Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
To chime in on this: What other kind of option do we have ? We HAVE to be optimistic, otherwise we might as well all just say: Ok fukk it, this is never going away, no vaccine, no meds, welp might as well just hang myself now"

At the end there is simply no way to live with this like it is now forever. The human race cant do social distancing forever, its literally one of our basic needs to socialize and be in contact with people. How should that look ?

That girl over there looks great, Ill approach (Oh, no, cant do it, what if she carries the virus :hubie:)
Ill meet up with a friend (Nope, could be a carrier :whoa:)
Ill visit my family (same thing :whoa:)

Culture and events ? Impossible, no concerts, no clubs, no bars, no restaurants etc. etc.

Kids couldnt even normally visit school and experience the necessary socializing and growing up to become adults and develop social skills

All the people running institutions like restaurants, clubs etc. being bankrupt in no time

economy staying :dead:

Its no way to live like this for a longer time
I get what you're saying but you guys should realize that the issues you're having are mostly because of how you handled this. We can totally live with the virus with simple sanitary measures, it's a respiratory disease which transmission can easily be mitigated with basic hygiene.

One lesson Im taking from this is that from now on, ill have masks stocked up for when Im sick similarly as how Asians do and Im sure if the West behaved that way this would have been a breeze. Im not even sure So Korea or Japan locked down like we had to and their death rate are ridiculously low though them being islands or quasi for Soko probably played an important part too.

You guys botched your lockdown and the very example of New York should have been enough to have a proper nationwide response. It makes no sense that Florida, Cali or Texas are now experiencing what NY did 3 months ago. None.

In France ours was restrictive but now schools have reopened, bars, restaurants, shops too and honestly things are pretty much back to normal now except for masks and hydro gels. Even sports are back with attendance.

I have Spanish and Italian colleagues who got hit even harder than us and the lockdowns were mentally hard for them too but it was a temp sacrifice so things could go back to quasi-normal in the summer.

If you guys didnt have sycophants as leaders, you would never have been in this sorry state in July. Every time I look at the case curve, it blows my mind how bad that was handled. Like the US passed France's death rate a couple days ago and your cases are soaring back up . :mindblown:

I mean it took Trump 3 months to put a mask on publicly and that was a front page news in our newspapers :dwillhuh:. In a sense, Im kinda glad he botched that COVID response because if he had aced it, his reelection would have probably been a slam dunk. Only positive I can see for you to be honest.


Packers Stockholder
Aug 17, 2013
I can see the commercials now:

“Have you or a loved one contracted COVID-19 from a workplace....”

And it won't be a single lawsuit, but a class action. Meaning people just pile on and pile on. With asbestos, you had like decades of that stuff being used. COVID though is fresh, and the body count will be at least a 250k; that type of stuff might be more easily winnable.


May 6, 2012
I get what you're saying but you guys should realize that the issues you're having are mostly because of how you handled this. We can totally live with the virus with simple sanitary measures, it's a respiratory disease which transmission can easily be mitigated with basic hygiene.

One lesson Im taking from this is that from now on, ill have masks stocked up for when Im sick similarly as how Asians do and Im sure if the West behaved that way this would have been a breeze. Im not even sure So Korea or Japan locked down like we had to and their death rate are ridiculously low though them being islands or quasi for Soko probably played an important part too.

You guys botched your lockdown and the very example of New York should have been enough to have a proper nationwide response. It makes no sense that Florida, Cali or Texas are now experiencing what NY did 3 months ago. None.

In France ours was restrictive but now schools have reopened, bars, restaurants, shops too and honestly things are pretty much back to normal now except for masks and hydro gels. Even sports are back with attendance.

I have Spanish and Italian colleagues who got hit even harder than us and the lockdowns were mentally hard for them too but it was a temp sacrifice so things could go back to quasi-normal in the summer.

If you guys didnt have sycophants as leaders, you would never have been in this sorry state in July. Every time I look at the case curve, it blows my mind how bad that was handled. Like the US passed France's death rate a couple days ago and your cases are soaring back up . :mindblown:

I mean it took Trump 3 months to put a mask on publicly and that was a front page news in our newspapers :dwillhuh:. In a sense, Im kinda glad he botched that COVID response because if he had aced it, his reelection would have probably been a slam dunk. Only positive I can see for you to be honest.

