Essential Conspiracy Thread

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
i guess this is the best thread to post this since it's one blogger's theory....

Rothschild Wants an Imperialist China, What that Entails for USA, UK and Europe
Saturday, September 3, 2016 11:10

Recently, Jacob Rothschild said he is unsure of the future. Rothschild is unsure whether the NWO can pull off moving from US dollar to Beijing dollar, from Washington consensus to Beijing consensus. Washington consensus is a term meaning Washington sets the world agenda. Rothschild wants Beijing to set the world agenda, at least that is the offer being extended to China by Rothschild. But Beijing consensus promised by Rothschild to be handed to China comes only after Beijing agrees to Rothschild’s dictates. Rothschild/Vatican are unsure whether China will accept their offer or not.

To pull of Beijing consensus, Rothschild will need martial law in effect in the USA and Europe and UK. There is speculation of no elections in USA. Possible Obama is being fooled into agreeing to postpone elections, allowing him to remain in office after his term expires, which then prompts the US military to take over the White House (as depicted in UK Telegraph’s 2009 Blackjack), bringing about military rule in USA. Already being banted about in US mainstream media that if Clinton or Trump dies prior to the November elections, that the elections could be postponed keeping Obama as president beyond his term. Every one is expendable in the evil world of Rothschild/Vatican, that includes their favored one, Hillary Clinton.

The NWO International Monetary Fund unilaterally decides to include the Chinese Yuan in its SDR (special drawing rights), which is a form of currency infrequently used by nations in settlement transactions. The SDR is made up currently of four currencies: US dollar, Euro dollar, Pound sterling and Japanese Yen. On September 30, 2016 the IMF includes the Chinese Yuan in its SDR and will begin to curtail use of USD in trade settlement utilizing the SDR instead.

The effect will be inflationary on the US dollar by the NWO IMF choosing to utilize SDR for most if not all coming settlements rather than the USD. On September 30, 2016 Rothschild begins in a big way to limit the use of US dollar in international trade. One of the reasons USD has maintained value in relation to other world currencies, and has not yet experienced hyperinflation since the 2008 financial crises, is because the USD still retains a significant role in international trade settlement, but that changes come September 30, 2016.

Recently, Greenspan has warned inflation is coming in the USD. Greenspan is a former Federal Reserve chairman. Greenspan is a Rothschild insider, one of them. Greenspan knows the NWO game plan of Vatican Jew Pharisees is to move onto another horse, China, leaving USA in the dust. They’ve ridden their USA horse as far as they choose to go. Vatican/Rothschild will have to manage the populations of USA, UK and Europe with a strong military hand as they make the switch from the west to the east.

The NWO IMF is playing with itself currently in its move to include China’s currency in its SDR, and China will not bite. Rothschild has USA scolding China on its South China Sea endeavors, barking at China to abide by NWO’s Hague Court decision regarding the SCS, but China refuses stating the Hague has no jurisdiction over China and refuses US demands to cease military build up in the SCS.

Soros states China “plays along [with the IMF] but does not make much of a contribution”. Rothschild/Soros are pushing China in the direction they want China to go, but China will not give them what they want. Rothschild wants to control China as they do the UK, Europe and USA, which control is via ownership of the respective central bank of those nations. Rothschild, which is an agent of the Vatican, and Vatican’s Knights Templar which are the lords of Switzerland and are also bankers for the Vatican (Bank for International Settlements), wants to control China as they do USA, Europe and UK (the NWO vision), but it will never happen.

In determining whether China is in league with Rothschild, look to what China is doing in the South China Sea. China is creating another Great Wall of China type thing in the SCS to keep out the Barbarians of the West – the Jew Pharisees of the Vatican, including Rothschild and Soros. The SCS is said to hold trillions of dollars worth of oil and gas. And to tap that oil and gas wealth will make China wealthy, more independent and militarily stronger. Resources are the real wealth, not linen and ink banker notes, digital money. Rothschild gains nothing in destroying Chinese currency, if it comes to that, where China has such great resources. And China (and Russia and India) have great wealth in gold. So if Rothschild were successful in destroying offshore Yuan in a bid to force China to do the will of Vatican/Rothschild, same would not hurt China in the long run, as China has gold and the wealth of resources in the SCS. Also, when Rothschild begins to put the screws to China, China will view same as once again being the victim of imperialist powers and will do all they can to keep the imperialists at bay, even go after them to kill them. Rothschild does not want the wealth of the SCS to go to China alone, which is why Rothschild has US military harass China’s SCS operations.

The Chinese are working at keeping the imperialists at bay through what they are doing in the South China Sea, among other things. There is no indication whatsoever that China will accept Rothschild’s offer of being placed in an imperialist seat by Rothschild. There is every indication that China rejects Rothschild’s imperialist seat offer, including China’s military alliance with Russia and its insistence, to be enforced with military action in the future if necessary, that USA military steer clear of what China declares to be its sovereign territory in the South China Sea. Also, Turkey’s president Erdogan shall be in China during the G20 summit in China, not because Turkey is part of the G20, which it is, but because China is facilitating a meeting between Erdogan and Obama. Erdogan believes USA/Nato are behind the failed coup in Turkey in July 2016, therefore Erdogan believes Obama wanted him dead, and he shall meet Obama face to face courtesy of China. The NWO visionaries shall fall, (Daniel 11:14), and USA/Nato loss of Turkey to China and Russia is among the main reasons they shall fall. Of course, China does not want to see Turkey amend relations with USA, but rather is facilitating the meeting because China is rubbing the matter in the face of USA/Obama. Turkey is a Russian/Chinese asset now, no more an asset of USA/Nato. Erdogan can never go back to USA/Nato, does not want to go back to the ones who wanted him dead. Erdogan wants to face his would-be murderer, Obama, in person and China is assisting him by facilitating the meeting in China.

