Coronavirus Thread: Worldwide Pandemic

King Ming

All Star
Jun 12, 2012
China already muscling in on Australia.

China’s murky role in the genesis and spread of the novel coronavirus has disturbed the entire world. Its attempts to economically coerce Australia into its geopolitical orbit should disturb the world even more.

Australia is one of the United States’ staunchest allies. It was saved from Japanese invasion in World War II by the U.S. victory in the Battle of Coral Sea and has stood side by side with America ever since. Australian troops, known as “diggers” Down Under, have fought in every major U.S. military engagement thereafter, including the Korean and Vietnam wars, both wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Australia and the United States are also bound to one another by a mutual defense treaty and a free trade agreement.


Jul 25, 2018
I just want everyone here to understand something, in light of everything we've seen and heard from this man since this shyt started and since the whole "Lysol injections" gaffe: This is what the Trump presidency has always looked like. Awful, knee jerk decisions of pure convenience and self-interest replacing actual intelligence (pun intended), information, planning and execution.

Trump was never playing long-term "5D chess" to humiliate and cease voters from Democrats--he banked firmly with his base, his racism, their simple minded ideology, and the God-complex they offered him to lead him to every victory. He wasn't govern any more intelligently no matter what was advised, on anything. He was never gonna denuclearize NK, or defeat Democrats in Congress in getting a wall, or bring peace to the Middle East. This is ego-driven communication breakdown in it's finest of our very government before our eyes. Behind closed doors what we're now seeing of him publicly is what the people around him had to deal with every day. Horrified by this man's relentless ego and arrogance, unwillingness to see the office as higher than himself and unwillingness to take any approach with anything that is not immediately beneficial to his public image or political aspirations. And because he "beat Hillary", brought white supremacy back in fashion like it's 1889, and has the personality disorder of a spoiled child a bunch of people desperate for a six-figure job and political power have to both praise and at the same time cover up all of Trump's worst impulses and ideas from being known...but again, entertaining his idiocy at the same time in order to just do their jobs and save face for "the administration."

Meeting with Kim Jong Un AT ALL, let alone in person, inside North Korea, was always a dumb idea that I'm sure he was advised against because it benefits NK propaganda more than the US. And I'm sure all types of wild, dangerous ideas to try and MAKE NK deneuclarize--probably up to and beyond assassinating him, if not declaring straight up war--was floated around by this idiot. There was never gonna be a wall without force. The people that surrounded Trump, including the Republicans in Congress that smiled in his face knowing they would never vote yes on some shyt like this, knew there wasn't gonna be a wall. I'm sure all type of wild, dangerous ideas to MAKE Congress approve of the wall was floating around, and we got it: a phony national emergency followed by the longest government shutdown in history. I think this was one of those moments his handlers let his stupidity play out because he had such a chip on his shoulder about losing this wall battle to an accomplished woman. Went on for weeks before a huge dip in his approval ratings (and none against Pelosi or Schumer) made his stupid ass get the picture, that he's not God, King, or mob boss of America. Wasn't gonna be no peace in the Middle East, but we sure saw how eager Trump was to bring massive World War-threatening violence to the Muslim world just for optics and deflection. Hell, I bet even the suggestions Trump has made to his staff, on "hitting back" at Democrats, which likely included blackmailing, bribing, planting lies and scandals on people (ask Zelensky), Joe McCarthy style hit-job smearing of people's careers and allegiance to the US and other mob tactics, horrified his staffers who had to remind him over and over his ideas cross criminality and would hurt him politically or get him impeached if people found out (and...again...that still didn't stop him). As much as I hate Republicans and hope everyone involved with Trump goes out in disgrace, we gonna find out the extent people in his administration had to go every single day to prevent massive death, war, crime and chaos from happening under this guy was commendable.

