Omicron was probably present in New York City’s wastewater more than a week before the first case of the new variant was detected in the United States,
according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and researchers across the country.
The samples suggest that someone in New York City may have had the Omicron variant as early as Nov. 21, four days before
South African scientists first announcedcases of the variant and ten days before the first U.S. case was reported. Researchers in California and Texas also found evidence of Omicron in wastewater samples from late November.
The findings suggest that at the time, the Omicron variant was more widespread in the United States than the case data alone would indicate, and provide more evidence that wastewater surveillance
can serve as an early warning system about the spread of new variants.
“At first it was uncertain whether this variant was going to come to the United States,” said Alexandria Boehm, an environmental engineer at Stanford and an author of the paper. “The wastewater answered that question way before the clinical samples could, and the answer was yes.”