these red states are not going to heel, it would take almost a civil war. I'm in Nebraska and our governor months ago started a policy of fudging the #s and criticism against the mayor's of two biggest cities here for putting in mandates. Result is most here don't care and truly believe this is a dem hoax
Im currently in Nebraska, what safe and what’s not safe? I just moved here and I see ppl with mask on.
you mean covid wise?
stay away from bars / basically any nightlife
I stopped going to the barber 7 months ago, I do go food shopping once a week lately, mask / hand sanitizer & washing hands often.
I avoid people as much as possible but if I most I mask up and social distance
at my job I wear my mask all day
no major health issues not overweight but definitely out of shape. I'm just overly cautious, if you've read about people that have gotten this it's super rough even if you are in good health. Haircut and a gym you might be okay but imo still risking it, I shave bald anyways so the transition to do it at home wasn't bad, if I worked out I would do as much as if possible.Do you have health issues or overweight? I been wearing my mask but I go get my haircut and I want to hit the gym. I’m young and don’t have any any issue I’m thinking I should be in the clear.
no major health issues not overweight but definitely out of shape. I'm just overly cautious, if you've read about people that have gotten this it's super rough even if you are in good health. Haircut and a gym you might be okay but imo still risking it, I shave bald anyways so the transition to do it at home wasn't bad, if I worked out I would do as much as if possible.
The #s in this state are going up, were in orange alert when by all metrics we should be red and shutdown again
scott atlas
Redfield is clearly fed up. He was overheard saying this by a reporter on a plane. The reporter approached him after the flight and he stood by what she overheard.scott atlashe's a fukkin piece of shyt
CDC growing a spine?Redfield is clearly fed up. He was overheard saying this by a reporter on a plane. The reporter approached him after the flight and he stood by what she overheard.
so slovenia wants to shut down again
they had 39 new cases today
i think they are being so extreme to tank their own economy to get aid from either EU or allow increased russian investment
its a strange situation there
thats pretty funny