Essential Conspiracy Thread

Oroko Saki

The Shredder
May 15, 2012
Lets talk about some real shyt here for a sec, let me paint a picture....

Unstoppable economic collapse is imminent - YouTube

and Goldman to Clients: Get Out of Stocks Before Fiscal Cliff Hits - CNBC

Lord Rothschild takes £130m bet against the euro - Telegraph

Debt crisis: as it happened - August 20, 2012 - Telegraph

seems like shyt is done brehs operation nwo in full effect take the chip or :ufdup: WARNING - ALL Humans To Be Microchipped (mark of the beast) - YouTube
think its a joke what you think obama care is about?

oh and just in case you think that alien threat/project blue beam and bunkers was for jokes end game brehs.....

Planet X/ Nibiru Mystery on New Episode Scooby Doo, I guess this is forreal. - YouTube

:wow: the children?! this cant be life brehs:mindblown:

I have a hard time believing they could pull something like this off unless something big happens before March 23rd of next year. You got big privacy and security issues, theres hackers that could probably scan someones hand without them knowing it and steal their whole life basically.

I didnt read everything there but i guess if u refuse it, u get fined right? So i guess thats why people stock up on canned good and water bottles
May 1, 2012
While I do believe some rap artist are athiest and bi sexual, I don't believe that they are devil worshippers.

I think the real ploy is to not only push religion but to also strip hip hop music of its authenticity and value that it once had.

I do believe there are individuals who purposely push negativity and will contiue to do so.

So while I do believe there are evil forces I don't think there the artist themselves.

Every successful black men is ridiculed as gay, devil wprshipper, sell out, etc.

Now that's the real conspiracy it's a war on the mind.

When Dave Chappell was on Oprah talking about how they treat black actors it's no different in music.

A black man just can't be a successful black man we have been continued to believe that there's something that he has done to get to that level of success because's not "normal" for you to see that.

I also love how Egyptian symbolism has been perverted over the years and now automatically distinguished as evil.

I find it odd how I hear rappers clearly stating "they only like red bones" and things of that nature and how lighter skin women are put on a peastool.

It's like destroy the manhood and integrity of black men with hip hop.

Destroy black women with segregation (dark skin/light skin terminology)

Keep them dependent.... (thinking being successful is not obtainable, keep them entertained, encourage obesity, live reckless lifestyles, encourage religious practices,)

Give them one identity. (following social trends, fashion trends, everyone looking the same. Etc)

Sorry if I'm ranting but I wonder if I'm the only one who looks at the grand scheme of things.


May 3, 2012
Anyone know any good websites or message boards involving conspiracy theories or the Illuminati?

Dialogue With "Hidden Hand" - Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider


This self-proclaimed illuminati [def] Insider appeared on the "Above Top Secret" forum in October 2008, giving away information about the Illuminati Agenda and their goals.

The reason for this, he says, is because time is right for us to know some of what is going on behind the scenes. And when he explains WHY he needs to reveal it now, it's very convincing. In this article I will post the dialogue between the "Above Top Secret Forum" members and "Hidden Hand" in its entirety.

Please take time to read through this whole dialogue (yes, I know it's long, but I think we all can benefit from it, even if you end up not believing what is said). When you read it, you need to have an open mind; you can't be stuck in dogma or think you "have it all figured out" already, because then it doesn't matter what he says, you won't believe it.

Here are some points which makes him very believable; one being that the forum members he is communicating with make up pages after pages of random questions (as you can see in this article) and he answers them intelligently and precisely without the delay it would take for a person presenting a hoax to come up with them.

This is also what the forum members notice.

And he is consistent! Many of the questions are very good, deep, to the point and philosophical, and this guy (or woman, we don't know - this being claims not to be from this Earth), manages to reply on a very deep level, and his answers don't contradict each other. In an advanced and intelligent dialogue like this, it's very unlikely anyone would be able to do that without giving himself away at some point.

You will most certainly notice he/she is sincere.

Ever wondered who is "on top of the Pyramid?" He gives us a clue. The bloodline he represents is well above the Rothschild's in power and in the hierarchy and is extra-terrestrial in origin.