The NWO IMF game plan is to make the Chinese currency the new world reserve currency, and so they are doing every thing to bring down the currency of USA, also bring down the currencies of Europe and UK. They have begun taking down UK currency through Brexit; they began the takedown of the USD with quantitative easing and are going for the finish of USD via hyperinflation; and they have begun the takedown of the Euro dollar via Brexit, leaving Europe Union with just with France and Germany as the lead engines, both of which are insolvent, their banks are insolvent. Recently, Germany has advised its citizens to have cash on hand and at least ten days worth of food. Deutsche Bank is going under. Deutsche bank is on the hook for debt of Greece and Italy and Spain and Portugal and those nations cannot pay back.

How much pain can China take, that is the methodology being used by Rothschild. They are busting China’s major export markets which are USA, Europe and UK. China runs to Rothschild or turns extreme nationalistic where the Chinese people and its leaders are willing to go through great hardship as their economy implodes (being that they are an exporting nation and their major export markets USA, UK and Europe are being busted) rather than the Chinese leaders acquiescing to the demands of Rothschild. It will be the latter.

If China were willing to go along with Rothschild, which they are not, Rothschild will show China how to develop its own internal consumption. Under Rothschild rule (commencing with the 1913 Federal Reserve Act), USA was at its height in the world, politically and economically, when USA was its own best customer. Made in the USA and bought in the USA. Rothschild wants the same to happen with China, with the boom in internal consumption coming as a result of Rothschild controlling the currency of China, but the Chinese leaders will never allow that. If there were to be a shift in Chinese leadership policy towards domestic consumption, it would be without Rothschild tagging along. In the USA, its leaders allowed and continue to allow a privately owned central bank in USA to exist, but the Chinese would never allow such thing in their own nation where non-Chinese control China’s economy.

China knows how Rothschild’s USA endeavor, UK endeavor and European endeavor are playing out, destruction of those economies. China will not want the same for itself, and will therefore reject the NWO Rothschild’s carrot of an imperialist position, and so the NWO will play out its stick against China. Soros: “China is accustomed to thinking of itself as a victim of imperialism. So it doesn’t realize that it is beginning to occupy an imperialistic position”. “Hopefully, the Chinese leadership will rise to the occasion. It is no exaggeration to say that the future of the world depends on it”. That is Rothschild’s uncertainty, whether China will bow to Rothschild.

The future of the NWO vision depends on China agreeing to become the servant of Rothschild, not the future of the world, contrary to what evil Soros states. China will reject Rothschild’s offer to be placed via Rothschild in an imperialistic position. Chinese leadership despises Vatican and Rothschild. They certainly despise the Vatican because they shut the Vatican out of China. They certainly despise Rothschild because they do not further the aims of Rothschild’s IMF and other institutions. The Catholic churches that operate in China are all state run, including state appointment of the church leaders, so China despises the Vatican, unlike the USA, Europe and UK which embrace the Jew Pharisees’ Vatican. China has no diplomatic relations with the Vatican. China operates its Shanghai Cooperation Organization and its own settlement bank, neither of which are Rothschild institutions. China accumulates gold whereas Rothschild’s media empire tells the masses in UK, USA and Europe that gold is a barbaric relic of the past and in no way is gold money.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
China makes bilateral agreements with nations on trade and settlement, and that is conduct that cuts out Rothschild from such transactions, showing yet again China is not in league with Rothschild.

When Jacob Rothschild recently stated that the world is in as dangerous a place as ever since WW2, it is because the NWO visionaries are unsure of how China will respond to them. If China refuses their offer to be placed by them in an imperialist position, which offer comes with all strings attached so that banker Jew Pharisee Rothschild is the puppet master, the shadow government that rules over the Chinese leaders, then it is ashes for the world courtesy of Rothschild’s scorched earth policy if it does not get its way with China. But Rothschild and Soros and Vatican and Swissy Knights Templar have their safe places and are willing to go scorched earth policy if they do not get their way.

Should China reject Rothschild’s offer to be placed in an imperialistic position, Rothschild/Vatican shall unleash a scorched earth policy. Vatican Rothschild will leave the populaces of USA, UK and Europe writhing in pain, destitute economically, lacking food and water in pursuit of their NWO vision, bring nuclear devastation to nations, and other terrorism. The Vatican’s head clown Bergoglio recently said that man must atone for his global warming sins. That will be part of the rhetoric Rothschild/Vatican throw around in USA, UK and Europe when they are economically destroyed. Vatican may outright blame the people, saying their global warming sins against God have brought economic devastation upon them.

Jacob Rothschild, a Jew of the Vatican and the Vatican is owned by Jew Pharisees. 2010 figure reported 14 million Jews worldwide. So few in number, yet holding such powerful positions in the world of central banking. Why is that? It is because Christianity was founded by Jew Pharisees and their altars are the Roman Catholic church altars, original Christendom. Owning the Vatican gives the Jew Pharisees great power in the world. The Son of God said the Jew Pharisees would gain such power (Matthew 21:33-46).

