Essential Conspiracy Thread

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
found an intense gem.... borders on science fiction but thought provoking.

Anunnaki Geneticist Created Our Bodies, NOT Our Souls

Conspiracy, Recent Articles, Spirituality, The Anunnaki

by Khali Carol,

Approximately one half of the human beings on Earth (about 3.5 billion people) are organic portals, soulless human beings who keep real human beings in line with the status quo, on agenda with the matrix control system.

Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrix’s social control infrastructure. They are what keeps society running in a state of preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled humans are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous questions.

Empty people. Puppet people. Cardboard cutouts. Drones. Organic Portals. Background characters. Why do these terms even exist?

Because out of necessity they had to be invented by those who independently noticed the same puzzling phenomenon, one for which there is no official name: some people seem to be missing something very important inside.

While they are not necessarily any less intelligent, successful, or physically healthy as anyone else, they nevertheless show no indication of having any higher components to their consciousness. Over the years some people came to this same conclusion.

They noticed that some people were strangely one dimensional and hollow inside. This observation is not hard to miss, but it is easy to rationalize away, especially with modern society being so heavily brainwashed with the politically correct but unrealistic concept that everyone is completely equal in every way, which ignores functional differences due to environmental, genetic, and most importantly, metaphysical factors.

A considerable percentage of the people we meet on the street are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead. It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror.

These are interesting times. On one hand there are changes happening on a global scale that can’t really be ignored much longer. On the other hand the majority of the population seem to live their lives as if everything is just as it always is and always will be, locked in a tunnel vision of personal and material interest.

While souled humans have a divine spark of consciousness that gives them the ability of individual self-awareness, Organic Portals lack this divine spark and are only dimly conscious in comparison. They belong to an animal like group soul that exists, evolves, and incarnates collectively rather than individually.

While each souled human has a relatively unique energy shaped by that person’s awareness, experience, and essence, the energy that animates one Organic Portal is the same animating any other.The human race on Earth is not a family, but rather is an aggregation (heterogeneous group) of beings with many different soul origins, that is, souls that came from many different planets.

And, of course, humanity is also made up of soulless organic portals, too. The Anunnaki merely created our bodies, not our souls (for those who have one, that is). Nor did the Reptilians create our spirits, but more on all of this later.

Anunnaki geneticists interacting with the tree of life, while supervised by King ANU
(trans.: The Sky Father)

Everything in this Virtual Reality requires a consciousness, whether a True or an artificial consciousness to drive it. This means that even a grain of sand has a consciousness. Even things much smaller than grains of sand have consciousnesses. The consciousness must maintain the illusion of motion throughout its body during its entire lifespan.

Nothing exists in the Virtual Reality unless it upholds the illusion of motion. When the illusion of motion ceases, the organism dies and the consciousness driving the body leaves it. More and more people are now beginning to believe that there is life after death. This is true only to a certain point. One could ask, If there is life after death, is there death after life?

There are three basic categories of consciousness in the Virtual Reality: True-Light consciousness, False-Light consciousness and, lastly, artificial consciousness. Artificial consciousnesses encompass the ones created totally evil and the ones created like robots by Darkness.

The ones created of total Darkness include the ones I have referred to as the "soulless" ones. However, these are not to be confused with the artificial ones created by the Anunnaki alien scientists.

The False-Light consciousnesses created by Darkness have a mixture of True-Light particles in the consciousnesses. True-Light particles trapped in this category of consciousness are the hardest to rescue, as it requires a very delicate operation to separate them from the Evil embedded along side of them with as little damage to the True-Light particles as possible.

When physical life terminates, the ones of artificial consciousness cease to operate until the artificial consciousness is put into another body to drive it. An artificial consciousness is akin to a replacement engine that is put into another body.

For all intents and purposes it is like a spare part that does nothing until it is put into another body and reactivated by putting it into motion again. It is this "sleeping" phase when they are not in motion that characterizes these consciousnesses, because they lose their awareness of being.

