the technology is better today and they still cant go back
if they went to the moon in 1969, mars should be the target today
First time I saw that doc I was as well
I still can't get off this theory. It me because Kubrick does everything DELIBERATELY in his career. He is a perfectionist and artistic director to the utmost degree.
nothing to exploit from the moon. what is point of colonizing a giant rock?
why do yo think europeans started to colonize the americas.
Don't dash my dreams breh. There are some WEIRD ass coincidences outside of a few silly inferences by the guy who made the video. If anyone could fake the moon landing it is Kubrick.I've watched a lot of things in my life I'd consider completely retarded but this takes the cake.
The reaching in that
Thats the whole point why would we go there in the 1st place. If we did go there by now it would open up avenues to go back again esp to explore "the dark side" of the moon. You don't know what you can exploit from somewhere you visited "once." Or those missions would provide experience to venture to other close planets i.e. mars. Space exploration is relative anyway why even deal with outer space when we have so many problems on our grounds.
Don't dash my dreams breh. There are some WEIRD ass coincidences outside of a few silly inferences by the guy who made the video. If anyone could fake the moon landing it is Kubrick.
I still can't get off this theory. It me because Kubrick does everything DELIBERATELY in his career. He is a perfectionist and artistic director to the utmost degree.
Not really a conspiracy theory but a
Isaiah Chapter 40: verses 19-20 said:19 He is not like an idol that workers make, that metalworkers cover with gold and set in a base of silver. 20 Anyone who cannot afford silver or gold chooses wood that will not rot. He finds a skillful worker to make an image that won't fall down.
" :maadkendrick: But some might still be puzzled about why Jeremiah would refer to an idol as a tree. The prophet here uses a figure of speech called synecdoche by which the name of the material is used to denote the product made of it. Since the tree was used in making the idol, the finished product is by synecdoche called a tree. Likewise the Bible refers to Jesus' cross as a tree because its materials came from such a source.
Is God against Christmas trees? The Bible certainly does not so reveal. But even if he were, that would hardly dictate abolition of the whole Christmas observance. Is there anything intrinsically immoral or unrighteous about a decorated tree? "
What we saw was fake, we have been to the moon though, we probably have people on the moon now