In the article above, Rothschild cites Russian aggression and expansionism as among the few reasons he puts forth why the world is, as he claims, in as dangerous a place as any since WW2. Rothschild is lying with regard to Russia. Rather, Rothschild is angry at Russia for interfering with the NWO’s Middle East plan to topple the Syrian government and then attack Iran. Rothschild was just dealt a severe blow when Erdogan moved from US/Nato to Russia/China. But then Rothschild/Vatican’s NWO vision is prophesied to fail (Daniel 11:14) so expect to see one thing after another go wrong for Vatican/Rothschild as they plod along in the NWO vision quest.

Putin knows Rothschild is out to get him? Absolutely he knows. Daniel the prophet says the arms of the south succumb to the arms of the north. Perhaps Putin will not wait to be sucker punched by USA/Nato but rather make the first move. However accomplished, God says Russia beats the USA, that the NWO visionaries shall fall (Daniel 11:14).

Vatican/Rothschild, knowing that China may not accept their offer of an imperialist position, no doubt have their stick ready, their Plan B, and Plan B is no doubt a nuclear attack on China. Daniel prophesies wars and desolations from the time the NWO visionaries attempt to establish their vision (and fall in the process) until the time God begins his judgment of the world that ends with the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of God (Daniel 11:14 – 45, then Daniel 12:1 – judgment of the world begins).

Vid 1:04 … the money supply, M2 which has always been a critical indicator of inflation, is for the first time going up remarkably steadily 6, 7% almost a straight line. It’s tilted up in the last several months adding a percentage point or two. The thing we should be worried about now, which we have actually given no thought to whatsoever, is that this type of economic environment ends with inflation.

The interviewers assert to Greenspan that there are no market signals of impending inflation, to which Greenspan replies:

Vid 2:16 … there are times and times again when we thought that there is no inflation and every thing was just going fine. And I just basically say, wait ….

Vid 2:54 … the next unexpected move [will be] on the inflation side.

Of course inflation, because the Jew Pharisees of the US central bank have printed massive amounts of dollars, and are now actively curbing use of US dollars for international trade settlements in a move to bring on USD hyperinflation. Starting September 30, 2016 when SDR’s become the primary means, rather than the USD, of trade settlement, inflation in USD will begin to kick in. That move shall leave lots of USD with no place to go but into commodities – inflation. The NWO bankers have already positioned regulations to accomodate a flood of USD going into commodities by lifting the restriction on banks and hedge funds on how much money they can funnel into commodity futures (food, oil, gas, etc).

Called Speculative Position Limit, it prevents entities like Goldman Sachs from dumping unlimited money into any futures commodity, such as corn or oil. The CFTC is corrupt at the top, and there are some good people in there trying to do justice, but Rothschild/Vatican and its US arm (US Federal Reserve bank) get things done in the USA their way, one way or another. So where a CFTC ruling might issue that they don’t like, they can get a judge to knock it down. Such is the case with SPL where the CTFC issued limitation which a judge threw out.

It is clear from the mouth of Soros that Rothschild wants US dollar to become subordinate to the Chinese dollar, and Washington to become subordinate to Beijing, so all that is necessary to defeat the US currency, defeat Washington consensus, they shall do, and hyperinflation is a way to bring the USD down. See link below for video interview of Soros and quotes from his interview.

There will be great inflation in USA, Europe and UK in food and oil and gas if for no other reason than the central bankers, through their proxies such as Goldman Sachs and Carlyle Group, will take huge speculative positions in the futures markets for food and gas and oil, where there is no limit on the amount of money they can put into a speculative position in the futures market. The Vatican’s central banking empire in the west can print any amount of money they want, funnel the money to their great merchant men to keep them afloat, give that money to military/police to control the populace, and do basically any thing and every thing they need to do with their money to keep the populations under boot and themselves in power.

Knowing their plan is to make China the new imperialist in the world, unseating the USA as the imperialist nation in the world, then any thing goes for them in destroying the USD, and hyperinflation is the best way to do it. Deflation does not necessarily destroy a currency, it destroys debt assets, wiping out the wealth of debt holders unable to recover their loans and causing a retraction in economic activity. But hyperinflation that does not cease obliterates a currency.

Rothschild Wants an Imperialist China, What that Entails for USA, UK and Europe | Global Unrest

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Montauk Time Travel Projects and the Philadelphia Experiment 1983
Saturday, September 3, 2016 8:52

I first came across the Montauk time travel projects when doing some research into the Philadelphia Experiment several years ago. The idea of mind control and time travel interested me but the idea that some of these experiments still take place interests me even more…

The Military Experiments

The second World War brought with it a selection of secretive experiments and projects aimed at creating new weaponry and giving the US a military edge over it’s enemies.

The most famous of these projects was the Manhattan Project which led to the creation of the nuclear bomb and the war with Japan ending ( abruptly! ).

But the remainder of the experiments seemed to have been brushed under the carpets – but not all believe they are completely over.

The town of Montauk is on Long Island’s eastern end in New York. It is here that the more unsuccessful projects took place with chilling conclusions.