Thus, an artificial consciousness is like a robot that is started and stopped by Darkness. For these, there is no afterlife.

However, the "soulless ones" amongst the artificial consciousnesses that are designed to promote and maintain absolute evil are usually allowed to continue in another process, which enables them to generate and maintain evil from the various levels of the astral planes. These are not the ones put on the shelf, so to speak.

These can sometimes appear to be good guys or spiritual masters in the astral realms. They are allowed to experience a form of "artificial" after-life in the astral world which in itself is an artificial reality. Hence, it is an artificial reality within an artificial reality.

In other words, they reside in a virtual world within the virtual world of the astral reality. Most of the inhabitants of the "normal" astral world do not have free access to their planes without the permission from Darkness' astral administrators.

When a True-Light consciousness vacates its physical body at the time of physical death, it continues its awareness because its awareness does not depend upon motion, as in the case of an artificial consciousness.

The False-Light consciousness with a mixture of True-Light particles and False-Light particles also continues its awareness after physical death. Therefore, Darkness has to develop special activities and things for these types of consciousnesses to occupy themselves with while in transition from one body to another in order to keep the charade going.

It is important for Darkness to maintain the deception of the Virtual Reality and specifically of death so that the consciousness thinks it has died and been reborn. Such ones usually reside in the astral world of the Virtual Reality until it is time for them to re-enter new physical bodies by the process called re-incarnation.

Re-incarnation is really a very evil imposition on the consciousness. It is done under the false pretence that the process of death and rebirth is in the best interests of the consciousness for its own purification and advancement. Re-incarnation causes most people to lose almost all their memories of their past lives, it actually obstructs one from advancing in knowledge and awakening to Truth.

This, again, is by design to benefit Darkness. Unbeknown to many, the Akashic records in the astral world, the records of supposedly everything that has ever happened since the beginning of the universe have been tampered with to suit Darkness.

As already stated, artificial consciousnesses are put to rest after the death of the body they were driving, and they require motion to be activated and re-inserted into another body. However, motion is an anomaly for a True Divine consciousness. That which is natural to an artificial consciousness is intrinsically unnatural for True Divine consciousnesses.

Hence, the state of a True-Light consciousness that is being extinguished is even more pitiful than that of an artificial consciousness that is oblivious and will not re-awaken from its state of rest until it is re-activated by Darkness! As stated before, a living body can be occupied by a True-Light consciousness, a False-Light consciousness or an artificial consciousness.

However, the physical bodies housing all categories of all consciousness are made up of Matter and are influenced by the programming embedded in them. Horrible destruction of True Divine beings has been going on since Darkness created this putrid Virtual Reality.

No wonder the agents of Darkness hate anyone who tries to awaken the "slaves" of Darkness by taunting, persecuting and punishing them in all sorts of ways. These days the agents of Darkness employ cowardly ways to attack, defame, blackmail or threaten anyone who dares try to spread Truth. It gives Darkness and Its evil agents great satisfaction each time that It extinguishes a True Divine light.

Contrary to some beliefs, Light does not need Darkness to balance Itself. Nor does Light need Darkness to co-exist. However, Darkness does need Light to sustain It. In fact, Darkness is a parasitic and vampiric energy that sucks the "life" out of True Light beings in order to survive.

Darkness has only been able to do this by erecting an elaborate house of horrors known as the Virtual Reality. Any True Light beings who enter this house of horrors are immediately preyed upon by agents of Darkness and "assassination" attempts commence as rapidly as possible.

This is what the war between Good and Evil is all about. The Light is about to rescue Its own from the clutches of Darkness, whilst Darkness fights to hold onto every one of Its "prisoners".

"Assassination" occurs at the moment a True Light being gives over its Will to Darkness. This can be done by trickery, deception, temptation, bribery, punishment, torture or other means. Those who give over their Will are then "fallen" beings, and, for all intents and purposes, are beings of Darkness.

