Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
Nevermind that shyt anymore. No HS Football games this season. :mjcry::mjlol:



Oct 18, 2013
My family member is this except she hates Trump and the GOP with a passion but dislikes the Democratic Party, saying we can't trust no one. She's kinda right on the not trusting people part.

I have a family member who thinks like this as well. They were talking that bullshyt last weekend.

I just simply pulled out my phone and started playing this on Youtube. They were not pleased.



Nov 26, 2016
Larry Brilliant on How Well We Are Fighting Covid-19

Looks like other countries are working together to defeat covid and are excluding the USA. :francis:
Some serious reality checks in that article...

You paint quite a picture.

This is a big fukking deal. If I would not be excommunicated from the world of science, I would call this an evil virus, but I can’t do that because I can’t impugn motives to it. But if I could, I would call it that. It’s certainly pernicious. This is the worst pandemic in our lifetime. And it is the first time we have had a pandemic in the United States in which we have had such a total, abysmal failure of our federal government.

It seems like the longer it goes, the less we know about it. Every week something new comes up that contradicts what we thought we already knew.

No, no—you know a lot more about it now
When you get a vaccine, you get a vaccine campaign. We have around 160 vaccines today in various stages of trial or hypothesis or funding, with maybe a dozen candidates emerging. Several are from China. China is looking at its ability to rapidly produce a vaccine as a demonstration of modernity, scientific acumen, and a little bit of redemption, because they were the place at which Covid emerged. When one or two or three of those vaccines are declared workable and we have made sufficient quantities, you don’t get rainbows and unicorns. What you will most likely get is a food fight. If you were in the middle of a goddamned pandemic and you saw the first stirrings of possibility of a vaccine, you would hold a global meeting, bring all the countries and organizations together, and decide on a plan to divvy it up, I would hope, for equitable distribution. Others might hope for strategic distribution. Where will you put the vaccine so that it will stop the whole pandemic quicker? Some would lobby for an America-first, or a China-first, policy of the use of the vaccine. Others would argue, hey, whatever country makes it gets it first. But whatever, there would be that conversation among all the funders and the distributors, everybody in. You would expect that to happen, wouldn’t you?

You would hope.

It has happened, absent one player: the United States of America. We are not in these meetings.

Because we pulled out of the World Health Organization?

We haven’t pulled out of the World Health Organization. [laughs] It’s not even clear how you pull out of the World Health Organization. Distancing ourselves is probably a better word. It just makes us look like clowns. WHO is stronger than ever. The rest of the world has rallied to its side. The Trump Administration was not in the meetings where WHO was raising $8 to $12 billion just to help plan for the vaccination program. America’s money has been replaced by other countries donating it. And with it will come the inevitable soft power that comes with funding.


On the Come up Member
May 21, 2012
Seriously man. Shut the fukking country down, this really is bullshyt.

I have nothing pithy to say. This actually hurts me to see the US being ravaged by a disease that could have been contained. 70k, when you consider this is just based on testing and is probably the UNDER, is mind blowing.

Your government doesn't care if you live or die.

Protect yourselves folks. Please. I hope everyone on here makes it through safely.
Continues to hit like a ton of bricks daily. Some people think we near the endgame and we haven't even gotten halfway through infinity war. We need as many people with sense to survive and make it to November.
Aug 4, 2015
500k people + need to die in order for Americans to realize this is real

You'd think so but a certain amount of deaths would become normalized and people would become numb to the statistical accumulation of deaths.

This is really a mask off moment for American capitalism - as someone who lives in Canada, the veneer of American exceptionalism being shattered is stunning to see. The idea of business as usual at all costs, access to healthcare being dependent on employment, etc. are ideas that have driven capitalism in the United States to its hegemonic position at the top of the global economy.

The thing is, at the end of the day, if you're not taking care of your people - who gives a fukk about the stock market, employment numbers? Who cares? Now, Canada isn't doing perfectly well with this pandemic either. We have issues with outbreaks in longterm care homes (including one where my grandmother lives), but I never felt scared of leaving the house. I lost my job and didn't need to panic because our federal government (who I am certainly not a fan of) took care of us with emergency payments hitting our bank via direct deposit in 2 business days. I never had to worry about losing healthcare, if I got sick while unemployed my treatment would have been free.

Bit of a rambling post but the situation south of the border really saddens me - a country I love visiting and exploring, one that has produced the majority of the music, film, tv, video games, etc has been brought to its knees by this virus. And it's this devotion to capitalism at all costs and this insistence upon maintaining social and racial hierarchies that exacerbate it combined with a lack of leadership at all levels of government. I really wish the best for all my American brothers and sisters, and urge you to demand more of your governments and each other in the future. Love

DJ Paul's Arm

Dec 15, 2015
500k people + need to die in order for Americans to realize this is real

"The models show that we would be at 2 million deaths by the end of the year. We are a little over 500 thousand deaths in October. One death is too many but a little over 500 thousand deaths vs the predicted 2 million, 3 months from now is saying that we're doing a great job. Beautiful work by our medical heroes in our hospitals. We will be flattening the curve soon and we will get our economy going again. The greatest economy that I've built. The best in the universe until the Chinese virus came to our shores. Soon the virus will disappear."

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