Trump is not smart, clever, or playing advanced Chinese ches. He never was. he's a big privileged man-child who was only good at shamelessly lieing his way into this perfect storm of post-Tea Party, post-Sarah Palin, racism, prideful ignorance, lazy journalism, television media sensationalism, social media incomprehension, anti-establishment sentiment coming mostly from Russian cyber warfare that ascended him into the White House; surrounded by people much smarter and even more committed to his agenda than he is. The books that will be written about Trump's every thoughts and ideas while in office will be horrifying. How close we came to what would've been historic disasters, only for this coronavirus and the death of over 100,000 Americans to be the one they finally couldn't contain internally or externally will be of generational study in politics and social study.


Nov 20, 2013
I just want everyone here to understand something, in light of everything we've seen and heard from this man since this shyt started and since the whole "Lysol injections" gaffe: This is what the Trump presidency has always looked like. Awful, knee jerk decisions of pure convenience and self-interest replacing actual intelligence (pun intended), information, planning and execution.

Trump was never playing long-term "5D chess" to humiliate and cease voters from Democrats--he banked firmly with his base, his racism, their simple minded ideology, and the God-complex they offered him to lead him to every victory. He wasn't govern any more intelligently no matter what was advised, on anything. He was never gonna denuclearize NK, or defeat Democrats in Congress in getting a wall, or bring peace to the Middle East. This is ego-driven communication breakdown in it's finest of our very government before our eyes. Behind closed doors what we're now seeing of him publicly is what the people around him had to deal with every day. Horrified by this man's relentless ego and arrogance, unwillingness to see the office as higher than himself and unwillingness to take any approach with anything that is not immediately beneficial to his public image or political aspirations. And because he "beat Hillary", brought white supremacy back in fashion like it's 1889, and has the personality disorder of a spoiled child a bunch of people desperate for a six-figure job and political power have to both praise and at the same time cover up all of Trump's worst impulses and ideas from being known...but again, entertaining his idiocy at the same time in order to just do their jobs and save face for "the administration."

Meeting with Kim Jong Un AT ALL, let alone in person, inside North Korea, was always a dumb idea that I'm sure he was advised against because it benefits NK propaganda more than the US. And I'm sure all types of wild, dangerous ideas to try and MAKE NK deneuclarize--probably up to and beyond assassinating him, if not declaring straight up war--was floated around by this idiot. There was never gonna be a wall without force. The people that surrounded Trump, including the Republicans in Congress that smiled in his face knowing they would never vote yes on some shyt like this, knew there wasn't gonna be a wall. I'm sure all type of wild, dangerous ideas to MAKE Congress approve of the wall was floating around, and we got it: a phony national emergency followed by the longest government shutdown in history. I think this was one of those moments his handlers let his stupidity play out because he had such a chip on his shoulder about losing this wall battle to an accomplished woman. Went on for weeks before a huge dip in his approval ratings (and none against Pelosi or Schumer) made his stupid ass get the picture, that he's not God, King, or mob boss of America. Wasn't gonna be no peace in the Middle East, but we sure saw how eager Trump was to bring massive World War-threatening violence to the Muslim world just for optics and deflection. Hell, I bet even the suggestions Trump has made to his staff, on "hitting back" at Democrats, which likely included blackmailing, bribing, planting lies and scandals on people (ask Zelensky), Joe McCarthy style hit-job smearing of people's careers and allegiance to the US and other mob tactics, horrified his staffers who had to remind him over and over his ideas cross criminality and would hurt him politically or get him impeached if people found out (and...again...that still didn't stop him). As much as I hate Republicans and hope everyone involved with Trump goes out in disgrace, we gonna find out the extent people in his administration had to go every single day to prevent massive death, war, crime and chaos from happening under this guy was commendable.