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
It should be understood that Darkness has not the power to take any True Light being's Will by force. The Will can only be given over to Darkness by the True Light being.

The "Light" within a True-Light being is a permanent Divine spirit. It will "shine" forever if the Will is not given over to Darkness. But, if the Will is given over, Darkness seizes the permanent "Light" and drains it of its life force.

The True-Light being is then given a temporary artificial consciousness encased in a "soul" in exchange for its True Divine spirit. Thereafter, the being only has light that is generated by "perpetual" motion. The Divine spirit shines by itself without depending on physical motion. There is no physical motion in the True Divine Realm.

As mentioned earlier, Darkness imposed Its illusion of "no-motion" upon Its Virtual Reality. By use of this illusion, beings think that they are stationary when they are moving very rapidly. For instance, people on the Earth think that they are standing still even though the Earth is rotating daily and revolving yearly.

When the illusion of "no-motion" is broken, the illusion of motion will be impossible to maintain and all motion will cease. When nothing "moves", only the viable True Light consciousnesses will shine. Everything else in the Virtual Reality, including plants, animals, humans, planets, suns, galaxies etc. will dissipate.

In effect, this is how it is assured that all of the viable True Light will be gathered and taken Home and none of the artificial or fallen consciousnesses will be. Thus, no artificial beings will be accidentally left behind and no non-viable beings will be mistakenly admitted to the Divine Creation.

Darkness dreads Its own demise. It fears that one day It could be extinguished by Its own handiwork. So, It prolongs Its existence by extinguishing the True Light beings. Before It dies, It cruelly desires to take as many of the True-Light beings down with It by deceiving them into relinquishing their Will to It. This assassination of True Light beings cannot be allowed to go on any longer.

Darkness has created the illusion of time and slowed things down so it appears that this Virtual Reality has been in existence for eons, but this is an illusion. In fact, the Virtual Reality has only been in existence for a very short interval.

It is transitory and temporary and will soon be dissolved into nothingness. From the perspective on Earth, the Rescue Mission appears to be like a tortoise race due to the illusion of time that makes it appear to be a long time in occurring.

Further, death has so shortened human lifetimes that it was almost an impossible task for the Christ or any Divine Messengers to bring down sufficient information and fully awaken to their roles in one lifetime.

The Rescue Mission will be completed before the Divine will allow Darkness to self-destruct and dissipate into nothingness. It is a time to rejoice for those who have held onto their Will. The time for liberation from Darkness is drawing closer and closer. Darkness will soon be unable to reactivate Its artificial consciousnesses.

Everything that is created by Darkness will cease to exist when the illusion of motion is fractured and Darkness' empire will be no more. Death will disappear forever when this Virtual Reality self-destructs and vanishes.

It is undeniable that everything is a slave to motion. Without motion, everything stops, including the processes known as physical life and physical death. Death is so obvious in this world that everyone has encountered it one way or another.

Many fear it, some shun it, whilst others even deny its existence, but it continues inexorably to punish and chase us all. Everyone's life is spent on avoiding death and delaying the encounter. Those who deny that death exists are seen as abnormal or as having some form of psychological disorder that causes them to deny death.

Since ancient times, people of all cultures and religions have ardently pursued a cure for physical death in the name of physical immortality. They are driven on this quest at the deepest level of their existence because they fear death.

Ironically, the deity responsible for death is the being most fearful of death of its own demise and annihilation. The deity has embedded and programmed this fear into everything that "lives" in this world of illusions.

Many humans who have explored the fear of death have concluded that all living things have a survival instinct. What has been referred to as a survival instinct is really the programmed fear of death that infects all living things, including plants, animals and humans.

This programming is deeply embedded into every particle of Matter because every particle of Matter has a thought form from Darkness that contains Darkness' fear of death.

