If you can not handle the truth, turn away, but for those who want to truly understand the UFO conspiracy, the reason for suppression, prepare for your awakening.
This is for the children of the Earth, the highly advanced egocentrics whom are superior intellectuals and all alone in the Universe. The species whose highly advanced scientists monitor brain activity after physical death to understand death; yet forget that the brain was once furnished with the body inside an ovary from nothing but an invisible cell. Them who see bright stars and planets which shine as bright as stars; yet believe parent Earth is the only body that reflects color in the heavens, when in fact, the Earth is also a light in the darkness that reflects the light like a star.
They, the children of the Earth, who believes they as so strong, so intellectual, so real; yet are walking talking worms with hair, eyes, teeth and a skeletal structure. They whom forget that they were created from the cellular proteins and nutrients of the Earth; from vegetables, fruits, and even from the cellular grass and leaves which the same animals that you eat have consumed to create their own being. All are mere illusions created from the magical element producing Earth soil…where worms are Kings and Queens.
They, whom believes that you are a physical being and thus are; yet must rely on the magic of the invisible to survive. They, whom relies on the air to breathe into your internal oxygen tanks, the energy of the sun for light and warmth to maintain the circulation within, and relies on the invisible droplets of air that form together as water to fertilize and maintain physical illusion. Oh mighty humans, the masters of technology using televisions, computers and cell phones; yet can not understand the invisible force that distributes the information instantly before your eye lenses and hearing devices.
You great ones, whom walk in nice clothes and spray rich perfume, whom follow in blind faith a Lord you have never seen, following an endless circle of deceit where the lies also end where the lies all begin. Them highly intellectual species that ignore millions who have photographed or videotaped a flying craft of unknown origin, or have reported interaction with beings not of the same human environment suit. Yet, humans, the beings of superior intellect wait for OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION from those known to deceive.
You mighty humans, you chasers of the truth, like dogs chasing a bone on a stick, not knowing why you follow, but it is your nature. You are the children of mommy and daddy Earth; the producer of your temporary environment suit called a body, used to experience the tastes, smells and feelings of the physical illusion you perceive as real.
Your species is the most intellectually submissive of all creations on the Earth plane, even insects will instinctively recognize true danger, but not you, oh great human, who relies on television for truth, and not the obvious of what is apparent, you are too intellectual, and yet you fail to believe what your own eyes have seen.
You refuse to accept the obvious, in light of nurturing a lie for the comfort of your minds. Yet, it is all of you who believe that to physically exist is simply to be, and all that is to be believed is what is told to you by another. You are all the experts of twisted truth.
Hypocrites! All of you ask for confirmation of god, of alien interaction, of government conspiracy, of pharmaceutical conspiracy, of a restaurant chain conspiracy to addict you to food. Yet you hide the truth of your own wrong doings and seek to exploit another to justify your own fragile egos. Truth is born from a lie and lies reveal truth for a human.
You are all a creation of what is directly under your nose; all plants and insects and animals, all fish and birds are a creation from the elements of what is under your nose. Your alien friends in highly advanced craft are not above you, but are right underneath your nose. Your proof of God and the Lord, the god of Israel in the Old and New Testament of the bible is before you, and is right underneath your nose.
You publicly ask for OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION.
As many learn in natural disasters, humans are not beautiful and attractive; but in distress, they are smelly, foul and survivalist creatures as learned in events such as the flood of New Orleans. Behind the color of that skin, if skin was suddenly transparent, all veins and organs and mucus is apparent with the flow of blood, urinal and anal excretions. Your real being without skin color is that of a skeletal demon…this, is truth.
The Lord of the Old Testament is the one who leads your armies on land today, and your Lord is not one…but is many. They live comfortably below the land, in cities below the Earth. The Lord of the holy bible, is playing God, and is really what you call aliens.
They are the Lord (who hid within a cloud before the Hebrew tribes and Moses in the Old Testament (like the fictional Wizard of Oz who deceived so many behind the curtains). They are the same Lord who directed the New Testament by uniting the Roman Empire and the Jewish faith under the writings of men from Greece.
They have managed to keep your species followers in blind faith; they are the vampires of the night in medieval ages, they are the Kings over the Kings on the land. They have cave entrances in mountains and entrances by lakes and oceans; they survive below the land, without the harmful exposure of sun animating and aging their cell structures.
The Lord(s) of the bible is also the aliens in the sky today; they are the mysterious species who exist below, but from within the planet. This is why the government urgency exists to suppress UFO witnesses, and to thoroughly debunk and manipulate the masses. The threat is not so external, but internal, right under your noses. They can pull a building deep underground instantly with perfectly symmetrical and perfectly chiselled sinkholes, just as Guatemala recently experienced.