Trump is not smart, clever, or playing advanced Chinese ches. He never was. he's a big privileged man-child who was only good at shamelessly lieing his way into this perfect storm of post-Tea Party, post-Sarah Palin, racism, prideful ignorance, lazy journalism, television media sensationalism, social media incomprehension, anti-establishment sentiment coming mostly from Russian cyber warfare that ascended him into the White House; surrounded by people much smarter and even more committed to his agenda than he is. The books that will be written about Trump's every thoughts and ideas while in office will be horrifying. How close we came to what would've been historic disasters, only for this coronavirus and the death of over 100,000 Americans to be the one they finally couldn't contain internally or externally will be of generational study in politics and social study.
Amazing post:whoo:

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
I just want everyone here to understand something, in light of everything we've seen and heard from this man since this shyt started and since the whole "Lysol injections" gaffe: This is what the Trump presidency has always looked like. Awful, knee jerk decisions of pure convenience and self-interest replacing actual intelligence (pun intended), information, planning and execution.

Trump was never playing long-term "5D chess" to humiliate and cease voters from Democrats--he banked firmly with his base, his racism, their simple minded ideology, and the God-complex they offered him to lead him to every victory. He wasn't govern any more intelligently no matter what was advised, on anything. He was never gonna denuclearize NK, or defeat Democrats in Congress in getting a wall, or bring peace to the Middle East. This is ego-driven communication breakdown in it's finest of our very government before our eyes. Behind closed doors what we're now seeing of him publicly is what the people around him had to deal with every day. Horrified by this man's relentless ego and arrogance, unwillingness to see the office as higher than himself and unwillingness to take any approach with anything that is not immediately beneficial to his public image or political aspirations. And because he "beat Hillary", brought white supremacy back in fashion like it's 1889, and has the personality disorder of a spoiled child a bunch of people desperate for a six-figure job and political power have to both praise and at the same time cover up all of Trump's worst impulses and ideas from being known...but again, entertaining his idiocy at the same time in order to just do their jobs and save face for "the administration."

Meeting with Kim Jong Un AT ALL, let alone in person, inside North Korea, was always a dumb idea that I'm sure he was advised against because it benefits NK propaganda more than the US. And I'm sure all types of wild, dangerous ideas to try and MAKE NK deneuclarize--probably up to and beyond assassinating him, if not declaring straight up war--was floated around by this idiot. There was never gonna be a wall without force. The people that surrounded Trump, including the Republicans in Congress that smiled in his face knowing they would never vote yes on some shyt like this, knew there wasn't gonna be a wall. I'm sure all type of wild, dangerous ideas to MAKE Congress approve of the wall was floating around, and we got it: a phony national emergency followed by the longest government shutdown in history. I think this was one of those moments his handlers let his stupidity play out because he had such a chip on his shoulder about losing this wall battle to an accomplished woman. Went on for weeks before a huge dip in his approval ratings (and none against Pelosi or Schumer) made his stupid ass get the picture, that he's not God, King, or mob boss of America. Wasn't gonna be no peace in the Middle East, but we sure saw how eager Trump was to bring massive World War-threatening violence to the Muslim world just for optics and deflection. Hell, I bet even the suggestions Trump has made to his staff, on "hitting back" at Democrats, which likely included blackmailing, bribing, planting lies and scandals on people (ask Zelensky), Joe McCarthy style hit-job smearing of people's careers and allegiance to the US and other mob tactics, horrified his staffers who had to remind him over and over his ideas cross criminality and would hurt him politically or get him impeached if people found out (and...again...that still didn't stop him). As much as I hate Republicans and hope everyone involved with Trump goes out in disgrace, we gonna find out the extent people in his administration had to go every single day to prevent massive death, war, crime and chaos from happening under this guy was commendable.

Trump is not smart, clever, or playing advanced Chinese ches. He never was. he's a big privileged man-child who was only good at shamelessly lieing his way into this perfect storm of post-Tea Party, post-Sarah Palin, racism, prideful ignorance, lazy journalism, television media sensationalism, social media incomprehension, anti-establishment sentiment coming mostly from Russian cyber warfare that ascended him into the White House; surrounded by people much smarter and even more committed to his agenda than he is. The books that will be written about Trump's every thoughts and ideas while in office will be horrifying. How close we came to what would've been historic disasters, only for this coronavirus and the death of over 100,000 Americans to be the one they finally couldn't contain internally or externally will be of generational study in politics and social study.