There are unconfirmed reports of experiments in mind control, time travel, psychotronics, and the creation of black holes at Montauk. There was apparently a tall Airforce radar station which had a complex of experiment chambers built below it.

It’s quite frightening to think of these experiments taking place so close to one of the most popular cities in the world. How did they get away with it? How did they manage to cover up the outcome of these experiments for so long?

The story of the Montauk time travel projects actually started in Philadelphia in 1943

The Philadelphia Experiment
The Philadelphia Experiment was actually known as the Rainbow Project. It was set up by the United States Military so that they could try and create a vessel that would seem invisible on enemies radars.

The experiment centered around a test on the ship USS Eldridge which was situated on the Philadelphia Naval Yard.


Now what happened to the ship is still pretty much up for grabs but lets just say that legend has it that it managed a time shift of sorts. The ship was hammered with electromagnetic energy until it actually became invisible to radar.

The problem was they went to far – the ship completely disappeared out of sight!

Apparently the ship materialized in Norfolk, Virginia but only stayed there for a handful of seconds before returning to Philadelphia.

There was a mass panic when the ship returned but only for a few seconds – everything looked fine!

When they boarded the ship they were confronted with horrors they never expected. Some of the crew had been fused with the metallic ship during the teleportation and the remainder seemed completely insane.

The government and the military were so shocked by the results they decided to close down the Philadelphia Experiment immediately. They decided to use the remainder of the money on the Manhattan Project ( and we all know how that turned out! ).

The Next Generation

But the next generation of hungry military scientists did not want to let go of this strange new world they had discovered – there was much more out there and they new it!

Congress would not allow it and rightly so – the horror of the Philadelphia Experiment was just to much to take. So these brilliant scientific minds went over the heads of congress…

They went about creating a military installation somewhere out of the public eye – Long Island. Here stood was a recently decommissioned radar station that the army had no use for any longer.

Montauk was a well known location but at the same time it was not heavily populated – it was also very close to New York.

The Montauk Project went through some construction and did not open up properly until the beginning of the 1960’s. Legend has it that by the 1970’s there were astonishing experiments taking place at the facility.

Mind Control
The facility was soon awash with numerous projects involving mind control experimentation. They searched the whole country picking up young males who demonstrated psychic abilities.

These young men were drafted in to the Montauk Project against their will in some cases. There were reports of some of them being kidnapped from their homes!

There was a special chair built within the facility that the young men were sat in. As they sat there they were bombarded with energy waves causing the chair to enhance their psychic powers.

As this procedure was taking place the men concentrated on particular objects to make them materialize. During this process the scientists were thought to have some sort of control over the subject’s mind.

There was one young man in particular who excelled at this particular technique…

Duncan Cameron
Mr Cameron was so effective in these experiments the scientists in charge started up a new project – one that involved not just physical space, but also time.

Worm holes were being created on a daily basis and many of the workers inside the facility began to fear for their safety – things were seriously getting out of control!

The actual base itself was growing at a vast rate to the point where parts of it could be found under the town center. This means the Montauk time travel projects were starting to endanger the lives of the civilians living above the facility – something had to give…

The Philadelphia Experiment 1983
The final straw came when certain senior scientists hatched a plan to travel 40 years back in time to meet up with their predecessors aboard the USS Eldridge.

The plan HAD to be stopped before something to big to handle was created. Some rogue scientists met with Duncan Cameron and convinced him to concentrate on some sort of beast during the experiment.

Legend has it that he actually materialized a Yeti-like beast that created havoc within the facility. It went from lab to lab destroying every piece of time travel equipment closing all of the available worm holes.

When the final piece of equipment was destroyed the beast disappeared along with the final worm hole – the Montauk time travel projects were officially over.

Closing Down
The whole facility was closed down and the scientists were ‘dealt with’ by the military. We don’t really know what ‘dealt with’ means but many go along with either sworn to secrecy, brainwashed or shot!

The Montauk Project site still stands these days but has been turned into an official state park. But one question remains…..

Why does the military still own the property underneath the surface of this park?


Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy


1995 -
Aug 21, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
GOT SOME REAL GEMS FOR YA!!!... things i've picked up over time.... it's all coming to a end soon!!!

December 21st 2020: TEOTW
Failed prediction after failed prediction here on right?

PLUS the Bible says no man knows the day nor hour right?


The Mayans Knew.

TPTB know.

They just don't want US to know.

But the Mayans were wrong you say.

No, the Date TPTB gave us to be their date was wrong.

Let's just keep in mind a few things.

The Mayans kept track of time on a 20 (and then 200 and 400) year scale.

Why? Coincides with that great Chronos in our sky:


Which has a Great Conjunction with Jupiter every

20 years

The Jews worship the Sabbath on Saturday because that's Saturn.

The Lord of the Rings when the next age begins=Saturn

Saturn's important

As is the solstice, when the Earth and the sun are aligned with galactic center every year on December 21st.

The next Great Alignment? The only one to ever occur on the solstice.

December 21st 2020

Kronos is already starting to awaken with his polar vortices and is getting a head start with his historical battle with Jupiter as evidenced with the once prominent cloud band that has already disappeared from his nemesis, Jupiter.

That is also when our current Earth cycle ends and the next Jupiter/Saturn Air cycle starts:

Dec 21, 2020 - Apr 07, 2199 (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)
Oh yes.