Yup. But these are the people they voted for. The kinds of people that would politicize a pandemic. The world looking at the US like a bunch of idiots. And they’re STILL politicizing shyt while the bodies drop. They gotta wipe out all these fools and start over. Science should have been in the drivers seat, not corrupt politicians.


Sep 24, 2015
I get what you're saying but you guys should realize that the issues you're having are mostly because of how you handled this. We can totally live with the virus with simple sanitary measures, it's a respiratory disease which transmission can easily be mitigated with basic hygiene.

One lesson Im taking from this is that from now on, ill have masks stocked up for when Im sick similarly as how Asians do and Im sure if the West behaved that way this would have been a breeze. Im not even sure So Korea or Japan locked down like we had to and their death rate are ridiculously low though them being islands or quasi for Soko probably played an important part too.

You guys botched your lockdown and the very example of New York should have been enough to have a proper nationwide response. It makes no sense that Florida, Cali or Texas are now experiencing what NY did 3 months ago. None.

In France ours was restrictive but now schools have reopened, bars, restaurants, shops too and honestly things are pretty much back to normal now except for masks and hydro gels. Even sports are back with attendance.

I have Spanish and Italian colleagues who got hit even harder than us and the lockdowns were mentally hard for them too but it was a temp sacrifice so things could go back to quasi-normal in the summer.

If you guys didnt have sycophants as leaders, you would never have been in this sorry state in July. Every time I look at the case curve, it blows my mind how bad that was handled. Like the US passed France's death rate a couple days ago and your cases are soaring back up . :mindblown:

I mean it took Trump 3 months to put a mask on publicly and that was a front page news in our newspapers :dwillhuh:. In a sense, Im kinda glad he botched that COVID response because if he had aced it, his reelection would have probably been a slam dunk. Only positive I can see for you to be honest.

Fortunately I live in Germany :whew:
But the point still stands, we can’t do social distancing as a life concept


All Star
Jan 24, 2013
I get what you're saying but you guys should realize that the issues you're having are mostly because of how you handled this. We can totally live with the virus with simple sanitary measures, it's a respiratory disease which transmission can easily be mitigated with basic hygiene.

One lesson Im taking from this is that from now on, ill have masks stocked up for when Im sick similarly as how Asians do and Im sure if the West behaved that way this would have been a breeze. Im not even sure So Korea or Japan locked down like we had to and their death rate are ridiculously low though them being islands or quasi for Soko probably played an important part too.

You guys botched your lockdown and the very example of New York should have been enough to have a proper nationwide response. It makes no sense that Florida, Cali or Texas are now experiencing what NY did 3 months ago. None.

In France ours was restrictive but now schools have reopened, bars, restaurants, shops too and honestly things are pretty much back to normal now except for masks and hydro gels. Even sports are back with attendance.

I have Spanish and Italian colleagues who got hit even harder than us and the lockdowns were mentally hard for them too but it was a temp sacrifice so things could go back to quasi-normal in the summer.

If you guys didnt have sycophants as leaders, you would never have been in this sorry state in July. Every time I look at the case curve, it blows my mind how bad that was handled. Like the US passed France's death rate a couple days ago and your cases are soaring back up . :mindblown:

I mean it took Trump 3 months to put a mask on publicly and that was a front page news in our newspapers :dwillhuh:. In a sense, Im kinda glad he botched that COVID response because if he had aced it, his reelection would have probably been a slam dunk. Only positive I can see for you to be honest.

All fair points, but cases are rising now all across Europe

As soon as restrictions are loosened, it's inevitable that cases will gradually begin to rise

What's needed is:

1. A realization that things can't go back to normal before there is a vaccine or heard immunity (if that is even possible)

2. some outside-of-the-box thinking to keep the economy and peoples' livelihoods afloat for an extended period while some form of lockdown continues

3. Figure out exactly how loose the restrictions can be while limiting the number of new cases to manageable levels
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All Star
Jun 16, 2012
Everyone has been so ignorant on this issue (covid) that I don’t even like speaking on it. I have friends that hop to different narratives because each one that they rode on kept getting debunked or made no sense.

First it was covid came out because the government wanted to issue martial law, which made no sense and clearly didn’t happen. Also it was just a hoax produced by the government (according to them)

Second it was the 5g towers that were making everyone sick, which again made no sense and was debunked

Third was covid was only just a flu and would be killed off once the hot weather came. Which made no sense because Brazil is second in the world with the most cases and our cases proceeded to go up during the summer months

Fourth it was masks didn’t help and the government didn’t have the right to tell you what to wear and it threatens their safety and rights

Now it’s the stupid treatment that Trump and the Demon lady doctor is trying to push. Which is ironic because now they admit that covid that is a real thing that requires actual treatment

This entire pandemic has revealed a lot of stupid people that were in my circle. I’ve decided to change that going forward

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
Fortunately I live in Germany :whew:
But the point still stands, we can’t do social distancing as a life concept
Ah lol I thought you were American my bad. You Germans handled that pandemic excellently so I have nothing bad to say about your country :russ:

Regarding social distancing as a new way of life I agree its not possible indefinitely but it needs to be done until we have a vaccine. That doesnt mean we need to be in lockdown for ever but we'll need to make some sacrifice in themean time. I think we can expect this until mid-2021 till we roll out vaccines.

All fair points, but cases are rising now all across Europe

As soon as restrictions are loosened, it's inevitable that cases will gradually begin to rise

What's needed is:

1. A realization that things can't go back to normal before there is a vaccine or heard immunity (if that is even possible

2. some outside-of-the-box thinking to keep the economy and peoples' livelihoods afloat for an extended period while some form of lockdown continues

3. Figure out exactly how loose the restrictions can be while limiting the number of new cases to manageable levels
Yes the cases are back up for a couple of weeks you are correct but they are not soaring which is what matters because it makes a second wave manageable. It is expected that people will relax with less restrictions unfortunately and that was the reason for the lockdown in the first place so we could "afford" a second wave. The US cases are back up and never really lowered in the first place

Regarding your second point, here the government had a 6 month plan backing up companies who had to cease or reduce activity so they could stay afloat. I think that's what made the lockdown work as nobody lost their jobs (though it might be artificial, we'll see in a couple of months how many jobs got destroyed long term because of the lockdown). How long can this continue I dont know. Its supposed to end in August but we'll see how september hits. If another lockdown happens we'll probably have a similar plan though most likely less ambitious because well probably enter a depression :sadcam:

Tommy Fits

May 1, 2012
I get what you're saying but you guys should realize that the issues you're having are mostly because of how you handled this. We can totally live with the virus with simple sanitary measures, it's a respiratory disease which transmission can easily be mitigated with basic hygiene.

One lesson Im taking from this is that from now on, ill have masks stocked up for when Im sick similarly as how Asians do and Im sure if the West behaved that way this would have been a breeze. Im not even sure So Korea or Japan locked down like we had to and their death rate are ridiculously low though them being islands or quasi for Soko probably played an important part too.

You guys botched your lockdown and the very example of New York should have been enough to have a proper nationwide response. It makes no sense that Florida, Cali or Texas are now experiencing what NY did 3 months ago. None.

In France ours was restrictive but now schools have reopened, bars, restaurants, shops too and honestly things are pretty much back to normal now except for masks and hydro gels. Even sports are back with attendance.

I have Spanish and Italian colleagues who got hit even harder than us and the lockdowns were mentally hard for them too but it was a temp sacrifice so things could go back to quasi-normal in the summer.

If you guys didnt have sycophants as leaders, you would never have been in this sorry state in July. Every time I look at the case curve, it blows my mind how bad that was handled. Like the US passed France's death rate a couple days ago and your cases are soaring back up . :mindblown:

I mean it took Trump 3 months to put a mask on publicly and that was a front page news in our newspapers :dwillhuh:. In a sense, Im kinda glad he botched that COVID response because if he had aced it, his reelection would have probably been a slam dunk. Only positive I can see for you to be honest.
Great post except for one thing . It took Trump 4 months to wear a mask, not 3. If 3 he probably could've saved around 25k lives.