. My next door neighbor has never worked for anyone in his life. Got his own construction company, mechanic shop, and always getting contracts to build shyt. I be getting game from him on this entrepreneurial shyt. One thing he always makes it a point to tell me is, all this shyt is same shyt different toilet. He said he still gotta deal with these crackers. Said that his biggest contracts.....a white man had to walk him in or vouch for him. One of his contracts he had with Delta at hartsfield, he had a difficult time dealing with them crackers and ended the shyt.

At the end of the day it’s about your personal integrity. These crackers gonna be uncomfortable around me, not the other way around. They intimidated by me, not the other way around.

That said, I’m definitely trying to find my way to not having to work in corporate anymore.


SOHH 2001
May 8, 2012
Back in MIA
Corporate Breh here. R&D executive at a tech company.

When we were a small startup we openly hired for diversity, openly talked about racial issues & biases and tackled them head on. Monthly meeting. A HR position dedicated solely to it. A Slack channel to keep the discussion going at all times.

Soon as the founder exited and that growth stage money came in along with the new CEO....Squashed. A breh or brehette hasn’t been hired in 2 years now. The senior leadership team looks like a dinner party at a country club.

And I got golden handcuffs with life changing money on me so Im sold out and gotta play the role. :francis::yeshrug:Just keeping my head down knowing that shyts funny around me.

The things we do for money.


May 1, 2012
This is a career take what you do serious and be on top of the knowledge and training in and out of work.

Don't be shy about participating in employee outreach initiatives. It's good foundational activity for team building. Whats it take to bring real food to a potluck? Not much

These relationships will save your ass down the road. Working in a silo is not how modern business is run. You need a strong team .

Avoid sexual escapades and happy hours where drugs are involved. You black. People gonna tell on you casually and tell the wrong person your bad habits.

If you can't hold your liquor know precisely when to stop.

If your coworker doesn't know when to stop, know when it's time to go, hit the Doe :camby:

If you are a sex addict who can't help himself try to smash the females who aren't plugged into a crew with a big mouth. If ol bigmouth finds out what you been doing everybody gonna know and you will have to hope your work or reputation in the office is Sterling. This is where being social and loved around the office will help you against these character assasins.

Avoid office nymphos, they'll land u in HR. Stay away from them bimbos.

Don't slander coworkers. When relationships sour people flip on you.

Don't impregnate your coworker sidepiece

Don't have a sidepiece at work. I've heard of men giving their wives STDs, that were transmitted during fraternization escapades among other obvious things.

Keep your dignity and follow ethics. You the easiest scapegoat to railroad.

No play fighting

Don't tolerate touchy touchy people and don't be touchy touchy outside of the occasional beta hug

Don't go into litigation unless your situation is sewed up and irrefutably documented.

Be on time

Don't steal

Don't humiliate your boss

If ur boss disrespectdul step to him privately and explain that disrespect hurts the team culture we need to operate effectively as a team. Some people don't know how to play banter without being disrespectful so you have to put them on a business friendly level.
The people who like to banter like that are typically sensitive.

Keep your manager ahead the fires. He will come to rely on you to keep him out of the line of fire and it will save you alot of pain to get all hands on deck for serious issues instead of burying your head in the sand, praying your problems go away. They aren't.

Keep your inbox unread. Understand wtf is going on in your department. If u have trash emails cluttering your inbox, filter it out and create a view of true work emails.

Stay away from strong political and sexual conversation and if you must, never do it in front of more then one person. If you do it in front of many people they should have all spilled blood and exposed something about themselves they wouldn't want anyone else knowing.

Vet colleagues you choose to expose yourself to even though you should never expose yourself.

Don't expose yourself to colleagues in departments below your payscale.

Let the higher ups expose themselves and find your pocket of sociability.
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Feb 3, 2016
I don't talk to white ppl about anything not work related and when I do I make sure I'm the one with all of the information.


May 6, 2015
Not going to knock you for what you did and given you're doing something more independent I imagine you're happier now. But, if brehs want to work in corporate America, the sad truth is you can't be showing these folks your cards at all. Nothing that gives them an insight into your political or social beliefs. They should know nothing about your thoughts on issues unless it is related to work. I would not recommend stacking political books on your desk lol. But like I said, in your case, you probably happier in your position now and the corporate life probably isn't for you. No judgement or hate.

Corporate life is filled with snakes and jealous people looking to fukk you over. Got to move with that always in mind.

Document everything and come with the facts and email chains, never had a problem once going that route...

Clients and co-workers try to catch me slipping, but nah....always have the receipts on deck...

I keep a calm demeanor and leave all political, social, and racial opinions at home....non-Black folks always use the narrative:
"Well my great xyz came to Ellis Island with 3 pennies in his pocked and opened his own bakery. How come they can't do it?".....just get your money....


Jul 8, 2014
You’re always gonna have to deal white people and other non black in business. My next door neighbor has never worked for anyone in his life. Got his own construction company, mechanic shop, and always getting contracts to build shyt. I be getting game from him on this entrepreneurial shyt. One thing he always makes it a point to tell me is, all this shyt is same shyt different toilet. He said he still gotta deal with these crackers. Said that his biggest contracts.....a white man had to walk him in or vouch for him. One of his contracts he had with Delta at hartsfield, he had a difficult time dealing with them crackers and ended the shyt.

At the end of the day it’s about your personal integrity. These crackers gonna be uncomfortable around me, not the other way around. They intimidated by me, not the other way around.

That said, I’m definitely trying to find my way to not having to work in corporate anymore.
Not taking bout dealing with em. i could give two fukks if cacs and Asians etc dont like me ( its in their nature) but when you work with them in a corporate environment you gonna have to always be on your Ps and Qs ,worrying about some lipless fucboy who dont like you trying to sabotage you at any cost.:unimpressed:

Especially when they're your superiors. Of course these people are grade A pretenders and masters at passive aggressiveness, so any slight direction of assertiveness is deemed "aggressive". Especially if you a breh thats tall and has size. Of course I aint sayin some extreme shyt like Dame on some 'you a buster if you work a job' as everyone has to start from somewhere. BUT when you responsible for yourself and your own moves, failure is easier to accept and learn from. Society makes it so nikkas get frustrated even when you got the necessary tools to succeed. :francis:

So even if you nikka with Bentley you still nikka, as we know. That said the freedom and independence of being your own boss gives you so much more peace of mind and opportunity. Dealing with em is easy, black folks aint naturally good at pretending like non black folk but its what you gotta do when dealing with em if you want your business to flourish. As long as you get your bread some faking feelings aint hurting you like having to deal with some pie ass cac in the office daily.:yeshrug:

⠀X ⠀

Dec 19, 2017
Document everything and come with the facts and email chains, never had a problem once going that route...

Clients and co-workers try to catch me slipping, but nah....always have the receipts on deck...

I keep a calm demeanor and leave all political, social, and racial opinions at home....non-Black folks always use the narrative:
"Well my great xyz came to Ellis Island with 3 pennies in his pocked and opened his own bakery. How come they can't do it?".....just get your money....

Came back to add this. When your boss gives you a project or a task, get the details in writing

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
I come with facts.
I ALWAYS come with facts.

But my field is technical

Your right. I'm in a technical field also and you have to come with facts.

One thing I always remember is that the non-Blacks at work, including non at work, are cowards in numbers. They are only act tough, when they have numbers, but are cowards by themselves.

But one thing I always do is let them crash and burn. It's funny, I don't tell them my ideas and ways to fix things.