Satan=Saturn, the one who is the bad guy and wipes us out, but this is also the one who TPTB also worship and offer sacrifices to.

LOTR's has

1 master ring
9 to men (those are the planets)
7 to the dwarves
3 to elves

1973 is when JRRT died, and I was born coincidentally.

3 3 3
3rd planet Earth
next 3rd is Saturn
next 3rd is Pluto (to Tokien tho it was still a planet)

666 is just its doubling to keep us on the wrong track

Watch Star Trek into Darkness? Kronos fights against Jupiter. It's all the same story.
The original timeline we should be on is the ethiopian calendar of our time, not the gregorian calendar... google a calendar converter from gregorian to ethiopian & put in todays date... its only twrds early of 2009 right now.. 2012 has yet to come

Thanks for the tip. That still puts us close to the timeframe I think in about 6 to 7 years.
Just to add to this.

It is not really accurate to call the calendar Ethiopian even though it is.

I believe that this is the TRUE calendar that most older cultures went by, including the Mayan culture. But, somehow the Catholic calendar lost over 7 1/2 years!!!!

How? Why?

This is the key to the truth folks...
The ruling elite live by dates. Why? Because they understand astrology and because they are counting down key dates to the "End of Time".

This was a major human sacrifice to their god on this key Ethiopian date. If they follow the Ethiopian dates, why shouldn't we?

That date was no accident...
Yes it must be the true calendar, they follow the 30 days per month of the bible and of the ancient worldwide calendar from before the flood.
The ruling elite are Luciferians and understand magic very well. They plan their lives by it. Everything is done on key days of the year.

The reason it doesn't make any sense to us and the the reason we can't see a connection to these dates is because they have given us a fake calendar while they use the real one.

Once you understand this, it all makes complete sense.
And ancient cultures were aware of these larger cycles of time.

That is what they were trying to show us! The cycles were to repeat themselves...
It is ancient knowledge based on cycles in the sky- not restricted to any peoples or cultures. Calendars are mans way to mark cycles, movements, and changes- not 'time' per se. Much if not all ancient wisdom regarding calendars is based on astrology, energy flow, and magnetics. From the Dogon, to the Moors/Murs, to the Ethiopian/Eritrean, to the kaballah, and the druids to name a few, they followed the stars for information, navigation, and energetic manipulation ('magic').

This last point is something to consider when you look at the holidays on the gregorian calendar, and the pagan holidays that preceded them on the same 'dates'.

Additionally, events' like 9/11 also have ancient significance to those who 'know'.
Why don't people understand that words are magic spells. That why we call it "spelling".

What happens when you take a word like October and mislabel it? "Octo" means the number 8, not the 10th month, the 8th month!

Same thing with all the months. The months were shifted by adding January and February when the Gregorian calendar was created. Thus throwing the whole astrology magic of the months completely off.

While the evil elite continue to use the old Roman calendar and the ancient Ethiopian calendar for their dark magic sacrifices...
you are correc sir

Oct ober is the 8th month
Nov ember is the 9th month
Dec ember is the 10th month
Knowing the way the evil elite operate, how can anyone not ask themselves why we believe that 7-11 is lucky? And that 13 is unlucky.

In truth, 13 is a VERY holy and spiritual number.

12 apostles and Jesus the 13th.
12 jurors and the judge the 13th.

It goes on and on.

This reality is all about deception and lies...
So, you think that some sick madmen just decide to blow up the World Trade Center buildings and the date means nothing? Just a bad day? The date means nothing?

The government refuses to tell us the truth of what happened or to find the real killers? Just incompetence?

The Gregorian calendar changed us from a lunar calendar to a solar calendar in 1582 for no reason? Two new months were added to the beginning of the calendar throwing all the other months off. Just a coincidence?

People don't have a clue...
7 is a number of imbalance, of suffering, of pain.

11 is the number of duality, good vs evil, dark vs light, love vs hate.

So, 7-11-2001 was a date of suffering in this duality.

A sacrifice to keep this matrix in place...



1995 -
Aug 21, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
We have been deceived by everything!

September 11, 2001 was really 7-11-2001 in the old Roman calendar!

[link to]

We see 7-11 in gambling (Craps). 7-11 convenient food stores.The real number for the sacrifice at the Twin towers was on 7-11, not 9-11...

We are told that 7-11 is a lucky number. EVERYTHING WE ARE TOLD IS REVERSED OR A LIE...
I guess people don't see the significance of this knowledge.

First you must understand that everything that the evil elite do, think and believe involves magic. I know, few people today believe or understand magic. They believe it is about wands, star covered pointed hats and bubbling cauldrons.

Magic is really about cycles, dates and astrology. These evil elite never do ANYTHING without consulting their astrology charts.

So, if you are given and incorrect and misleading calendar then you will not have this secret magic ability. You are at an extreme disadvantage.

But, people would rather talk about Obama, governments, Syria, Fukushima and football. While they are being controlled like cattle headed for a slaughterhouse...

Its good to see others awake to the great deception of the unHoly Roman Empire still playing out today and rampant in religion.

The sum of 7-8-6, the calendar difference of 7 years, 8 months, 6 days = 21, a number that the MSM has been focused on.

Do a GLP search on the term, "twenty one" and notice how many threads have popped up in 2013 alone.