The 13 bloodlines we have been talking about thus far on this website and others, with the Rothschild's in a top position together with the Merovingian Nobility, are quite low rank in the Big Pyramid Structure, and are the ones playing a power game here on Earth, only aware of parts of the Big Game (a need to know basis). The bloodline "Hidden Hand" is supposedly belonging to is way more advanced and higher rank.

I really think this being believes in what he is saying, and whether he is deceived himself to some degree or not, this is most probably what is driving the Illuminati. These are their goals! It leaves you with a pretty strange feeling after have read it all, but deep inside it rings true.

His answers may need to be read more than once to understand the different layers of what he is telling us. Afterwards, when you start connecting the dots you notice that a lot of pieces in the big puzzle that previously were missing and left unanswered, suddenly fit.

If you are visiting the Illuminati News website for the first time, already have a fair concept of what the Illuminati and the New World Order is about, and you only intend to read ONE article from my huge database, I would say this one would be the one to read! [You certainly don't want to lose this page and then need to go through data recovery on your internet browser hoping you didn't lose it so you can come back to it later!]

It's been hard to perceive what ULTIMATELY drives the Illuminati.
Greed? Yes
Power? Of course
Control? Sure
But you always have this feeling that there is a deeper mystery behind their "Great Work of the Ages". This may very well be the answer!

When you are done reading this article and feel inspired, please go to the Law of One, and start absorbing the information presented there. It is a huge database on the same subject, but extensively expanded. Both these article, may if we read them with understanding plus an open mind and an open heart, show us the real so(u)lution to the New World Order [def] problem.

Here is the dialogue between the Above Top Secret members [ATS] and "Hidden Hand" [HH], the self-proclaimed Illuminati Insider:


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
How did U get cuckold out of all that...:gag:

Quote:Jay-Z taking part in gay orgies with top people in Hollywood.
Jay-Z had a gay relationship with in their early days.
Jay-Z has with this guy. Yes! Jay-Z and his male friend tried & succeeded to have a baby together by having sex (double penetration) with the same female, at the same time and they both planned to ejaculate into her simultaneously. So, Jay-Z has another baby that he shares with another man.
Just like Ivy (Blue Ivy) League, Skull & Bones Frat, at Yale (which gave us President Bush and Senator John Kerry) perform the male on male ritual, where two frat brothers are locked into a coffin and in this coffin, one tells the other of their sexual exploits (even the homosexual ones & even if you sucked your best friend’s cock at the age of 12)-this is the same ritual that those wishing to enter the Hollywood Illuminati must go through.
:ld: pretty much the bolded ,underlined shyt g...Im pretty much game for a conspiracy but that shyt is some tmz, pariz hilton, cuckold shyt. proof read that bullshyt. Plus that music shyt aint even important once you really get into studying symbolism anyway.

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
:ld: pretty much the bolded ,underlined shyt g...Im pretty much game for a conspiracy but that shyt is some tmz, pariz hilton, cuckold shyt. proof read that bullshyt. Plus that music shyt aint even important once you really get into studying symbolism anyway.

I hear U


May 6, 2012
:wow: This man Rakim is dropping some shyt. The way these agencies kill off black leaders is disheartening. I'm always quick to :pacspit: at white folks for saying, "Slavery is over. Ya'll need to get over racism." ANYTIME blacks folks start progresing and moving in a positive direction, cacs implement strategies to keep us down. It's time to get back in them streets and start marchin' again :birdman:. It's long overdue.


Ele Jefe
Jun 8, 2012
Victory Lane
That hidden hand shyt was :damn: when i first read it...

Its another one tht was supposedly written by another being sayin they had set up shop underground hella long ago and droppin jewels i gotta find it tho


May 3, 2012
SaLuSa: October 8, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

It is never too late to turn your eyes towards Ascension, and do realize that if you feel ready you are certainly at a point where you could achieve it. It requires focus and intent to go forward, but you must understand that whether you ascend is dependent on your level of consciousness.

You must apply yourself to whatever your understanding is of being at One with all life, without exception. Love is the operative word that will see you succeed, but you will need to work at it so as to overcome the very human emotions that often pull you back.

You have a tendency to act first and ask questions later, so a new way of responding to situations has to be found. Forgiveness is also vital when you have been the victim of someone else’s actions, even if it is not attributable to you in any way.

