Every spiritual plane has a universe. Even an atom can be it's own universe if you shrink down enough in size. Remember the scene in Men in Black where our entire universe was really just a marble? I've read that's how it really is. And then when you add in dimensions and the different octaves of each dimension....

you realize how much of a speck we really are. Our Big Bang was not unique. There are big bangs occurring all the time creating new universes, but there are also universes contracting all the time.... think of it as the Creator inhaling and exhaling.
The Vatican is hiding the true nature of existence and human potential. Ancient records and scrolls that contain the true knowledge of the universe completely shyt on the Vatican's teachings. If this knowledge gets out, the Vatican (and all organized religion) would collapse because people would see the higher truth and realize that religion is merely a control mechanism. You have to remember that the Bible itself was constructed by European men at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. They chose and left out specific books for a reason because the Bible was going to be their greatest tool of control. The Bible is not all

, but it's not to be read literally; it was written with metaphors and symbols that the people of that age would easily understand, but we've obviously long-forgotten how to decipher it.
But many people are re-awakening to the truth of the universe and are asking questions (this thread proves that); that's why organized religion is slowly being moved into the bushes.