Darkness is so frightened of Its own demise that even the smallest building blocks of the physical universes (Matter) are thoroughly saturated with the instinctive fear of death. The fear of death is a morbid disease. It was created by a putrid, demented Mind. It is this fear that will eventually topple the entire virtual reality.

People pursue immortality even though almost everyone knows at the deepest level that the concept is absolutely absurd. Everyone knows that physical bodies ultimately decay and die. Yet the absurd quest for immortality continues.

It continues because the deity responsible for this Virtual Reality is insanely hoping against hope to find a cure for death, not to abolish it, but to use it to benefit Itself. The deity is afraid that one day It will die.

It wants immortality. It pretends to be god but it is not eternal and It seeks eternal life. The contradiction here is that when death is conquered, the True-Light's Rescue Mission will be completed and the malevolent deity's entire empire will collapse.

Ironically, death is the very tool Darkness invented and imposed on everything in Its domain, the Virtual Reality, to control and enslave Its creation and all that are trapped in it. Death, amongst other things, wipes out memories to make it almost impossible for anyone to see through the lies and illusions of this Virtual Reality through the process of reincarnation.

To understand death one needs to first understand the beginning of "life" in the Virtual Reality. In the True Divine Creation there is no motion, there is no vibration in the way we know it here, there is no physical movement as we know it here.

Darkness invented motion, that was Its first illusion. From the illusion of motion, Darkness created everything in the Virtual Reality. This includes even the illusion of no motion, the illusion of things being stationary within the illusion of motion.

Darkness used the illusion of motion to form Matter by compressing spirals of Its thought-forms, which are the foundation of all things in the Virtual Reality.

The formation of Matter is the beginning of all life and death in the Virtual Reality. Everything created from Matter has a beginning and an end, a birth and death. This is by design of Darkness.

When all the illusions fall, Darkness will be fully exposed and those particles that comprise Darkness that have remained true to the Light and held onto the Will will shine.

All the others will dissipate into nothingness as Darkness fractures. So, even the prison known as the Evil Mind will shatter, and any particles within It that still hold onto the Divine Will will be released, freed from the self-imposed prison of Darkness.

The contradiction of Darkness is that it requires True-Light particles to exist, yet it also must assassinate True-Light particles to drive Its putrid Virtual Reality. Were Darkness to assassinate all the True-Light particles, It would self-destruct into nothingness.

The Rescue Mission was launched to free the imprisoned True-Light particles and halt the insane, self-destructive activity of Darkness founded upon death. Strictly speaking, in the end, even Darkness is being liberated from Itself and Its twisted creation based upon senseless wastage, suffering and death.

Soon, all the viable True-Light beings will be in their True Divine Home, where there are no sour notes and nothing can play out of key. Everything in the True Home is in True Harmony, True Balance, Unconditional Love, Beauty, Power and True Light.

Related: Escape 'Their' TRAP and Set Your Soul FREE
Mar 12, 2013
Catch me in the safari zone
The contradiction of Darkness is that it requires True-Light particles to exist, yet it also must assassinate True-Light particles to drive Its putrid Virtual Reality. Were Darkness to assassinate all the True-Light particles, It would self-destruct into nothingness.
:ohhh: Maybe thats why they didn't kill us all yet...

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
Anunnaki – Are Malevolent Extraterrestrials Controlling This Planet?
In5D April 28, 2015 Extraterrestrials



Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013
US Army Special Operations Officer to Reveal that ISIS is Controlled By the CIA
Submitted by IWB, on May 3rd, 2015

by Dave Hodges

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced he was ordering the Texas National Guard to monitor a Navy SEAL/Green Beret joint training exercise, which is taking place in Texas.

“It is important that Texans know their safety, constitutional rights, private property rights and civil liberties will not be infringed upon.”

– Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas

Dave Hodges Is Pleased to be Under Attack by the MSM Over Jade Helm
It did not take long for the mainstream media to defend the Jade Helm operations as being as patriotic as apple pie and anyone who does not think so is a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. NPR quoted yours truly in a sarcastic manner in order to attack Governor Abbott by denigrating, without facts, my reporting of the presence of the ISIS base camp 8 miles from El Paso. However, the NPR propaganda piece forgot to mention that I was quoting from a double sourced report from Judicial Watch. The NPR piece is a simple case of another MSM outlet attempting to mislead the public by obfuscating the truth.

NPR reporter, Wade Goodwyn, further chastised my report on the closing of the Walmarts for bogus plumbing reasons as Goodwyn inferred that Governor Abbot is falling under my psychotic based influence by ordering the National Guard to monitor the appropriateness of Jade Helm operations. When today’s MSM reporters-in-training are taught how to write a story that is pleasing to globalists, do they also have to double major on how to lie and deceive the public? It is interesting, that NPR’s Goodwyn did not offer one shred of proof to counter my previous expressed concerns regarding my reports on the collective concerns that the Independent Media has over Jade Helm. Rather than offer facts, Goodwyn only offered sarcasm as a means to discredit my reporting that Governor Abbot has apparently taken to heart. I want to specifically thank Governor Abbott for doing the right thing and honoring his fiduciary duty to his citizens by protecting their interests by having the National Guard monitor Jade Helm.

Former State Representative, Todd Smith, wrote Governor Abbott. “I am horrified that I have to choose between the possibility that my Governor actually believes this stuff and the possibility that my Governor doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to those who do.” Obvoiusly, Representative Smith has not seen the following picture of a political dissident extraction drill held in Ft. Lauderdale on March 27, 2015.


Attention NPR reporter Wade Goodwyn and Rep. Smith, these political dissident actors were also taken to these vans for transport to a holding facility. Maybe this is why Smith is a FORMER representative because they could see through this charleton.



The MSM Is Coming Unglued Defending Jade Helm

Please view the following video regarding the MSM reports now surfacing which are defending Jade Helm at all costs. Also, please note the people of Bastrom County which are not believing the military officer, or their County Commissioners regarding the true nature of Jade Helm. If the rest of the country had the common sense and intestinal fortitude of the people of this county, perhaps the globalists would not have been able to hijack our government without a fight. I would be remiss, if I did not metnion that the following TV report from KHOU TV, from Houston, falsely accused me of stating that Americans are being “slaughtered” inside of the death domes which are springing up in Texas. This statement by this Houston TV station is totally false. In the face of condemning evidence that Jade Helm poses a real threat to the American people, the MSM has reported to abject lying.

Three days ago, CBS news also defended Jade Helm as being a patriotic execercise which is designed you and me. The MSM is running scared and we need to keep the pressure as we awakening several thousand people each day.

A Special Invitation to the MSM to Listen to The Common Sense Show Tonight at 9pm (Central)
Tonight, I have a guest coming on my show this evening who is prepared to announce that ISIS is controlled and funded by the CIA. His name is Scott Bennett and he is a U.S. Army Special Operations Officer (11th Psychological Operations Battalion, Civil Affairs-Psychological Operations Command), and a global psychological warfare-counterterrorism analyst, formerly with defense contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. He received a Direct Commission as an Officer, held a Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmentalized Information (TS/SCI)security clearance, and worked in the highest levels of international counterterrorism in Washington DC and MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. It will be interesting to see how the MSM will twist Bennett’s revelations about the duplicitous nature of our government when it comes to ISIS.

The best way to listen to the show this evening is to simply click the “Listen to Dave” in the upper right hand part of The Common Sense Show. Please invite all MSM reporters to listen to my show tonight as they will, no doubt, need something to write about in the morning.

