The Devil's Advocate
Call me Dad
cops ain't shyt... most of the military ain't shytNot to sidetrack but it's crazy how ill prepared leo is in these situations. I said months ago that the Paris attacks if happened here would have police unorganized. If 3-4 people can do this imagine if it was 15,25,or 50. All it takes is 10 heavily armed men to plunge a city to chaos. Even the NYPD can't manage in a situation like this.
cops get a 6 week course... and a lot is classroom.. you think they some elite force after 6 weeks of training?
same with military... air force is like 6 weeks of training... army is like 8... marines do the most and it still ain't more than 3 months.... then you go to your school for tech training in your field.. then you go to a base with zero of the same people you just trained with....
by the time they stick you in a war time scenario, it might be years since you was in BASIC training
now the elites, seals, rangers, black ops, etc