One of things I like to do, is watching YouTube videos of doctors performing Cranial Nerve exams. Basically testing the Brain's functioning with nerves; smell, eye movement. It was a cool, relaxing thing to watch... until the pandemic. Now you hear of people "Losing Taste/Losing Smell", and it goes back to a doctor pulling out a vial of coffee beans and saying, "Can you tell me what is this Smell?"
They would say Coffee, and that part of exam is over... their cranial nerve is working... but now with Long COVID; people may lose their sense of smell for a year; essentially they have suffered legitimate brain damage from COVID. Same thing where their muscles are weak, its like COVID is almost to a degree a viral meningitis but also pneumonia at the same time.
We are going to really have a crunch with Long Term COVID patients; sort of like those people in Iron Lungs during the Polio era.