21 is The World, completion card of the 22 card Tarot's deck. The Fool is both the beginning 0 card and end card 22, Alpha and Omega.

:The World:

In the infinite oneness of the Universe, ALL calendars connect to and align with dates of significant events on earth and n the sun, moon and stars.

This same connection and alignment is witnessed in the scriptural texts of ALL world religions. Sadly, for those stuck within a single calendar, who

see -only their single sphere of possibility- through myopic eyes, the "many mansions" of spheres in The Creator's intelligent infinity do not exist.

786 -in that exact same order of sequence- also appears on the Koran.

In Abaric numerals, 786 backwards is a most holy symbol in Hindu, OM!
Numbers are the key to understanding what life is all about! Clue - Tarot Trump Cards and Trump Towers...
The number 7, 9, and 11 are about change, death, rebirth, new direction, vertex.

The famous Trump card called "Tower" is the 16th Trump card.

1+6 = 7 The number 7(seven) is all about end of a cycle, completion, death, rebirth. Like the seven days of the week.

A few people know that the key to understanding the 22 Tarot Trump cards is to divide them into 3 groups of 7, with the Fool card standing alone.

A clue that the Ruling Elite follow numerology very closely can be seen in the famous building, Trump Towers.
The terrible 9-11 Twin Towers was all about death, rebirth, new beginning.

There many cycles of time. Some are based on 7, some on 9 and some on 13(7+6).

Another clue: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (That is 13 numbers.)

13 is the mirror image of the number 7 as shown above.
Religion, occult, numerology, astrology, in fact all Truths talk about our reality being about cycles of events, time and life.

What few realize is that it is also about mirror images of the past. Mirror shows us the opposite of what came before. The reverse, opposite or inverse of the previous.

So, life is not just about cycles, but also about cycles in mirror form of the previous. It is about the breath of life, inhale, then exhale, light then dark, day then night.

Numbers are the key to understanding how this duality plays out in life.

The Ruling Elite are masters at numerology, the Tarot and Astrology. They understand cycles of time.

That is why they are in control and we are their slaves. It is all about knowledge.

Let me be very honest here, the Ruling Elite are very powerful magicians. They understand magic, not Harry Potter wand waving, but real magic. They understand numbers, what they are and what they represent.

They understand that our reality is all about cycles of time. Not just cycles, but cycles reversing themselves.

These people spend their whole lives being taught how to manipulate matter, humans and wealth with magic.

I know, you can't accept that magic is real. That is why you are a slave. These powerful people know that magic(numbers) are very real.

They use it everywhere to control and understand this world they live in. So should you!
Let me explain the approaching collapse. You cannot understand cycles of time if you cannot accept that at the end of every cycle requires a "cleansing", an erasing of what was before, a new beginning.

So, they understand that to have a "New World Order" means you must destroy or erase the old and start over.

Their whole agenda is to make sure that their people survive such a cleansing and that the beasts of the world, the untrained, the ignorant do not.

That is what is coming, a new world. Like it or not.
All Ruling Elite births are planned based on astrology and numerology. They don't breed haphazardly like animals or like the beasts of society.

Nothing is left to chance. They choose breeding partners based on astrology, numerology and DNA heritage. They have no understand of romance, "love" or physical attraction.

Yes, they love to fukk, but not for real family bloodlines. The two are two separate things.
Please listen to me very carefully. You can never change the so call "System" in place on earth. To try and do so is a complete waste of effort and time. You have very few years as a human being and you cannot waste them on silly protests that will change nothing.

That me explain what is required of you through a metaphor:

If you are a prisoner in a camp, you can never hope to ever bring the camp down. The others prisoners are too comfortable and afraid to overthrow the guards of the prison.

Your only hope is to plan your escape ALONE! Any group or family or team will be defeated quickly because of weak members within.

You MUST be brave enough to escape ALONE. You must be brave enough to go your own way and find your own Truths. And then keep them to yourself! You must escape your bondage as a solitary man.

That is what the 9th Trump Card Hermit is all about. See? Number 9? Rebirth? Escape?
Just wait til ya see what starts jumpin off starting on or around August 26/27th & leading up to the New Year of September 11 this year. Cuz remember we should b on the ethiopian timeline, its what they still follow & if u use a ethiopian/gregorian calendar converter, & plug in todays date 8/24/13, it is actually 12/18/05... [link to] ... So, 9/11/13 in gregorian is 1/1/06 in the Ethiopian timeline... January 1st is not the New Year, but they got ppl on some dumb shyt. the point is the TIMELINE if u know about Dopplegangers & alternate timelines. They setup a fake timeline ppl r on following.. Ethiopians were the 1st ppl on the planet in 'our time' of civilization.. its the original timeline, or Origin-All. Yeah its man made but your life still follows a timeline. If ya gonna celebrate the new year on the original timeline, or origin-all, then ya should b doin it on 9/11.. Or really being its September its actually 7/11 since Septem means 7... Septem, Octo, Novem, Decem .. 7, 8, 9, 10;
I don't celebrate or am a part of any of these holi(graphic)days setup cuz I'm not on that timeline... besides why would I take part in any day the Oppressor gave, lol.. that's just foolish. I still jump onto the gregorian timeline when I gotta do certain things out here still, but @ the same time continuing to detach from it gradually more & more... otherwise I'm pretty much off that timeline. & soon gotta disconnect from it cuz they bout to take the majority where I don't care to go. The Apocalypse (unveiling) is goin on & almost over @ the end of this Pisces Age goin into Aquarius 11th sign Age & barely any1 paying any attention.. most still 'waiting for it', impending doom, lol.
I know 'Time' doesn't exist in the "real" world & I can transcend time in deep meditation. But once ya incarnate in a physical life-form u trapped in time cuz u begin a timeline.. & in actuality they have most in a Time-Loop cuz the majority keep repeating/recycling. DEVIL backwards is LIVED which is the past... so the phrase "selling your soul to the devil" is really "selling ur soul to the past in History or His-story"

One more:

The floor of the "Red Room" From Twin Peaks resembles the astrological sign for Aquarius, constellation for the grand Conjunction in December 2020. Notice the statue of Venus as well.



1995 -
Aug 21, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
Satan is a supercomputer inside Saturn

So Each day of the wk is named after the Sun, Moon, & 5 original planets. The so called "jews" wosrhip on Saturday/Saturn who is Satan in the good book. Each planet has an effect on earth & consciousness. Research bout Saturn @ the top of it is a cloud always in formation of a hexagram, always!!! Which is the center of the "star of david or star of Moloch" of the Jewish/Israel's flag. Which is a 666 cuz the star has 6 points, 6 lines, & a 6 sided hexagram in the middle. Also the south pole of Saturn has an "eye".. Satan is actually a supercomputer inside Saturn, Metatron's Cube. These inorganic machine like beings, Archons, can't live on our organic planet. That's why the greys/reptilians breeded with humans doin the groundwork for them here underground splicing dna, cloning, etc.. the half breeds r above ground in the govt, tv pastors, media, hollywood, etc

The reality setup around us is Satan/Saturns world of forms. Like I said what in nature is boxish/squarish? Evrything in nature is abstract. The Archons run these religion 'programs', gov't, media, TELE-vision to cultivate us & make us in "their" image.. remember bible in genesis "let US make man in OUR image after OUR likeness"!! Almost evrything around us is boxish... Lucifer the bright morning star is Venus which is that bright morning star we see b4 the sunrises. Venus/Lucifer is a Bi-polar planet, yes like a bi-polar person.. Lucifer in the Greek is phosphorus meaning lesser light, hence the torch of statue of liberty, light bearer, we can only see a tiny portion of the light spectrum in this lil pocket here physically.

The Top 2 world religions Christianity (Sun) & Islam (Moon), which were meant to oppose each other in Lucifer's, hence bi-polar, master plan. Everything in this setup reality comes from the Cube or anything within the cube, like a sphere, pyramid, Israels flag star, etc. In Islam they walk around that black Cube in Mecca & Christianity has the cross which is just an Unfolded Cube

Saturns ring produces the energy vortex that powers it and shoots back the virtual holodect... they created the false reality from the astral realm then walk into it as the rulers/royal family, etc.. all their technology exists on a higher frequency..

Watch the movie "Dark City" and "They Live" to get a better understanding of what's goin on in this place we are in... all these "sci-fi" movies have a deep underlying esoteric message in them that reveal truth... what better way to hide the truth than right out in the open!!!

Lol... each dimension/realm/world whatever label u wish to use, has many branches in each I have yet to understand... but we can shift our consciousness to various frequencies/densities like tuning into a radio station. I have @ times become fully consious in my sleep in an alternate reality, however part of our consciousness is always with our body, & can "feel" if anything is happening or goin wrong in the room where ur body is u would snap back into ur body & wake up.. so our consciousness, to me, can b in multiple places at a time.. its just when we go to sleep here all we do is take our "focus" off of this reality. We r always doin sumthin somewhere while asleep, its just we wake up with amnesia. They don't want us waking up in that realm to become aware of the greater reality so they police us in our sleep

Each day of the week is after some planet of some God/Goddess... Thursday is Thor which is Jupiter/ or the Jews Jehovah, Hovah means mischief/to fall, etc.. Mars is God of War Tiu/Tuesto/Tuesday.. Venus is Friday fertility goddess, Wednesday is named after anglo saxon god Woden, mercury... Sun-day, Moon/Monday.. there were no planets in original creation in genesis.. All these other planets are diguised as fallen angels or whatever the hell ya wish to label them.. everything has some level of awareness/consciousness... Mother earth Gaia is a living conscious being, we r riding on the mothership, EARTH/HEART

Destroying the Cube in Saturn would bring down this whole matrix structure we r caught up in and everyone would b released.. dreams r reality and reality is nothin but a dream but can easily become a prison for ur mind

We in a tiny portion of the entire light spectrum. We can't see into the dark matter realms that consist of over 172 lights. That's what they're tryin to accomplish with that CERN particle generator. Any color of the light spectrum is illusion. Never go into the light, the negative forces know all bout goin into the light. We each hold a Uni-verse from within. We have to go within back into the darkness, zero point, to find our light, not anywhere "out there". Darkness is formless, limitless, foundation of creation. Once light matter comes over dark matter it begins the creation of illusions. The Archons, malevolent forces know how to bend light n shyt. At night u can see way beyond, but during the day the illusion is created with the blue sky as the reflection of Earth's water

All the colors of the light spectrum combined makes black, so any shade/color is an aspect of black. So really darkness is intense light. Ever go out onto the beach in the dead of night and looke out beyond the ocean into the darkness? Its almost like an overwhelming feeling.

