Come in here if you felt Avengers > TDKR

May 3, 2012
St louis
Whoopty do a kiddie popcorn movie did numbers...





hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012

1. The Avengers Is Simply More Fun: The Dark Knight Rises is funnier than previous batflicks, sure. But with writer/director Joss Whedon's witty dialogue, The Avengers acts like it knows it's a summer popcorn flick. Rises wants to be so much more (like an Oscar hopeful?) and can't quite pull off the balance between moments that are as light as The Cat's backflips and deadly serious as Bruce Wayne's time in The Pit.

2. The Dark Knight Was a Tough Act to Follow: And Rises couldn't quite do it. Now, Avengers only had to surpass Iron Man 2, Thor, Hulk, Captain America-and it did! No one really knew how The Avengers would actually work, but after a five-film buildup, the real feat was how effortless the whole thing felt. What scene in Rises is as cool as Iron Man brawling with Thor and Captain America stepping in to break it up? Answer: No scene is that cool.

3. Easter Eggs and Falafels: The quick glimpse of space titan Thanos at the end of The Avengers made us break open those dusty boxes of comics to search for clues on what's next. That's a big part of what makes Marvel's initiative so cool: As we get teases for the next film's plot we suddenly want to read all about it. That extra final scene at the falafel shop with no dialogue had everyone leaving the theatre with huge smiles.
The Dark Knight Rises pays off at the end with some serious twists, and( ok, i took the spolier out, but you saw Joseph Gordon Levitt in the trailer, he is only in the movie for one reason, you dont need to see the movie to know it. Which I havent). But isn't that what you expect from a Christopher Nolan flick, anyway?

4. Iron Man Is Easier to Talk To Than Batman: While Batman's screen time is the least of the films, we would like to think Christian Bale knew more Bruce Wayne time meant less growly line readings, which made parts of The Dark Knight seem unintentionally silly. Still, The Dark Knight Rises had plenty of good lines trampled by excessive pounding music or Bane's creepy breathing apparatus. Iron Man at worst sounds like a robot. A really awesome robot.

5. No Hulk: The Dark Knight Rises doesn't have a Hulk, or anything like it. It has a Gotham army of police, Bane, Anne Hathaway on a batcycle, a fusion bomb, an exploding football field, pain and sorrow, the League of Shadows, more social commentary than an episode of The Daily Show, but no Hulk. Strange how both films (and Transformers 3 before them) all came down to metropolis-smashing mayhem, but The Avengers topped the rest as Mark Ruffalo proclaimed "I'm always angry." And the Hulk proceeded to smash like he never smashed before. No superheroic climax has ever been such a crowd-pleaser.

i'll come back and debate scarjo vs. hathaway


All Star
May 1, 2012
These Kids

1. The Avengers Is Simply More Fun: The Dark Knight Rises is funnier than previous batflicks, sure. But with writer/director Joss Whedon's witty dialogue, The Avengers acts like it knows it's a summer popcorn flick. Rises wants to be so much more (like an Oscar hopeful?) and can't quite pull off the balance between moments that are as light as The Cat's backflips and deadly serious as Bruce Wayne's time in The Pit.

2. The Dark Knight Was a Tough Act to Follow: And Rises couldn't quite do it. Now, Avengers only had to surpass Iron Man 2, Thor, Hulk, Captain America-and it did! No one really knew how The Avengers would actually work, but after a five-film buildup, the real feat was how effortless the whole thing felt. What scene in Rises is as cool as Iron Man brawling with Thor and Captain America stepping in to break it up? Answer: No scene is that cool.

3. Easter Eggs and Falafels: The quick glimpse of space titan Thanos at the end of The Avengers made us break open those dusty boxes of comics to search for clues on what's next. That's a big part of what makes Marvel's initiative so cool: As we get teases for the next film's plot we suddenly want to read all about it. That extra final scene at the falafel shop with no dialogue had everyone leaving the theatre with huge smiles.
The Dark Knight Rises pays off at the end with some serious twists, and( ok, i took the spolier out, but you saw Joseph Gordon Levitt in the trailer, he is only in the movie for one reason, you dont need to see the movie to know it. Which I havent). But isn't that what you expect from a Christopher Nolan flick, anyway?

4. Iron Man Is Easier to Talk To Than Batman: While Batman's screen time is the least of the films, we would like to think Christian Bale knew more Bruce Wayne time meant less growly line readings, which made parts of The Dark Knight seem unintentionally silly. Still, The Dark Knight Rises had plenty of good lines trampled by excessive pounding music or Bane's creepy breathing apparatus. Iron Man at worst sounds like a robot. A really awesome robot.