Jun 24, 2012
The Psy-Op on the American Public continue through deception of Riots and Police brutality

The riots and disturbance has nothing to do with Mike Brown or Freddie Gray. Their deaths wither dramatized or real has nothing to do with everything after that. The facts surrounding the reason rioting is even going on in these places shows when policy is a Psy-op. The media will use small segments of rioters to paint a picture to the world that protesters( the non-violent ones) are just as guilty as those who are destroying stuff. The Police and other agencies use provocateurs to sabotage grassroots movements by blending in to the crowds and messing up the movement. Cointel Pro continues but even bigger this time.

1. Mayor of Baltimore tells MSM that she is giving leeway to protesters and those who want to destroy stuff to do so.

2. MSM and MSM( Mainstream Social Media) uses it's race-baiting antics by creating the narrative for outsiders not knowing what is going on in the city but using false information and half-truths.

3. Residents of the city are torn between trying to get the truth out to the public and reclaiming their city from outside influence.

It just so happens that the riot was used as a precursor to nationalizing the police. In the 2015 DOJ report called "TASKFORCE for the 21st Century" Obama admin handpicks panel groups all around the country to participate in created a policy around Federal, State and Local Police as a whole. Each Group represents a certain aspects of a field from Academics, law enforcement, civil liberties and mayors. It just so happens that Ms. Blake is one of the Mayors of this report. While Republicans will bytch about changing the Police to be nicer to blacks or minorities, this report is a Liberal's Wet dream and a citizens nightmare.


Why this policy would never work for the people....

While this is going on the police have been trained to discredit and crush dissidents, attack people and neutralize so called threats by Israel the biggest Apartheid State in the world. They are receiving MRAPS on college campuses and small population towns by DOD. The police are heavily equipped more than the Military person who is fighting. This same Obama administration claiming transparency is about deception and secrecy. The same Admin that wants to control the public's access to the internet.

Ex-IDF soldier says U.S. citizens are next on terrorism list/ U.S. Police train with Israel

Militarized Police



The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
The MSM Is Coming Unglued Defending Jade Helm

Please view the following video regarding the MSM reports now surfacing which are defending Jade Helm at all costs. Also, please note the people of Bastrom County which are not believing the military officer, or their County Commissioners regarding the true nature of Jade Helm. If the rest of the country had the common sense and intestinal fortitude of the people of this county, perhaps the globalists would not have been able to hijack our government without a fight. I would be remiss, if I did not metnion that the following TV report from KHOU TV, from Houston, falsely accused me of stating that Americans are being “slaughtered” inside of the death domes which are springing up in Texas. This statement by this Houston TV station is totally false. In the face of condemning evidence that Jade Helm poses a real threat to the American people, the MSM has reported to abject lying.

Three days ago, CBS news also defended Jade Helm as being a patriotic execercise which is designed you and me. The MSM is running scared and we need to keep the pressure as we awakening several thousand people each day.
i still not sure what is the purpose of Jade Helm....
the troop sizes confuse me


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
The Psy-Op on the American Public continue through deception of Riots and Police brutality

The riots and disturbance has nothing to do with Mike Brown or Freddie Gray. Their deaths wither dramatized or real has nothing to do with everything after that. The facts surrounding the reason rioting is even going on in these places shows when policy is a Psy-op. The media will use small segments of rioters to paint a picture to the world that protesters( the non-violent ones) are just as guilty as those who are destroying stuff. The Police and other agencies use provocateurs to sabotage grassroots movements by blending in to the crowds and messing up the movement. Cointel Pro continues but even bigger this time.

1. Mayor of Baltimore tells MSM that she is giving leeway to protesters and those who want to destroy stuff to do so.

2. MSM and MSM( Mainstream Social Media) uses it's race-baiting antics by creating the narrative for outsiders not knowing what is going on in the city but using false information and half-truths.

3. Residents of the city are torn between trying to get the truth out to the public and reclaiming their city from outside influence.

