Hours ago, "Glory of the Olive, Pope Benedict XVI", "one of the last survivors of Hitler's Army", announced he will resign within days.
Reason: "Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone" MUST NOW play "Last Pope Petrus Romanus or Peter the Roman", the illuminati script packaged as "St. Malachy's prophecy".
The "Peter the Roman" act is staged hours after the Los Angeles police manhunt for "black Dorner" becomes the first official target for drones in US soil.
This act staged days after virtual character "Dorner", a photoshop creation based on LL COOL J, was baptised by the illuminati.
An illuminati joke that goes beyond the legalized execution of US citizens without trial using drones, an edict passed the same time as "Dorner" was created.
Ultimately it is preliminary symbology for the core activity during the supervised race war, that MUST BE launched NOW (0): hunting down non-whites, starting with blacks and muslims.
The preliminaries: Genocide of Jews in III Reich 1933-1936 v the Genocide of non-whites 1988-2013 in the IV Reich (NATziO).
Differences are first of all a consequence of the different techniques used to brainwash the populace in the III and IV Reich.
We are just weeks from "Obama" detonation, immediately followed by edicts ordering the internment of non-whites.
First edicts will be for "black and muslim extremists".
The Reichstag & Race Card scripts
- eliminate organized armed resistence, silence the political opposition, consolidate the terror state, eliminate freedom of speech.
- get crowds.
Time to compare this process to the first edition.
a) III Reich:
One of the first acts of the nazis was the Reichstag fire 1933.
That act was solely part of the agenda "Eliminate opposition". The day after the nazis passed laws to intern "communists", the label used for any freedom loving person opposing the nazis.
b) IV Reich:
The Reichstag fire takes place over a period of six years:
- first OKC 1995, the only goal was to eliminate organized armed resistance (1).
- the second act, 911 2001.
911 had two main goals.
The first goal is similar to the Reichstag fire.
The second goal is related to the race card.
Race Card
a) III Reich:
Ethnic card is also played from the beginning.
1933-1936: the nazi government of Illuminati agent Hitler spent THREE years announcing the Holocaust.
Not to mention the fact that the nazis played the ethnic card from the very beginning, years BEFORE they took power.
b) IV Reich:
1995: OJ Simpson's "trial" is only a general rehearsal (2). Goal: test that when the time comes there will be no problems launching the supervised race war.
The ethnic card is played only at the very last moment, fully launched early 2013, 11 years after the Reichstag type of operations was completed, long after the political opposition was eliminated.
The second goal of 911 was indeed to prepare the ethnic card.
But paradoxically not by "internment of US and EU muslims in camps" but by the opposite agenda: "Islam is the religion of peace".
To get how the IV Reich played the race card the other way round as the III Reich you need to get the "911 race card" end times paradox.
911 Reichstag operation and the race card: an Illuminati End Times Paradox
The illuminati used a few pixels as CGI "planes" added by their mass media "live", fake "passengers" and mini-nukes using hydrogen to create 911 and blame it on "Osama Bin Laden" and the "islamists" (3).
So why was the second goal of the 911 agenda "Islam is the religion of peace" and not "internment of US and EU muslims in camps"?
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone as Peter the Roman, "C. Dorner" as first droned in US soil: last details in the BIG BANG stage
"911 race card" explained
Two main reasons:
1. Muslims (not to mention 20% non-whites in 2001) were already 4% of the population in the EU/USA, more than the percentage of Jewish population in Nazi Germany.
Yet in 2001 the critical mass required to successfully launch the supervised race war was not yet achieved.
The agenda that was to be advanced was still the "open borders", increasing the number of muslims and non-whites in the USA, EU, Canada, Australia and the rest of Illuminatziland with a majority of whites.
2. The reason why a much higher critical mass is required in the IV Reich than in the III Reich is simultaneously the second reason why after 911 the agenda was not "internment of muslims in camps" but the opposite: "Islam is the religion of peace".
That reason is the almost TOTAL lack of popular support for the illuminati (4), a consequence of illuminati tactics to brainwash the population that were diametrically different in the III and IV Reich (5).
So in the IV Reich the illuminati paradoxically fully play the race card:
- at a much later point, more precisely 2013, before the TOTAL collapse, what would correspond to the nazis in August 1943, after Stalinigrad and Kursk;
- much more intensely than Hitler: this time is NOT only the Jews but ALL non-whites.
(0) February 11, 2013: WHY the "Last Pope" and "Dorner" acts MUST be staged NOW
(1) OKC the general rehearsal for 911 - archived BEFORE 911
(2) OJ Simpson's "trial"
Differences between oj simpson and the other roles in the black cast for the ethnic civil war script ("Obama", Conrad Murray, Al Sharpton, Tiger Woods, etc) - Begin here: google
oj simpson illuminati
One of the results is the TRUTH:
Illuminati Agenda, illustrated with key acts of illuminati theater ...
9 May 2007 ... The circumstancial difference was that in the case of OJ Simpson the illuminati did not stage it from the beginning, i.e. the murders were ...
(3) 911 - Both Reichstag type AND race card paradox
(4) Nothing illustrates better TOTAL lack of popular support than the fact that the only crowds that the illuminati managed to get in white Illuminatziland were to cheer "black Obama".
Thanks to end time computers it is possible to multiply votes of McCain and "Romney" by a factor 11.
Thanks to murdering all the oppositors it is possible to stage "elections" in the EU areas where voting machines were not yet introduced and have the illuminati always win.
(5) Reminder: the illuminati tactics to control the population were diametrically different in the III and IV Reich:
- while the III Reich had the goal of world conquest based on mobilization (fanatic crowds, dozens of millions of soldiers as cannon fodder) ...
- ... the IV Reich has the goal of world conquest based on global genocide of 90% of the population, using smart weapons and a restricted number of brainwashed mercenaries.
Before the BIG BANG, here an example of how the illuminati packaged the same contents as Hitler - Hiring Ad for FEMA Camps
Compare the packaging difference in propaganda for butchers between:
- guards of FEMA camps ("Internment Resettlement Specialists") ;
- guards of nazi concentration camps about the "pigs that must be exterminated: jews, communists and the rest of the untermensch (sub-human)".
This is the exactly same packaging difference for human cattle about to be slaughtered, between those marching
- at the techno sound of the "Love Parade" in Berlin 2004;
- on "Heil Hitler" in the Condor Legion Victory Parade 1939.
As explained in 2004 by Last Prophet: