Essential Conspiracy Thread


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Public Buses Across Country Quietly Adding Microphones to Record Passenger Conversations | Threat Level |

Transit authorities in cities across the country are quietly installing microphone-enabled surveillance systems on public buses that would give them the ability to record and store private conversations, according to documents obtained by a news outlet.

The systems are being installed in San Francisco, Baltimore, and other cities with funding from the Department of Homeland Security in some cases, according to the Daily, which obtained copies of contracts, procurement requests, specs and other documents.

The use of the equipment raises serious questions about eavesdropping without a warrant, particularly since recordings of passengers could be obtained and used by law enforcement agencies.

It also raises questions about security, since the IP audio-video systems can be accessed remotely via a built-in web server (.pdf), and can be combined with GPS data to track the movement of buses and passengers throughout the city.

The RoadRecorder 7000 surveillance system being marketed for use on public buses consists of a high-definition IP camera and audio recording system that can be configured remotely via built-in web server.
According to the product pamphlet for the RoadRecorder 7000 system made by SafetyVision (.pdf), “Remote connectivity to the RoadRecorder 7000 NVR can be established via the Gigabit Ethernet port or the built-in 3G modem. A robust software ecosystem including LiveTrax vehicle tracking and video streaming service combined with SafetyNet central management system allows authorized users to check health status, create custom alerts, track vehicles, automate event downloads and much more.”

The systems use cables or WiFi to pair audio conversations with camera images in order to produce synchronous recordings. Audio and video can be monitored in real-time, but are also stored onboard in blackbox-like devices, generally for 30 days, for later retrieval. Four to six cameras with mics are generally installed throughout a bus, including one near the driver and one on the exterior of the bus.

Cities that have installed the systems or have taken steps to procure them include San Francisco, California; Eugene, Oregon; Traverse City, Michigan; Columbus, Ohio; Baltimore Maryland; Hartford, Connecticut; and Athens, Georgia.

San Francisco transit authorities recently approved a $5.9 million contract to install an audio surveillance system on 357 buses and vintage trolley cars, paid for in full with a grant from DHS. The contract includes the option to expand the equipment to an additional 600 vehicles.

Concord, New Hampshire also used part of a $1.2 million economic stimulus grant to install its new video/audio surveillance system on buses, according to the Daily.

Transit officials say the systems will help improve the safety of passengers and drivers and resolve complaints from riders. But privacy and security expert Ashkan Soltani told the Daily that the audio could easily be coupled with facial recognition systems or audio recognition technology to identify passengers caught on the recordings.

In Eugene, Oregon, the Daily found, transit officials requested microphones that would be capable of “distilling clear conversations from the background noise of other voices, wind, traffic, windshields wipers and engines” and also wanted at least five audio channels spread across each bus that would be “paired with one or more camera images and recorded synchronously with the video for simultaneous playback.”

In 2009, transit officials in Baltimore, Maryland, backed down briefly from plans to install microphones in buses in that city after civil liberties groups complained that the systems would violate wiretapping laws and constitutional protections against illegal search and seizure. Transit authorities then asked the state’s attorney general to weigh-in on whether the systems violated wiretapping laws. After the attorney general indicated that signs warning passengers of the surveillance would help combat any legal challenges, transit officials pressed forward with their plans last month and announced the installation of an audio recording system on 10 public buses. The city plans to roll out the system on at least 340 additional buses.


May 30, 2012
on the Yuku forum.

Screenname is NotAHumanist33

Since then, I gave up looking for new info, because it was just too much at the time.
I know Kev3 is up on Alice Bailey and I just wanted to display her 10 Point Plan strategy

The 10 Point Plan by Alice Bailey & The New World Order
Lead [-]

Posts: 16
Apr 9 10 4:18 PM
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My Recent Posts
TAGS : nwo, destruction of family structure, luciferian agenda, one world government


Purpose:- To change Christian tradition or to redeem the nations of Christian tradition.


She said; Change curriculum to ensure that children are freed from the bondage of Christian culture. Why? Because children go to school to be equipped to face life, they are willing to trust and they are willing to value what is being given to them.

If you take God out of education, they will unconsciously form a resolve that God is not necessary to face life. They will focus on those things the school counts them worthy to be passed on and they will look at God as an additional, if one can afford the additional.

N.B. Today they introduce Transcendental Meditation (TM) in schools which takes children to altered states of consciousness to meet with demons (spirit guides) = New Age


She said; Break the communication between parent and child (Why?). So that parents do not pass on their Christian traditions to their children, liberate children from the bondage of their parent traditions (how?)

a) Promote excessive child rights; (1997-1998 South Africa introduced Child rights legislation – UNICEF Charter; Today a child is able to say to parent ‘I do not want to hear that, I don’t want to do what you are telling me. Teachers cannot talk to children, children step up and say I have my rights, you cannot talk to me like that).

b) Abolish corporal punishment; (this has been made law). On the other hand the Bible says ‘Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod and deliver his soul from hell.’ (Proverbs 23: 13-14)

N.B. Jesus said in the last days – wickedness will increase, there will be

rebellion and children will not obey their parents. It is not a trend,

It is organized.

c) Teachers are the agents of implementation – from workshops, teachers tell children ‘your parent has no right to force you to pray or read the Bible, you are yourself, have a right of your own, you need to discover yourself, self expression, self realization, self fulfillment are all buzz words.

In the West when the child is 7 yrs, the teachers begin to say to the child ‘you have a right to choose whether you want to follow the faith of your parents or not, parents are not allowed to enforce their faith upon you.’ Question is, what type of decision can a 7 year old make?



It is oppressive and that the family is the core of the nation. If you break the family, you break the nation. Liberate the people from the confines of this structure (How?)

a) Promote sexual promiscuity – free young people to the concept of premarital sex, let them have free sex, lift it so high that the joy of enjoying it(sex) is the highest joy in life, fantasize it, that everybody will feel proud to be seen to be sexually active, even those outside of marriage. This is contrary to the word of God which says “… But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints… for this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.” (Ephesians 5: 3-5)

b) Use advertising industry, media – T.V., magazines, film industry to promote sexual enjoyment as the highest pleasure in humanity.

Have they succeeded? Have they done it? If you want to see whether they have succeeded or not, go to the advertising industry, it does everything to catch your attention and today almost no advert comes out without a sexual connotation. Even when they advertise ice cream, they must show you a thigh of a woman and a bikini, they must do something to set off a trail of thoughts. They will show you more thighs than ice cream. Why? Because, that is what must be in the minds of the people.

N.B. Advertising industry pops out so much money towards their advertisements to the T.V. and radio.


She said; Build clinics for abortion – Health clinics in schools. If people are going to enjoy the joy of sexual relationships, they need to be free of unnecessary fears, in other words they should not be hampered with unwanted pregnancies.

‘Abortion as told by Christians is oppressive and denies our rights, we have a right to choose whether we want to have a child or not. If a woman does not want the pregnancy, she should have the freedom to get rid of that pregnancy painless and as easy as possible’. Today it is not only accessible, it is forced. Today abortion is a strategy to curb population control together with the use of condoms and ‘pill’.


Alice wrote 50 years ago that love has got a mysterious link called the love bond. It is like an ovum that comes out of the ovary, as it travels through your system, it clicks a love favor in you and there’s one other person in the world who can respond to that love bond, when you see that person, everything within you clicks, that is your man/woman, if you miss him, you’ll never be happy until that love bond cycles past, for many years, so for you to be happy get that person at whatever cost, if it means getting him/her out of that marriage, get him/her that is your man/woman. It’s a mistake for him/her to be elsewhere. And if you go together for sometime and find that love has died, don’t be held in bondage by the Christian values it will never come back, what you need is an easily arranged divorce and allow another love bond to come forth, just like an ovum comes up, and when it comes forth you’ll enjoy life again. On the contrary God’s word says in Malachi 2: 16; “For the Lord God of Israel says that He hates divorce…”

N.B. People enter into marriage having signed contracts of how they will share their things after divorce. People enter with one foot and another behind. 50 years ago divorce was unthinkable. It is one thing for a marriage to fail but it is another thing for people to enter marriage with an intention to enjoy as long as it was enjoyable and to walk out of it.


Alice Bailey preached (50 yrs ago) that sexual enjoyment is the highest pleasure in humanity, no one must be denied and no one must be restricted how to enjoy themselves. People should be allowed in which ever way they chose they want, whether it is homosexuality or in incest or bestiality, as long as the two agree.

A law was passed in our nation, South Africa. Parliament has passed it on 26/01/2000 and the President gave it his signature on 4/02/2000 – giving so much freedom to gay rights, that a time will come when it is illegal for a preacher to mention homosexuality as an abomination in the eyes of God, or to read scriptures publicly that talk about homosexuality. In Mozambique 1994, an agenda was drawn targeting to fill the police force, the judicial system (judges), the education system and everywhere else with gays, so that when a case comes up, they are there to defend the cause. Today the church is expected to marry gays/lesbians.

According to the Bible, this is an abomination before the eyes of God

(Leviticus 18:22; 20:13)


How? Promote new forms of art which will corrupt and defile the imagination of people because art is the language of the spirit, that which is inside, you can bring out in painting, music, drama etc. Look at the quality of the music that is coming out, the films out of Holywood.


Alice Bailey said the greatest channel you need to use to change human attitude is media. Use the press, the radio, T.V, cinema. You can tell today how successful they have been in implementing the plan over 50 years via media as well as advertising agencies, billboards, magazines. Who controls media? (New Age); So much money is pumped into media and advertising spreading of pornographic material and other sources. Sex outside of marriage is thrown on your face 80-90 times than sex in marriage. Promiscuity is being promoted as natural, you watch gay sex on T.V. in homes where children’s minds are being neutralized to sensitivity to these things. You wonder why newspapers, T.V, etc do not record anything about Christian activities.


Alice Bailey wrote; Promote other faiths to be at par with Christianity, and break this thing about Christianity as being the only way to heaven, by that Christianity will be pulled down and other faiths promoted. She said promote the importance of man in determining his own future and destiny – HUMANISM. She said tell man he has the right to choose what he wants to be and he can make it happen, he has the right to determine his cause – This takes God off His throne. We have seen in our nation, South Africa hosting a meeting of the Interfaith Movement in Cape Town led by Dalai Lama.


Alice Bailey wrote that the church must change its doctrine and accommodate the people by accepting these things and put them into its structures and systems.

Have they succeeded?

Today you wonder why our governments are legislating laws contrary to the Bible and why the church is compromising the Word of God. It is a process of implementing Thee Plan - A 50 year strategy of the New Age Movement to fulfill its ultimate goal to establish a One World Government, a One World Economic system and a One World Religion. Today the strategy almost in its entirety has been adopted by the United Nations and today a lot of it is already law in many nations. This deception has crept up unobserved on so many people. It can best be demonstrated through the well-known analogy of the frog in the pot of water. If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it is smart enough to know that it is in terrible danger and will immediately jump out to safety. But if you turn up the heat very slowly, a little at a time, it doesn’t notice the changes that are taking place and will slowly cook to death. Many people today are slowly cooking to death and don’t seem to realize how far they have come from where they once were.

