Why resist the arrest though?

Cops are in the wrong but why give them leverage to shoot you?
It's sad.
You can resist arrest and get shot. Or cooperate and get shot. Or do nothing and get shot by a cop. really what's stopping them from randomly killing people for the fukk of it like Daniel Holtzclaw was raping black women? Police in America have this obscene power now, they know it. They can do what they want. It's too late to turn anything around.
Bodycams will eventually do nothing except provide the public with even more graphic displays of poilice violence they will get even more desensitized to and as it gets worse they get away with more cause people expect less from them. And will see stuff like this as normal and just accept it as normal.
That's the point of the police state. To instill fear in citizens to protect the state and it's property as the punishment is death. Which is what America is. Which is what the police do. Protect the interests of property and business owners and not the people.
I don't see this getting better at all honestly. This is what the American public wanted, it got it. Don't complain cause you did.