'ey, you're the most important man in this thread. What type of aesthetics are you going for?
If you're just tryna be cut up, keep doing hiit with your diet. Just make sure your diet is maintainable. I know you're well aware of that but I figured I'd just reinforce it for ya.
And yeah lifting is important to maintain your lean muscle mass but honestly I think hiit cardio and diet is more important for you at this point especially given your estimated body fat right now. Once you get to 15% body fat we'll adjust your plan and prioritize weights in the mix bcuz your body will have adjusted by then and you'll probably hit a plateau.
Also get yourself some good fat calipers
my bad just seeing this
Just trying to be lean first and msucular second. Im not too fussed about being massive, muscle wise. Its easier to stand out by being lean than anything else.
I agree HIIT cardio and diet are the big takeaways. I'll then get to more traditional bulking and cutting cycles when I'm bouncing between 10% bf and 15%