Fidel Castro is dead, the deposed president of Egypt was sentenced to life in prison because he died of a heart attack months ago. Joseph Kony is a French government operative code name. There was so much controversy for the Haitian elections because speculators already knew there was gold and diamonds in the Haitian mountains, THE EARTHQUAKE and OIL SPILL was man made or encouraged by EXXON MOBIL and DEBEERS.
QUEEN ELIZABETH is already dead, this jubilee is a smokescreen party to throw people off from the economic reality that UK is broke and in danger of splitting apart over declining EURO BANKS.
QUEEN ELIZABETH will undergo a prolonged illness and be announced as dead around DECEMBER 2012.
Next in line PRINCE CHARLES has been forbidden from assuming the role of KING due to the fact the QUEEN does not want CAMILLA BOWLES to be legitimized as QUEEN.
If CAMILLA BOWLES becomes QUEEN, it will erase PRINCESS DIANA from the Royal Tree due to the inheritance rules.
The VATICAN and BILDERBERG have already determined that they will surpass PRINCE CHARLES and pick between his two sons. Tabloid and news sites will undergo rampant speculation due to the unprecedented nature -- a new KING for the first time in 100 years and he would rather live as a "football dad".
PRINCE WILLIAM is married to CATHERINE MIDDLE who was hand picked as replacement to be the QUEEN ELIZABETH prototype, but they are secretly so closely related they run the risk of INBREEDING when they have kids. If PRINCE WILLIAM assume the throne NOSTRADAMUS predicted elder son will take the old style name KING EDWARD and become the same tyrant his ancestors were during the time of NOSTRADAMUS.
PRINCE HARRY is the secret weapon of the BILDERBERG, if he takes the throne he will assume the modern Windsor title KING GEORGE and be promoted as a liberal minded womanizer who is easily swayed by his father until PRINCE CHARLES demise, people will suspect that the PRINCES did it but the king will then be subject to the secret society not the Royal Family, like STEVE JOB, BILL GATE, WARREN BUFF, and MARK ZUCKER.
Pope Benedict is going to kick off WW3 by sending Ireland, not Israel to drop bomb on Syria.
Israel need Saudi to keep their state alive due to the decline of US economy.
UK and the new KING will fall into line and China and surprisingly Canada will act to preserve their advantage with military.
Russia will use their air force to help Mexico and Central America cartel to invade West Texas and New Mexico.
Why Texas? Because that is where the oil and solar power desert is located. The most valuable real estate in US worthless economy. New Mexico also has the highest capacity for nuclear uranium refinement in the US.
If we get to that point and you live in California, look for the state to split in half and possibly be the first to secede as an outlaw state. Most Americans will escape to head north to Canada through the Great Lakes, they will wind up like Katrina victims, but trapped in Detroit. The longer route is to escape up through Maine & Vermont and pay a private plane to take you abroad.