Did you read your own post?
Every. Single. Post. Or. Comment. I. Make. In. This. Thread. Always. Stipulates. That. Everyone. Who. Is. Eligible. Should. Be. Vaccinated. And. Boosted.
Any child in the hospital is a tragedy. But we cannot orient society in a way to accommodate people who refuse to take the most basic steps to protect themselves and their families. Think about how many things we tolerate as a society even though we realize that many kids can end up hurt. We do so bc we recognize that there are compelling interests on the other side. It doesn't mean we're indifferent, and frankly I interpret it as a sign of insecurity in one's own argument if your response is basically "obviously you don't care about kids being hospitalized/dying."
I guarantee you that in retrospect we're going to find out that the most under reported and appreciated aspect of covid will be how much it exacerbated the already wide gap between educational outcomes of lower income/poor kids who are overwhelmingly in districts ran by white liberals who take their cues from social media, vs kids fortunate enough to not have their educational experience held hostage to the whims of the perpetually anxious.
What really kills me is how yall ignore an entire library's worth of research suggesting that remote learning is associated with significant learning loss and substantial increases in everything from anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation to weight gain/obesity etc.
And for many kids, schools are one of, if not the only "safe" places they can be. They are guaranteed to be fed (food insecurity skyrocketed during pandemic), shielded from cold (utility shutoffs didn't just go away), in an environment that is responsive to specific individual needs (kids with special education requirements, or schools that provide mental health services) and a place where the government has a responsibility to report or mitigate issues that might otherwise be ignored at home (such as suspected child abuse).
So yes, I do believe that these concrete, easily identifiable interests are ultimately more important/compelling then an ambiguous hope/belief that keeping kids home will be the straw that breaks covids back.