There's more than enough white people out there like this than not like this and that's the point people like yourself and other's on this forum on trying to ignore. There's over 500+ years of history we have to go on to draw this conclusion.
So please don't conflate or try to equate being the victim's of white racism and actual white racism as one in the same they are not and people like you will never get it. You stay trying to deflect and deny the existence of white racism and white supremacy and in turn, you're no better than the people you claim you're better than.
I never said white people aren't racist and I never denied white supremacy
But I'm up in Canada where everyone gets treated fair so maybe we have experienced life different
Majority of my mother's side is black
Never heard any of them ever spit hatred towards white people
Seeing yall do it is new to me
Well aware of what happened to your people, and it's unforgivable
are you aware alot of white people have Irish or Scottish roots
It was either Irish or Scottish people that were brought to the islands as slaves before Africans, & worked beside them as slaves
We live in a fukked up world
people have been singling out races and doing them dirty for thousands of years
One day everything will be better though