The advice given is also going to be useful when you are clearing karma connected with relationships. These are probably the hardest challenges you are likely to confront, and you are best advised to try and leave those concerned with your forgiveness.

You simply cannot move on if you persist in carrying resentment or continue to harbor negative thoughts. Let the past go and step onto a new path that leads to the Light and Love. Then you will feel at ease and know that you have cut your links with the old paradigm that no longer serves you. The likelihood is that those who read these words have already decided to change their lives and concentrate on preparing for Ascension.

Remember that your body is your temple, and look after it and move away from any practices that you know are causing it harm. You cannot for example take your drug habits into the higher dimensions, and the sooner you are determined to break the addiction you will succeed.

The same principle can be applied to other addictions such as alcohol, which will in any event harm your body. Think carefully about what you need to do to ensure your upliftment, and you will receive help from your Guides. God wishes for every single soul to ascend, but accepts that having given you freewill the final choice is yours. Ask yourself seriously if you wish to remain in your present 3D cycle, and if you cannot see your way clear to desiring such a move it will be final.

The end of the cycle is approaching very rapidly and our delight is in seeing how the Lightworkers have lifted up the Light upon Earth. Light attracts even more Light, and your pathway to Ascension is opening up. The time lines are converging, and soon the most powerful one will be uplifting you with Mother Earth. It must happen and will separate those who are ready from those who are not, and it is a natural result of the changes that you are going through.

It also means that once Ascended, the dark Ones will have been totally removed from your lives. The peace you have sought and prayed for will at last be yours, and through the Ascension process you will indeed experience the changes within yourself. It is not that you only experience the changes at that time because it commenced some years, ago but the actual Ascension will be a milestone along your way.

There are a lot of changes about to occur on Earth, and have been considerably building up this year. That means your problems will grow until something in the nature of a clean sweep can be made. The more obvious areas are connected with politics, and many countries around the world are experiencing great upheaval. It is unfortunate that it has to reach such extremes before the need for vast changes is accepted. However, once agreed there will no time wasted in setting up the new systems.

We see that once the political issues are decided, the rest of the changes will follow on quite quickly. For the time being it is you as an individual that is most important, as we wish you to realize what a wonderful opportunity is being presented to you through Ascension.

You do not necessarily have to give up your attachment to your possessions to ascend, but anything that carries a low vibration cannot go forward with you. For example, some of you have pastimes or hobbies that involve collecting memorabilia that relates to people or events that are undesirable. The new vibrations will in fact allow for the manifestation in a new Light of many things in your reality. Everything will be expressed in an energy that will bring out the beauty and perfection in them.

Objects will seem to be more “alive” and you will have a closer relationship with all sentient beings, as consciousness levels will be that much higher than previously. In real terms you will gain from Ascending in so many ways that you will soon forget your time in duality. It will eventually seem like a bad dream, although you will always benefit from the experience.

In the future your every need will be looked after and you will want for absolutely nothing at all. As time progresses and you develop your skills in creation, you will be able to provide for yourself. In the meantime you will benefit from the advantages of using new technologies that will cover your needs.

It is all ready for you, and only waits the right time to be introduced and distributed. Do not however expect too much immediately, as the changeover will not happen overnight. As we have told you previously, our priority is to bring help and relief to those who are underprivileged and lack the basic necessities of life. You will be lifted up in a series of progressions from where you are now, to take your place in the Golden Age of absolute beauty and joy.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that if only you could get a glimpse of what is in store for you, your present worries would seem of little or no consequence. There is such a short time before Ascension, so try to think in terms of the benefits that you are soon to receive.

You will have earned your rights to them and they will totally transform your lives. We of the Galactic Federation of Light will continue to work with you after Ascension, and help you achieve full Galactic Consciousness.

Until that time you will not know what it is like to have that level of consciousness, as by comparison you are now very much unaware of your real capabilities. Look at us, and you will see in us your true selves as you will be in the near future.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey


Ele Jefe
Jun 8, 2012
Victory Lane
If you can not handle the truth, turn away, but for those who want to truly understand the UFO conspiracy, the reason for suppression, prepare for your awakening.

