Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
i think theres still gonna be the hunger for public life. bars, sports events, etc

but the office work economy has changed forever, there's no way these companies arent all crunching the numbers and :snoop: at how much money they're wasting on office space. and with that, all those employees not working in offices means less happy hours/lunches at the surrounding businesses, less car repairs and gas consumption, just an enormous amount of effects like that
Yeah there will be a huge shift with how we work and it's very likely to be plenty of destroyed jobs in the areas surrounding workplaces but let's be honest it was long overdue.

With fibre internet/conf call softwares/digitization of plenty industries, there is a non negligible part of the work force who can work from home. I have a cumulated 2h30 commute to go to my workplace in Paris and though I try to use that time to read/learn, it's still useless because I could do this at home. And the car/bus I take, the train/subway I need to use to go to the office have a carbon imprint too. Since March, I have gone to Paris once and my productivity has not changed compared to before Covid.

At some point we need to realize that a change was needed. Also as you say, people wont stop socializing it's part of us. With more people working from home, this is also an opportunity to decentralize restaurants or bars rather than cramp them all up in city centres. This would also reduce help reducing traffic, increase soft transportation (scooters, bikes and stuff) and overall, let cities breathe better too. This could also give the opportunity for local shops to thrive if there is more demand locally.

One funny thing I saw when I came back to Paris is that restaurants took over public parking spots to put terraces. That's worse for car/delivery drivers who go there and try to park closer to their destination and can't but from an urbanistic point of view, that's an interesting way to use unused space.