5. No Hulk: The Dark Knight Rises doesn't have a Hulk, or anything like it. It has a Gotham army of police, Bane, Anne Hathaway on a batcycle, a fusion bomb, an exploding football field, pain and sorrow, the League of Shadows, more social commentary than an episode of The Daily Show, but no Hulk. Strange how both films (and Transformers 3 before them) all came down to metropolis-smashing mayhem, but The Avengers topped the rest as Mark Ruffalo proclaimed "I'm always angry." And the Hulk proceeded to smash like he never smashed before. No superheroic climax has ever been such a crowd-pleaser.

i'll come back and debate scarjo vs. hathaway
:piss: on 'em! :russ:

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:

1. The Avengers Is Simply More Fun: The Dark Knight Rises is funnier than previous batflicks, sure. But with writer/director Joss Whedon's witty dialogue, The Avengers acts like it knows it's a summer popcorn flick. Rises wants to be so much more (like an Oscar hopeful?) and can't quite pull off the balance between moments that are as light as The Cat's backflips and deadly serious as Bruce Wayne's time in The Pit.

2. The Dark Knight Was a Tough Act to Follow: And Rises couldn't quite do it. Now, Avengers only had to surpass Iron Man 2, Thor, Hulk, Captain America-and it did! No one really knew how The Avengers would actually work, but after a five-film buildup, the real feat was how effortless the whole thing felt. What scene in Rises is as cool as Iron Man brawling with Thor and Captain America stepping in to break it up? Answer: No scene is that cool.

3. Easter Eggs and Falafels: The quick glimpse of space titan Thanos at the end of The Avengers made us break open those dusty boxes of comics to search for clues on what's next. That's a big part of what makes Marvel's initiative so cool: As we get teases for the next film's plot we suddenly want to read all about it. That extra final scene at the falafel shop with no dialogue had everyone leaving the theatre with huge smiles.
The Dark Knight Rises pays off at the end with some serious twists, and( ok, i took the spolier out, but you saw Joseph Gordon Levitt in the trailer, he is only in the movie for one reason, you dont need to see the movie to know it. Which I havent). But isn't that what you expect from a Christopher Nolan flick, anyway?

4. Iron Man Is Easier to Talk To Than Batman: While Batman's screen time is the least of the films, we would like to think Christian Bale knew more Bruce Wayne time meant less growly line readings, which made parts of The Dark Knight seem unintentionally silly. Still, The Dark Knight Rises had plenty of good lines trampled by excessive pounding music or Bane's creepy breathing apparatus. Iron Man at worst sounds like a robot. A really awesome robot.

5. No Hulk: The Dark Knight Rises doesn't have a Hulk, or anything like it. It has a Gotham army of police, Bane, Anne Hathaway on a batcycle, a fusion bomb, an exploding football field, pain and sorrow, the League of Shadows, more social commentary than an episode of The Daily Show, but no Hulk. Strange how both films (and Transformers 3 before them) all came down to metropolis-smashing mayhem, but The Avengers topped the rest as Mark Ruffalo proclaimed "I'm always angry." And the Hulk proceeded to smash like he never smashed before. No superheroic climax has ever been such a crowd-pleaser.

i'll come back and debate scarjo vs. hathaway




All Star
May 24, 2012
trueness. that sequence where they jumped from hero to hero and finished it off w/ hulk pummeling loki was arguably the greatest action sequence in superhero film history. sensory overload

I was :gladbron: the whole fight

Batman is a brawler tho, can't expect the action to match the marvel immortals. Still tho, the bane fights where on point, his voice was too 3d... I think y'all know what i mean I think. Avengers was the better action film no doubt tho


May 1, 2012
trueness. that sequence where they jumped from hero to hero and finished it off w/ hulk pummeling loki was arguably the greatest action sequence in superhero film history. sensory overload

Cosign 100%. That shyt was incredible. While the ending to TDKR was damn good, the last 30/45 minutes of the Avengers was uncut piff.

I just hope Whedon didn't blow his load all on Avengers 1.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
I thought BB was a better film than TDK. Heath Ledger's performance just put that movie over the top. TDK dragged at the end, had some of the same direction issues TDKR had, and just generally didnt have a story as strong as BB.

For me its BB = TDK(just off the strength of Heath) >>>>>>>> TDKR.

Im still surprised so many people were satisfied with TDKR. I was very, very disappointed.

I'm tired of nikkas actin like Heath was the only one who killed it actin wise in TDK...Aaron Eckhart killed it too...


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
yup, Dark Knight lost, it didnt beat the Avengers, i dont want to hear sheit about a longer run time, or not being in 3-d, my i-max ticket ( which I got a refund for because movie theatre knew that it was out of line by kicking me out the theater) was 18 dollars, just like Avengers, or that people got scared and stayed home, naw, nicca, you lost, TAKE THAT L

If u think that shooting ain't effect TDKR sales u trippin....

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
I'm tired of nikkas actin like Heath was the only one who killed it actin wise in TDK...Aaron Eckhart killed it too...

Real talk though, Maggie Gyllinghall fukked it up for me though as Rachel. The Katie Holmes Rachel in Batman Begins was more fearless and seemed like she knew what she was doing. The Maggie Gyllinghall seemed like she was happy to just be along for the ride. I watched the first two back to back and that fukked it up for me...

And one other thing I didn't understand.....

Rachel KNEW Bruce Wayne was Batman, so why did he still disguise his voice when he was around her as Batman?

Eckhart was dope as Two/Face, but... didn't get to see that much of him.