This is for the children of the Earth, the highly advanced egocentrics whom are superior intellectuals and all alone in the Universe. The species whose highly advanced scientists monitor brain activity after physical death to understand death; yet forget that the brain was once furnished with the body inside an ovary from nothing but an invisible cell. Them who see bright stars and planets which shine as bright as stars; yet believe parent Earth is the only body that reflects color in the heavens, when in fact, the Earth is also a light in the darkness that reflects the light like a star.

They, the children of the Earth, who believes they as so strong, so intellectual, so real; yet are walking talking worms with hair, eyes, teeth and a skeletal structure. They whom forget that they were created from the cellular proteins and nutrients of the Earth; from vegetables, fruits, and even from the cellular grass and leaves which the same animals that you eat have consumed to create their own being. All are mere illusions created from the magical element producing Earth soil…where worms are Kings and Queens.

They, whom believes that you are a physical being and thus are; yet must rely on the magic of the invisible to survive. They, whom relies on the air to breathe into your internal oxygen tanks, the energy of the sun for light and warmth to maintain the circulation within, and relies on the invisible droplets of air that form together as water to fertilize and maintain physical illusion. Oh mighty humans, the masters of technology using televisions, computers and cell phones; yet can not understand the invisible force that distributes the information instantly before your eye lenses and hearing devices.

You great ones, whom walk in nice clothes and spray rich perfume, whom follow in blind faith a Lord you have never seen, following an endless circle of deceit where the lies also end where the lies all begin. Them highly intellectual species that ignore millions who have photographed or videotaped a flying craft of unknown origin, or have reported interaction with beings not of the same human environment suit. Yet, humans, the beings of superior intellect wait for OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION from those known to deceive.

You mighty humans, you chasers of the truth, like dogs chasing a bone on a stick, not knowing why you follow, but it is your nature. You are the children of mommy and daddy Earth; the producer of your temporary environment suit called a body, used to experience the tastes, smells and feelings of the physical illusion you perceive as real.

Your species is the most intellectually submissive of all creations on the Earth plane, even insects will instinctively recognize true danger, but not you, oh great human, who relies on television for truth, and not the obvious of what is apparent, you are too intellectual, and yet you fail to believe what your own eyes have seen.

You refuse to accept the obvious, in light of nurturing a lie for the comfort of your minds. Yet, it is all of you who believe that to physically exist is simply to be, and all that is to be believed is what is told to you by another. You are all the experts of twisted truth.

Hypocrites! All of you ask for confirmation of god, of alien interaction, of government conspiracy, of pharmaceutical conspiracy, of a restaurant chain conspiracy to addict you to food. Yet you hide the truth of your own wrong doings and seek to exploit another to justify your own fragile egos. Truth is born from a lie and lies reveal truth for a human.

You are all a creation of what is directly under your nose; all plants and insects and animals, all fish and birds are a creation from the elements of what is under your nose. Your alien friends in highly advanced craft are not above you, but are right underneath your nose. Your proof of God and the Lord, the god of Israel in the Old and New Testament of the bible is before you, and is right underneath your nose.

You publicly ask for OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION.

As many learn in natural disasters, humans are not beautiful and attractive; but in distress, they are smelly, foul and survivalist creatures as learned in events such as the flood of New Orleans. Behind the color of that skin, if skin was suddenly transparent, all veins and organs and mucus is apparent with the flow of blood, urinal and anal excretions. Your real being without skin color is that of a skeletal demon…this, is truth.

The Lord of the Old Testament is the one who leads your armies on land today, and your Lord is not one…but is many. They live comfortably below the land, in cities below the Earth. The Lord of the holy bible, is playing God, and is really what you call aliens.

They are the Lord (who hid within a cloud before the Hebrew tribes and Moses in the Old Testament (like the fictional Wizard of Oz who deceived so many behind the curtains). They are the same Lord who directed the New Testament by uniting the Roman Empire and the Jewish faith under the writings of men from Greece.

They have managed to keep your species followers in blind faith; they are the vampires of the night in medieval ages, they are the Kings over the Kings on the land. They have cave entrances in mountains and entrances by lakes and oceans; they survive below the land, without the harmful exposure of sun animating and aging their cell structures.

