I was just invited to work with ascended masters
Dont know what to believe
It was prompted by a series of unprecedented events during a reading..she was getting things she never got before..
1. She was told to tell me things that i shouldnt do. Shes never gotten a command in the negative form..usually just to tell people things that they should do.
2. Her "guides" were giving her images of them comically putting an axe in my forehead when telling her to tell me to continue spreading my knowledge and efforts as well as opening up more to receiving help. Said shes never gotten such a transmission before. Basically shes saying I troll with angels.

3. "Youve known the truth and have had a foot in the spiritual realm since 4 or 5 but people around you are almost numb to it since 'thats just you being you' to them."

4. "Metatron is working with you but there are many closer in vicinity."
5. "My guides are telling me you need access to additional esoteric texts"
There were more gems as well. Things more specific that removed doubt from me in terms of her credibility. She told me I should work with her organization and basically receive top level ritual rites and esoteric information.