Today the Western World is not struggling to resist these because the New Age Movement focused primarily on the West because that was the Christian world in the 19th century. The New Age Movement has a school called the Akanni School, which is the school of all the leaders of the Western world. They subscribe to it. It is recorded that they say they have succeeded the task in the West but suddenly they realize Christianity has migrated to the rest of the world, so they have now to use every resource in the West to deal with the rest of the world. In Africa, South Africa is the number one state, it is changing at such a rapid speed. They are saying give to African States a financial package with conditions to:

v Legalize abortion

v Take God and prayer out of school

Governments are so attracted to this package, they can’t say no to it, they need the money, they ask the church to find an answer. These are done secretly. Christianity is 5%, the rest is Hinduism, Buddhism, Spiritism. New Age is being taught to teachers, they are being taught to teach this in schools.

It is interesting to note that Blavatsky, Besant and Alice Bailey were well known Masonic leaders of the day. Albert Pike referred to Freemasonry as the ‘custodian’ or special guardian of these occult secrets and revealed the hidden agenda of his institution, the forming of a Luciferic One World Government.

Ima post this on the site.
Watch and pray

posting this on the site.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
"When the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion were first discovered, Freemasons and Zionist Jews everywhere screamed and complained that these 24 Protocols are a hoax, a forgery, even a blood taint against the Jews. But then came the brutal and barbaric Communist Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and its captive republics, led by covert Masonic Jews Lenin, Trotsky, Kaganovich, and others. The cruel and sinister crimes of the crypto-Jew revolutionaries seemed to have jumped off the pages of the Protocols. The Red Terror, with its torturous massacres of innocent people, its monstrous gulag concentration camps, and the setting up of a Jewish dictatorship, also followed the agenda of the Protocols as did the persecution everywhere of Christians and churches. The entire world witnessed horrors that were a direct result of the heinous prescriptions laid out earlier in the Protocols. Find out how the Protocols are still being worked in our day and how our freedoms, even our very lives, are in jeopardy.


Basically about the agenda that has been playing out for ages

It's not an easy read either. Made me kinda wish my dad was still
around to help me understand some of its concepts. He was good at that.

In the chapter of revelations, it talks about the false jews which are of the synagogue of satan. A lot of these jews are the kabbalists. When it comes down to it, those who are being rewarded with the greatest success are esotericists, aka those who seek 'hidden knowledge' for the pursuit of power... this power comes from lucifer. Consider the original deception in the Garden of Eden in which the snake told Eve, if you eat of this tree of knowledge, you shall be as God knowing the difference between good and evil. This pursuit of 'hidden', 'esoteric' knowledge is promised to elevate humanity, aka causing them to ascend to some other level, which is all a farce. Jewish mystics are just another branch of these esotericists.

This may be an interesting read for you: 2008/False Jews.htm


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I would like to warn all here who are dabbling in esoteric practices/knowledge to pull yourselves away from it and to come to Jesus. Many might find it disagreeable now, but will not in the future.

Increase your knowledge on things such as Alice Bailey the Lucis Trust

[ame=""]Lucis Trust One World Religion 2009 Part 2/2 - YouTube[/ame]
and of guys such as manley p hall. The things they were attempting to do is happening before our very eyes. I will go into more on some of these important concepts in a future post.
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Non Sequitur

May 7, 2012
The 3rd Degree
on the Yuku forum.

Screenname is NotAHumanist33

Since then, I gave up looking for new info, because it was just too much at the time.
I know Kev3 is up on Alice Bailey and I just wanted to display her 10 Point Plan strategy

The 10 Point Plan by Alice Bailey & The New World Order
Lead [-]

Posts: 16
Apr 9 10 4:18 PM
Reply Quote More
My Recent Posts
TAGS : nwo, destruction of family structure, luciferian agenda, one world government


Purpose:- To change Christian tradition or to redeem the nations of Christian tradition.


She said; Change curriculum to ensure that children are freed from the bondage of Christian culture. Why? Because children go to school to be equipped to face life, they are willing to trust and they are willing to value what is being given to them.

If you take God out of education, they will unconsciously form a resolve that God is not necessary to face life. They will focus on those things the school counts them worthy to be passed on and they will look at God as an additional, if one can afford the additional.

N.B. Today they introduce Transcendental Meditation (TM) in schools which takes children to altered states of consciousness to meet with demons (spirit guides) = New Age


She said; Break the communication between parent and child (Why?). So that parents do not pass on their Christian traditions to their children, liberate children from the bondage of their parent traditions (how?)

a) Promote excessive child rights; (1997-1998 South Africa introduced Child rights legislation – UNICEF Charter; Today a child is able to say to parent ‘I do not want to hear that, I don’t want to do what you are telling me. Teachers cannot talk to children, children step up and say I have my rights, you cannot talk to me like that).

b) Abolish corporal punishment; (this has been made law). On the other hand the Bible says ‘Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die. You shall beat him with a rod and deliver his soul from hell.’ (Proverbs 23: 13-14)

N.B. Jesus said in the last days – wickedness will increase, there will be

rebellion and children will not obey their parents. It is not a trend,

It is organized.

c) Teachers are the agents of implementation – from workshops, teachers tell children ‘your parent has no right to force you to pray or read the Bible, you are yourself, have a right of your own, you need to discover yourself, self expression, self realization, self fulfillment are all buzz words.

In the West when the child is 7 yrs, the teachers begin to say to the child ‘you have a right to choose whether you want to follow the faith of your parents or not, parents are not allowed to enforce their faith upon you.’ Question is, what type of decision can a 7 year old make?



It is oppressive and that the family is the core of the nation. If you break the family, you break the nation. Liberate the people from the confines of this structure (How?)

a) Promote sexual promiscuity – free young people to the concept of premarital sex, let them have free sex, lift it so high that the joy of enjoying it(sex) is the highest joy in life, fantasize it, that everybody will feel proud to be seen to be sexually active, even those outside of marriage. This is contrary to the word of God which says “… But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints… for this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.” (Ephesians 5: 3-5)

b) Use advertising industry, media – T.V., magazines, film industry to promote sexual enjoyment as the highest pleasure in humanity.

Have they succeeded? Have they done it? If you want to see whether they have succeeded or not, go to the advertising industry, it does everything to catch your attention and today almost no advert comes out without a sexual connotation. Even when they advertise ice cream, they must show you a thigh of a woman and a bikini, they must do something to set off a trail of thoughts. They will show you more thighs than ice cream. Why? Because, that is what must be in the minds of the people.

N.B. Advertising industry pops out so much money towards their advertisements to the T.V. and radio.


She said; Build clinics for abortion – Health clinics in schools. If people are going to enjoy the joy of sexual relationships, they need to be free of unnecessary fears, in other words they should not be hampered with unwanted pregnancies.

‘Abortion as told by Christians is oppressive and denies our rights, we have a right to choose whether we want to have a child or not. If a woman does not want the pregnancy, she should have the freedom to get rid of that pregnancy painless and as easy as possible’. Today it is not only accessible, it is forced. Today abortion is a strategy to curb population control together with the use of condoms and ‘pill’.


Alice wrote 50 years ago that love has got a mysterious link called the love bond. It is like an ovum that comes out of the ovary, as it travels through your system, it clicks a love favor in you and there’s one other person in the world who can respond to that love bond, when you see that person, everything within you clicks, that is your man/woman, if you miss him, you’ll never be happy until that love bond cycles past, for many years, so for you to be happy get that person at whatever cost, if it means getting him/her out of that marriage, get him/her that is your man/woman. It’s a mistake for him/her to be elsewhere. And if you go together for sometime and find that love has died, don’t be held in bondage by the Christian values it will never come back, what you need is an easily arranged divorce and allow another love bond to come forth, just like an ovum comes up, and when it comes forth you’ll enjoy life again. On the contrary God’s word says in Malachi 2: 16; “For the Lord God of Israel says that He hates divorce…”

N.B. People enter into marriage having signed contracts of how they will share their things after divorce. People enter with one foot and another behind. 50 years ago divorce was unthinkable. It is one thing for a marriage to fail but it is another thing for people to enter marriage with an intention to enjoy as long as it was enjoyable and to walk out of it.


Alice Bailey preached (50 yrs ago) that sexual enjoyment is the highest pleasure in humanity, no one must be denied and no one must be restricted how to enjoy themselves. People should be allowed in which ever way they chose they want, whether it is homosexuality or in incest or bestiality, as long as the two agree.

A law was passed in our nation, South Africa. Parliament has passed it on 26/01/2000 and the President gave it his signature on 4/02/2000 – giving so much freedom to gay rights, that a time will come when it is illegal for a preacher to mention homosexuality as an abomination in the eyes of God, or to read scriptures publicly that talk about homosexuality. In Mozambique 1994, an agenda was drawn targeting to fill the police force, the judicial system (judges), the education system and everywhere else with gays, so that when a case comes up, they are there to defend the cause. Today the church is expected to marry gays/lesbians.

According to the Bible, this is an abomination before the eyes of God

(Leviticus 18:22; 20:13)


How? Promote new forms of art which will corrupt and defile the imagination of people because art is the language of the spirit, that which is inside, you can bring out in painting, music, drama etc. Look at the quality of the music that is coming out, the films out of Holywood.


Alice Bailey said the greatest channel you need to use to change human attitude is media. Use the press, the radio, T.V, cinema. You can tell today how successful they have been in implementing the plan over 50 years via media as well as advertising agencies, billboards, magazines. Who controls media? (New Age); So much money is pumped into media and advertising spreading of pornographic material and other sources. Sex outside of marriage is thrown on your face 80-90 times than sex in marriage. Promiscuity is being promoted as natural, you watch gay sex on T.V. in homes where children’s minds are being neutralized to sensitivity to these things. You wonder why newspapers, T.V, etc do not record anything about Christian activities.


Alice Bailey wrote; Promote other faiths to be at par with Christianity, and break this thing about Christianity as being the only way to heaven, by that Christianity will be pulled down and other faiths promoted. She said promote the importance of man in determining his own future and destiny – HUMANISM. She said tell man he has the right to choose what he wants to be and he can make it happen, he has the right to determine his cause – This takes God off His throne. We have seen in our nation, South Africa hosting a meeting of the Interfaith Movement in Cape Town led by Dalai Lama.


Alice Bailey wrote that the church must change its doctrine and accommodate the people by accepting these things and put them into its structures and systems.

Have they succeeded?

Today you wonder why our governments are legislating laws contrary to the Bible and why the church is compromising the Word of God. It is a process of implementing Thee Plan - A 50 year strategy of the New Age Movement to fulfill its ultimate goal to establish a One World Government, a One World Economic system and a One World Religion. Today the strategy almost in its entirety has been adopted by the United Nations and today a lot of it is already law in many nations. This deception has crept up unobserved on so many people. It can best be demonstrated through the well-known analogy of the frog in the pot of water. If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it is smart enough to know that it is in terrible danger and will immediately jump out to safety. But if you turn up the heat very slowly, a little at a time, it doesn’t notice the changes that are taking place and will slowly cook to death. Many people today are slowly cooking to death and don’t seem to realize how far they have come from where they once were.

Today the Western World is not struggling to resist these because the New Age Movement focused primarily on the West because that was the Christian world in the 19th century. The New Age Movement has a school called the Akanni School, which is the school of all the leaders of the Western world. They subscribe to it. It is recorded that they say they have succeeded the task in the West but suddenly they realize Christianity has migrated to the rest of the world, so they have now to use every resource in the West to deal with the rest of the world. In Africa, South Africa is the number one state, it is changing at such a rapid speed. They are saying give to African States a financial package with conditions to:

v Legalize abortion

v Take God and prayer out of school

Governments are so attracted to this package, they can’t say no to it, they need the money, they ask the church to find an answer. These are done secretly. Christianity is 5%, the rest is Hinduism, Buddhism, Spiritism. New Age is being taught to teachers, they are being taught to teach this in schools.

It is interesting to note that Blavatsky, Besant and Alice Bailey were well known Masonic leaders of the day. Albert Pike referred to Freemasonry as the ‘custodian’ or special guardian of these occult secrets and revealed the hidden agenda of his institution, the forming of a Luciferic One World Government.

Watch and pray what happens when their plan comes to fruition? :popcorn:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
There won't be freedom of expression. They are creating a monitoring matrix to basically GIVE you your opinion. You are either part of the hive mind or you are cast out of the system.

This is why they are installing cameras everywhere, microphones on the busses, enabling your devices like i phones to be remotely accessed... it's why these phones have two way cameras and gps included. It's why our emails are being archived. This is also why they are discussing implementing 'thought crime.' Pretty much your thoughts and actions will be constantly monitored and if you go outside of the box of acceptable thought, you will be cut off from the system. To be entered into the system and to be able to buy or sell, you will have to undertake the mark of the beast, aka the microchip.

This goes way beyond economics. The ultimate purpose is to bring forth their new-age messiah, aka the antichrist... they are here to bring forth lucifer on this earth to worship him. Look at all the rituals they are doing in the music industry nowadays... all the baphomet shirts. All of this is coming sooner than you think... the mass deception is already underhand.


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
There won't be freedom of expression. They are creating a monitoring matrix to basically GIVE you your opinion. You are either part of the hive mind or you are cast out of the system.

This is why they are installing cameras everywhere, microphones on the busses, enabling your devices like i phones to be remotely accessed... it's why these phones have two way cameras and gps included. It's why our emails are being archived. This is also why they are discussing implementing 'thought crime.' Pretty much your thoughts and actions will be constantly monitored and if you go outside of the box of acceptable thought, you will be cut off from the system. To be entered into the system and to be able to buy or sell, you will have to undertake the mark of the beast, aka the microchip.

This goes way beyond economics. The ultimate purpose is to bring forth their new-age messiah, aka the antichrist... they are here to bring forth lucifer on this earth to worship him. Look at all the rituals they are doing in the music industry nowadays... all the baphomet shirts. All of this is coming sooner than you think... the mass deception is already underhand.

Not trying to question your beliefs and I'm on my phone so I'm not trying to go too in-depth. But are you Christian? And what version did you go with and why ? And why the warning on enlightened train of thought. I'll repeat this is no way a slight to your beliefs just curious on why you chose a certain path.


The Greatest GOAT
May 2, 2012

This is disgusting...

Raising taxes on us to line prison owners pockets who are reaping the benefits of slavery....

The idea a job sewing, manufacturing chairs is paying min. wage to prisoners when that job could go to someone unemployed at a REASONABLE wage...

If someone were to ever top the lid off the World Elite/Illuminati/NWO theory, I bet they'd find the smoking gun in private prison ownership. This is heinous, can't just be lobbyists...


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
I'm not one for conspiracy theories but there's a lot of weird shyt in this videos and valid points. anyone who knows more about any of this enlighten me
shyt got me a lil :hamster:

Martial law is coming prepare !! Banned Episode- with Jesse Ventura - Police State.!! - YouTube

Yeah they basically banned this episode after showing it only once. Usually, stations like TruTV will show episodes of their shows several times over the course of weeks as the rest of Ventura's CT shows have been...but this was shown once and was gone from TV. They actually took it off of people's DVRs. So that is interesting aspect of this episode.......


All Money In
May 8, 2012
South Memphis
Yeah they basically banned this episode after showing it only once. Usually, stations like TruTV will show episodes of their shows several times over the course of weeks as the rest of Ventura's CT shows have been...but this was shown once and was gone from TV. They actually took it off of people's DVRs. So that is interesting aspect of this episode.......

:wow: that's crazy.

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