The Lord(s) of the bible is also the aliens in the sky today; they are the mysterious species who exist below, but from within the planet. This is why the government urgency exists to suppress UFO witnesses, and to thoroughly debunk and manipulate the masses. The threat is not so external, but internal, right under your noses. They can pull a building deep underground instantly with perfectly symmetrical and perfectly chiselled sinkholes, just as Guatemala recently experienced.



Ele Jefe
Jun 8, 2012
Victory Lane
Dear human, you are far from intelligent, you are a simple creature of nature which acts on impulse and instinct, but has the luxury of a tongue. Insects also have intelligence, even a fly avoids the swat of your hand, they just don’t speak with a human tongue. Otherwise, they can fly and they can crawl upward on walls, where a human can not. Oh mighty special human, you who was born from nothing but a single cell, and will shortly perish from your earth suit, you ask for a confirmation, you want justice, you want truth, you will receive it now.

The root of all EVIL on Earth is not money, nor government or weapons, those are mere mechanisms of evil; but the real root, the true evil, is the ones who bring the mechanisms to life. You humans, like your craft flying friends from below ground (not outer space) are the root. You are all but children of the mighty imagined devil. Humans are but soldiers and servants of the mighty Lord, the civilization from below the soil you walk.

Continue to follow in blind faith, and to lead in blind faith. As a TOOL of government is the media, whom promotes exactly what the officials or authority tells them to tell you is truth, so is the FOOL who publicly speaks his or her opinion with confidence about what they hear from the media. However, all fall short of the truth. All are mere hypocrites.

You children of Earth who seek a fulfillment of doom, who enjoy the movies of cataclysm and destruction; you are all the collective conscious of the Earth. Your thoughts are your seeds and the sky fertilizes the physical plane with your thoughts.

You shall rightfully know who your deceivers are. They are you; whom deceives the self, who will form a lie against another who angered you, or will accept a bribe to remain silenced against the inappropriate actions of another. Every baby born is a product of the same, hypocrites. The true nature of the human is self preserving and judgmental of others. Fight the truth all you want, but deep down inside, you know this is the truth.

Not one single human will be handed a confirmation until they depart from the Earth environment suit they believe to be their true body. They must re-enter where they once came through to experience this illusion of physical existence, and only then will confirmation be unquestionable without manipulation. Until then, this is a message below that the very few will understand, but fortunate are they who will understand.

Fill a dungeon with trees and flowers and perfumes and delicious fruits, you will attract all the insects to the beautiful dungeon. Keep the insects disillusioned from escaping the dungeon and you can exterminate them all with ease. Keep those who flock to the dungeon imprisoned in “physical suits” that they can not tear away from, and you have an eternal servant.

Fortunate be the poor and woe to them who love the Earth. What is meant by this?

If a man and his wife go on a trip to a little island where the inhabitants treat them royally, with fear and respect, with the finest of servitude to the couple, the pair will return again and again with more friends, family and wealthy associates. They will keep this island their secret and private getaway for themselves and their chosen ones.

However, if a man and his wife go to the island and the inhabitants beat the man, then rape the wife, steal all their money, kick them to a curb by the shore and give them two branches as oars and a small raft to sail back to home, the pair NEVER returns and warns loved ones to stay away from the secret island.

The secret however is that the island is filled with demons wanting the rich to get all their friends and family to bring them back to the wonderful little island to plunder.

Fortunate be the poor and woe to them who love the Earth.

Christians and Jehovah Witnesses, they are the worst of the human hypocrites; they like the government officials, the police and the military, the judges and the priests, the rich and followers of prosecution, they are the most ignorant of their own crimes on the Earth.

They desire the island to be a fortress, safe from other visitors who are unwanted, and only then they will realize; they can not be Kings and Queens without more servants and sacrifices, and then they will begin to turn on another within the fortress of the island.

Then they who can not create a single hair on their finger from thin air, will also realize they are not the creator of the island they claim to be their own. Then, the very one who created the wonderful island will collapse it, and the island will disappear. Those within the beautiful fortress will be Kings and Queens in a dungeon of despair.

Blessed be the poor and woe to those who are the proud within the Earth. Nothing that was created can be decreated, but it can be quarantined, this is the universal truth. Oh mighty intellectual human, the most hypocritical demons of the Earth, the cells of your physical environment suit will return to the air and the bowels shall release the worms.