It just so happens that the riot was used as a precursor to nationalizing the police. In the 2015 DOJ report called "TASKFORCE for the 21st Century" Obama admin handpicks panel groups all around the country to participate in created a policy around Federal, State and Local Police as a whole. Each Group represents a certain aspects of a field from Academics, law enforcement, civil liberties and mayors. It just so happens that Ms. Blake is one of the Mayors of this report. While Republicans will bytch about changing the Police to be nicer to blacks or minorities, this report is a Liberal's Wet dream and a citizens nightmare.


Why this policy would never work for the people....

While this is going on the police have been trained to discredit and crush dissidents, attack people and neutralize so called threats by Israel the biggest Apartheid State in the world. They are receiving MRAPS on college campuses and small population towns by DOD. The police are heavily equipped more than the Military person who is fighting. This same Obama administration claiming transparency is about deception and secrecy. The same Admin that wants to control the public's access to the internet.

Ex-IDF soldier says U.S. citizens are next on terrorism list/ U.S. Police train with Israel

Militarized Police


i posted a thread about the baltimore police being trained in Krava maga the israeli self defense system...will see how long it lasts...


All Star
Jan 4, 2013
Are yall noticing all these earthquakes and volcanoes blowing up around the world? Something big going to happen soon. I need to start a stash of food, water and ammo...


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
Are yall noticing all these earthquakes and volcanoes blowing up around the world? Something big going to happen soon. I need to start a stash of food, water and ammo...


All green everything
May 6, 2012
My cock got a soft erection reading this thread :wow:
Jun 24, 2012
Vaccine Induced Immune Overload and the Epidemic of Chronic Autoimmune Childhood Disease
By Dr. Gary G. Kohls
Global Research, February 14, 2015
Theme: Science and Medicine
81 19


Most people in our vaccine-overloaded society knows of one or more families that have one or more children with chronic, supposedly incurable (but probably preventable) diseases that will need lifelong, regular, costly physician “management” and the highly probable use of potentially toxic, costly, synthetic, possibly dependency-inducing medications that can cause additional prescription drug-induced illnesses (that may further sicken the already-ill children).

The following peer-reviewed article convincingly implicates iatrogenic vaccine-induced immune overload as a highly likely, major cause of the current epidemic of chronic illnesses of childhood (and adulthood?) that has paralleled the enormous increase of childhood vaccinations over the past several decades – which have a variety of known cellular toxins in them (such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, neomycin, gentamycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B, polyethylene glycol (antifreeze), squalene, killed and/or live viruses, viral contaminants (some of which are carcinogenic), etc).

It Isn’t Just About Autism, Folks

The list of autoimmune disorders considered in this article includes such increasingly common chronic illnesses as type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, nonalcoholic fatty liver (= NASH = nonalcoholic steatohepatitis), autism spectrum disorders, asthma, food allergies, a variety of organ-specific autoimmune disorders (such as thyroiditis, vasculitis and autoimmune rheumatic diseases like SLE (lupus), rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and sarcoid), and metabolic syndrome (= obesity, type 2 diabetes/insulin resistance, hypertension, and dyslipidemia).

J. Barthelow Classen, MD, immunologist and the author of the present study says “since 1999 the routine pediatric immunization schedule has increased by 80 vaccines” (that number counts each strain of antigenic virus or bacteria that have been included in the new inoculants). Classen believes that “the sum of the data described and reviewed in this paper supports a causal relationship”. From the perspective of the tens of thousands of parents (since the “age of autism” began just just a few decades ago) who know for certain that their previously happy, developmentally normal infants were sickened shortly after routine vaccinations, Dr Classen’s powerful scientific research cannot be discounted, even with the expected media blitz that is expected from Big Pharma, the AMA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the AAFP, the CDC, the WHO and the various trade organizations that profit so mightily from the vaccine industry.

This important article was published exactly one year ago this week, on February 19, 2014, in the Journal of Molecular and Genetic Medicine. The entire original article and the 42 supporting journal references are available at: