that twas a wack Wrestlemania and I usually have lower standards then most of ya'll..
the fukkin main main even twas no different then the last month and a half..
AJ/Nakamura twas solid,but nothin special..
best match twas prolly the opening match which shows you how much The Miz has improved over the years,i used to despise dude for his cocky promo's when he could barely wrestle,now he's worked hard and made himself one of the best workers in the company,improved his moveset,learned in-ring psychology,and learned how to sell right..
the cruiserweight match twas dope but i felt that twas too be expected..
what the fiddduck twas that Braun match,a Make-A-Wish kid's wish,if so i feel more sorry that he picked such a wack wish,what would security did if he jumped(or got helped) over the rail..? imagine if the wrestlers WCW'ed him assuming he twas a threat..
why the fukk did they give Jinder Mahal the title..? they only have two of the most over wrasslers in the company fighting for the US Title..?
i've missed a few WrestleMania's over the years but the crowd twas dead as fiddduck,and that twas New Orleans,couldn't they have done some voodoo to scare/cheer the fukkin crowd up..