If you're asking me do I agree that it was a massive failure on everyone involved's part to not take care of the people we deem essential to our everyday life as we ride this out from the safety of our homes? Absolutely 100%.
But I wholeheartedly disagree with you on this concept of people getting a raise to stay at home. Because as others and myself have proven to you, everyone who gets unemployment is not getting 100% of their wages. So some people got more, some got less and some got almost just right. But I would hope you would agree that instead of haggling over targeting those groups, the better solution was to pick a number and approve a blanket measure for all in the spirit of timing.
On unemployment, you shouldn't be expecting to though, I know I wasn't. I was viewing it more like short-term disability payments, where you get, say 60% of your income. 60% in regular unemployment, stimulus payment(s), and deferred bill payment for 6+ months, should be enough to keep you afloat at home.