Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
I just talked to my older brother. He's all pissed off. So supposedly someone at his job tested positive, he was around my brother. My bro took 2 Covid tests this week one saying only 70% accurate. Still hasn't got the results. He's been sick for past 3 days, body aches, head ache, slight cough. He told me dude who tested positive has exact same symptoms. On the phone he sounded fine. Little horseness in his voice.

My nephew, his boy has been sick since Sunday no results yet on his test either. But he's throwing up and shyt.
May 29, 2012
I just talked to my older brother. He's all pissed off. So supposedly someone at his job tested positive, he was around my brother. My bro took 2 Covid tests this week one saying only 70% accurate. Still hasn't got the results. He's been sick for past 3 days, body aches, head ache, slight cough. He told me dude who tested positive has exact same symptoms. On the phone he sounded fine. Little horseness in his voice.

My nephew, his boy has been sick since Sunday no results yet on his test either. But he's throwing up and shyt.
I got a test done and it took 8 days to get the results back. Was going to see a ENT doctor for allergies. But had to have the results in 3 to 5 smh.


May 26, 2012
San Diego

Pretty strange, but I think very common experience, in the wake of the last few months. I have seen similar things in spots, with the owners flaunting the guidelines, hugging guests, approaching our table, (I declined to shake) no masks. Also, the resentment for government interference in small business has pretty much reached the spill over point, where these people are going to ignore the guidelines, and hope for the best. But, that guy does seems esp. aggressive with you, and out of line.

it's a very, very bizarre reaction, but also I think very American, I have seen too, people I know friends, seem to believe the threat, but laugh it off, and somewhat look at (me) following just basic guidelines as being afraid, or even insulting to them. People/strangers are still trying to shake hands with me! Just stop for awhile. It's a basic, easy thing to do.


May 1, 2012

Pretty strange, but I think very common experience, in the wake of the last few months. I have seen similar things in spots, with the owners flaunting the guidelines, hugging guests, approaching our table, (I declined to shake) no masks. Also, the resentment for government interference in small business has pretty much reached the spill over point, where these people are going to ignore the guidelines, and hope for the best. But, that guy does seems esp. aggressive with you, and out of line.

it's a very, very bizarre reaction, but also I think very American, I have seen too, people I know friends, seem to believe the threat, but laugh it off, and somewhat look at (me) following just basic guidelines as being afraid, or even insulting to them. People/strangers are still trying to shake hands with me! Just stop for awhile. It's a basic, easy thing to do.
Yeah the reaction was bizarre and I think it was pent up, misplaced anger or resentment towards me for whatever reason.

Also - he is not American, he is Filipino which was even more confusing to me.

I'm an outgoing person, talk to and get along with everyone I encounter. I'm very proud to be from Northeast NJ/NYC area and everyone knows it and/or gets that vibe. Especially with my NY Mets or Giants hats, gold chains and overall attitude, accent or whatever. I stand out amongst midwesterners for sure.
I also do extremely well for myself career wise, not bragging but he can see that based on my vehicle, suits I wear if I pop in for HH, amount of money I spend there, etc.

I've thought about it quite a bit and I chalk up that reaction to something deeper that he has harboured against me over the past three years.
That combined with exactly what you said...the small business owner resenting the government interference and stopping him or slowing him from making a living.

What's funny is I have tried to support local business and not corporate establishments because I'm sensitive to what they are going through and that's the treatment I get? I wont ever spend another penny there now.

It is truly bizarre times we are living in brehs :manny:
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May 26, 2012
San Diego
Yeah the reaction was bizarre and I think it was pent up, misplaced anger or resentment towards me for whatever reason.

Also - he is not American, he is Phillipono which was even more confusing to me.

I'm an outgoing person, talk to and get along with everyone I encounter. I'm very proud to be from Northeast NJ/NYC area and everyone knows it and/or gets that vibe. Especially with my NY Mets or Giants hats, gold chains and overall attitude, accent or whatever. I stand out amongst midwesterners for sure.
I also do extremely well for myself career wise, not bragging but he can see that based on my vehicle, suits I wear if I pop in for HH, amount of money I spend there, etc.

I've thought about it quite a bit and I chalk up that reaction to something deeper that he has harboured against me over the past three years.
That combined with exactly what you said...the small business owner resenting the government interference and stopping him or slowing him from making a living.

What's funny is I have tried to support local business and not corporate establishments because I'm sensitive to what they are going through and that's the treatment I get? I wont ever spend another penny there now.

It is truly bizarre times we are living in brehs :manny:

*Filipino's tend to be more conservative, which may play a role

I am extremely reserved and don't talk to people when out, unless it's a woman, or something like that, but the owners of places I go, see and recognize me too, (one even went as far as to say Mr. Cash when I walked up, i just gestured down with my hands) which I say to point out the frustration of a guy like that, your Filipino bar owmer, watching someone come in, entirely removed from his precarious situation, not that it's reasonable, or ok. Partially why I keep my distance, because you never know the beliefs or politics of people, and I don't always want to.

Hood Critic

The Power Circle
May 2, 2012
I just talked to my older brother. He's all pissed off. So supposedly someone at his job tested positive, he was around my brother. My bro took 2 Covid tests this week one saying only 70% accurate. Still hasn't got the results. He's been sick for past 3 days, body aches, head ache, slight cough. He told me dude who tested positive has exact same symptoms. On the phone he sounded fine. Little horseness in his voice.

My nephew, his boy has been sick since Sunday no results yet on his test either. But he's throwing up and shyt.

I got a test done and it took 8 days to get the results back. Was going to see a ENT doctor for allergies. But had to have the results in 3 to 5 smh.

I got one done last Saturday because the previous Weds & Thurs I didn't feel well but I believe it ended being food poisoning because Thurs night I felt a lot better and Friday I felt practically normal. I went ahead and got the test done anyway because of the trouble of getting it scheduled.

Still no results.