They're playin with the neurons in our body with everything we do here. Also playin with the nervous system to create appetites, to create sensual ceilings whereby your senses now act as the shutdown mechanism to "see" beyond where you are. Your senses are taught to block any higher energies from coming thru or ability to access them. Dealing with senses is dealing with lower components.

It would make sense of Satan/Saturn being "Metatron's Cube/mainframe computer inside Saturn cuz no entity with a conscious, or even more so emotion/feelings can be behind this insanity on EARTH-HEART.. just look at our leaders & officials in power. Psychopaths, no feelings/emotions... the Archons, Satan's army are machine like entities, inorganic mind parasites that introduce thought forms/ideas to us. They've been desensitizing us from our heart space/feeling.

The "lamp of God" is the pineal gland which ppl call the "3rd eye" which is really the 1st eye.. its the master gland of the entire endocrine system, research that.. that's the eye we should b using and not going by our physical eyes. Anyway, a healthy pineal gland is BLACK like a raisin, when it gets calcified, it turns WHITE

That is duality talk right there.. Its important to not b attached to Saturns world of forms & deeply conscious that this reality is dualistic illusion, cuz upon ur expiration here, you'll b approached by servants of duality (whether archonic or lower entity posing as a lightbeing) & attempted to b contained by deception and/or fear, also any belief in duality, low emotions, your Ego, addictions will b used against u to keep u repeating cycles of lives as a slave to duality by ur own choice of representation. These are "the bardos" or "judgements" in the afterlife/in-between, an attempt to expose your duality to place u into a new realm of illusion for further exploitation.

Oh and Lucifer is the light bearer right? Blinding with light.. illusions, statue of liberty with that torch over america, land of illusions

Yes, & Becoming like that of a child again with pure innocence, no worries & most importanly Imagination.. the kingdom of heaven is already within us, not "up there" or somewhere u go to.. its really ur inner world, dream/spiritual world.. everything u feed ur conscious gets stored in ur subconscious

They always have our consciousness in the past or future and never fully submerged in the now present moment.. past, present, & future all exist in the now.. yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is the gift.. that's why they call it the present which is your I Am presence. In stillness with a sound mind (no internal dialogue goin on in ur head) is being 1 with the Creator/Universe... most ppl can't stand complete silence... or perfect darkness they're terrified of, why? Ever notice when someone walks into a room with ppl and its quiet for a couple mins, if that? They say "Why's it soo quiet in here?"... divine moment between em all broken

Now lets take it back to the basics, of ET's projecting this makeshift matrix/ who are the puppetmaster architects of this place, humans mentally manipulated from beings in space/ you can't fathom an unseen presence, presently orchestrating, perpetuating & mirror imaging everything you see, using media to sway perception & thoughts of humanity/ Ignorance is a food source so they don't want you to question, expand your mind while pondering this suggestion/

I've done my due diligence, traveled back in time, Nag Hammadi texts dug up in Egypt 1945/ Contained within our ancestors revealing the Archons, these machines, inorganic beings, pumpin artifial light beams, inception in our dreams, nothin is what it seems; but it always seems the same, people steppin on people to get ahead in the game/ Like a broken record playin, day after day just tryin to survive; Archons cultivating us, sims in a petri dish, like bees in a hive/ ...Cont'd...

Its time to revive; so snap that cord outta ya medulla oblongata; talkin gouda la-da-amma-da-ba tsa tsa; awaken your core, activating the merkaba/ & don't forget the planets have an effect on our emotion, the energy flowin, we lil drops in a consciousness ocean/ Oh, & by the way did I mention that Satan is Saturn, just look at the pattern/ Inside is Metatron's Cube, virtual holodect being shot thru a cosmic fallopian tube/ Saturns ring produce the energy vortex, get in touch protect your neocortex/ Look around you almost everything is square, or anything within the Cube, triangle, circle, stay aware; get your butt back to nature or ya better beware/ ....Cont'd...

We each hold a universe from within; don't need a genie rubbin lamps, don't mess with the jinn; bloodsuckin vampires like Marchand De Vin; shoutout to Du Trinh who's swivelin' the skittle pin, tracing it back to our patrilineal kin/ So get it right, don't take it light, under your radar escaping your sight/ AI entities descended all demented then segmented; reconfiguring frequency distribution causing mass confusion; a mind parasite intrusion in a psychopathic holographic illusion, wake up & snap outta the delusion.!!

get out of body and travel.. when you go to sleep physically you usually also go to sleep spiritually. Dreamworld is no more or lesss real than this world here. Its all in the now moment. All u do is take your focus off of this reality and in an alternate reality focusing in that moment. Thing is, you are on autopilot in your dream just as you probably are here. 1st step is to "wake up" in the dream and realize your dreaming. Have you awakened in this dream here? Then you gotta overcome all elements of fear in the dream, have u overcome every element of fear in this world yet? There's nothing new under the sun, so it isn't that we are learning anything new, but trying to remember. Its about remembering.

Yes, destroying the Cube (mainframe computer) would bring down this entire matrix structure we are caught up in & everyone would b released. If people would only see there's 2 worlds here. That of what's organic in nature which is all abstract, then there's this other world all around us that's built from the Cube.. how much around us is square/boxish? Lol